You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 318: 318 You are such a wonderful flower!

After staying at Luo Yanyan's house for a day, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing left in the evening. When they were downstairs, they happened to meet Aunt Chen. Aunt Chen greeted her with great enthusiasm, especially when she saw Jian Yun pulling the wind next to her. When he was super running, his face was even more invisible.

"Why are you going back now? I'll talk to Yanyan again. I bought a lot of vegetables and will stay for dinner at night!" Aunt Chen took Jian Yun's hand and kept persuading them to stay for dinner.

"No, auntie, we have an appointment, come back another day." Wu Wenjing interrupted.

"Yeah, Auntie, come again next time, I really have something to do today!" Jian Yun couldn't bear the look Aunt Chen looked at her and hurriedly wanted to leave.

"What do you do another day, just today!" Aunt Chen said involuntarily, and she just pulled Jian Yun upstairs.

Jian Yun couldn't escape, so she turned her head to look at Wu Wenjing, telling her instinctively that Aunt Qin Dong wouldn't just be passionate about her for no reason, she must have something to do.

Wu Wenjing had naturally noticed it a long time ago. She winked at Jian Yun and stopped to refuse, and followed them upstairs.

Aunt Chen chatted with Jian Yun while walking, although she was only a parent, but she was covering Jian Yun both overtly and secretly. She asked her where she lived and where she lives now. Jian Yun didn’t know what her purpose was, she could only be vague To deal with.

Finally reached the door of Luo Yanyan's house. Aunt Chen opened the door with the key. Luo Yanyan was surprised when she saw Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing, "Didn't you say you have an appointment at night? Why did you come back?"

Jian Yun looked at Aunt Chen helplessly, Luo Yanyan raised her eyebrows, and before she asked, Aunt Chen already said with an agitated expression: "Yanyan, your classmate came to see you, why didn't you leave anyone to eat? Fortunately, I happened to come back and met, otherwise people would know it, and thought our family was neglecting the guests!"

After all, Aunt Chen couldn't help but said, let Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing accompany Luo Yanyan, and then pulled Luo Yanyan to mutter a few words, then she went into the kitchen and went to work.

"What's the matter?" Jian Yun asked Luo Yanyan with her mouth.

"Sit down and say!" Luo Yanyan greeted Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing to sit down, then looked at Jian Yun and sighed, "I didn't want to say anything, but since I ran into it, let me tell you."

"Really something?" Jian Yun's eyes widened, confused, "But what can I do?"

"I'm not looking for you!" Luo Yanyan curled her lips, pointed her chin to the kitchen, and whispered: "Just last time you came, didn't you receive a call from your handsome Huo? She heard what we were saying and knew it was Huo. Liancheng asked me who Huo Liancheng was, and I didn't care, so I told her, and asked her to search the Internet by herself, and then she was worried!"

"Did you miss it?" Jian Yun twitched his eyes and asked with a tangled look: "Is she also a fan of Huo Liancheng? A crush on Huo Liancheng? Want to see Huo Liancheng or what?"

"Hey!" Luo Yanyan was thinking about how to say what Aunt Chen had entrusted. When she heard Jian Yun's words, she suddenly sprayed, "I said, Jian Yun, although your handsome Huo is deadly handsome, But the auntie is almost fifty..."

"What are you going to do?" Wu Wenjing took a sip of milk and suddenly said, "Isn't it because you want to go through the back door?"

"Go the back door? What back door?" Jian Yun was even more confused.

"Stupid!" Luo Yanyan pointed at Jian Yun, "I'm not stupid in pregnancy, why are you stupid? Looking for handsome Huo Da, it is nothing more than to enter the Ming family."

"Jin Ming's? Then he can apply for the job himself, so why look for someone?" Jian Yun couldn't understand.

"It would be great if I could apply," Luo Yanyan sighed. "Qin Dong's cousin is a little autistic. He doesn't communicate with people very much. He stammers when he goes out to apply. No one wants him. I am getting more and more inferior."

Jian Yun couldn't help holding his forehead when he heard the words, "It's useless to find Huo Liancheng. You don't know him, he is meticulous in his work. He can't ask for a useless person."

"Useful and useful! Miss Jian, don't get me wrong!" Luo Yanyan didn't say anything. Aunt Chen, who had been busy in the kitchen, suddenly ran out and said excitedly: "Although my Xiaotao can't get along with people, he really He is a genius, he is very good at computer, really!"

"Computer?" Jian Yun looked at Luo Yanyan. Now everyone knows how to use a computer. She doesn't know what Aunt Chen is talking about. Moreover, Aunt Chen has obviously been listening to them. What she just said...

Hey, so shameful.

"Really, Li Tao studied computer at university. He is indeed a genius in this area. There are many kinds of programming, Jian Yun, I can guarantee that." Luo Yanyan said seriously, "Or, go and ask. Are there things that don’t need to be communicated with people, related to computers, let him try?"

"Miss Jane, please, my Xiaotao is really amazing, because he was beaten up by his dad a lot since he was a child, so he was autistic. He couldn't find a job when he went out to find a job. His condition would be more serious all the time at home, please. Can you give him a chance?" Aunt Chen also begged.

Jian Yun was helpless and entangled, "Auntie, I can only go back and ask, but I can't guarantee the details."

"It's okay, just ask, it doesn't matter if there is, it doesn't matter if I don't have it, I am also in a hurry to go to the doctor, I want to try if I catch the opportunity." Aunt Chen wiped her face and smiled: "I'm going to cook."

Aunt Chen went into the kitchen again. Jian Yun looked at Luo Yanyan. Luo Yanyan shrugged and said in a low voice: "Usually very tough, just like Qin Dong's mother, but when he mentions his son, it won't work. Ah, poor. Parents in the world. Li Tao shows talent. It is really a pity. His dad is a drunkard. He has been beaten since he was a child. This kid has been timid and autistic since he was a child, but he is very smart. Next time you come, I will call him too. Jian Yun, you don’t have to be under pressure, you can help as long as you can, and it’s okay if you can’t!"

"I will try my best!" Jian Jun lowered his head and thought, feeling that this matter does not have to disturb Huo Liancheng at all.

Aunt Chen did very well, but Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing had a bit of a bad meal. Because Aunt Chen shed tears while eating, she kept talking about her son, and Jian Yun felt a little sympathy for her. Up.

It seems that no matter what kind of family, the lack of paternal love will affect the growth of the child. If the father is still an alcoholic like Aunt Chen’s husband, who can do nothing outside, he can only find a sense of presence at home, beat his wife and beat his son, then Children growing up in such a family are destined to be tragic.

After eating, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing said goodbye. In the car, she couldn't help but sighed, "Wu Wenjing, I think you are really a weird thing now!"

"Hey, hey, how can I provoke you, how can I scold someone!" Wu Wenjing was dissatisfied.

"Obviously praise you!" Jian Yun took the time to touch Wu Wenjing's head, and exclaimed: "Look at you, how good you are!"

In fact, what Jian Yun wanted to say was that Wu Wenjing's parents didn't care about her since she was a child. She relied entirely on her own. It's really amazing to live like this.

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