You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 320: 320 It's a scam

"Hey! Playing as a gangster!" Jian Yun was ashamed and embarrassed, reaching out to block Huo Liancheng, arching desperately, not wanting him to succeed.

"How can this be called a hooligan?" Huo Liancheng was dissatisfied. He pulled Jian Yun's face and looked down at her, "Can you cooperate a little bit!"

"How to cooperate?" Jian Yun turned to look at him, his big eyes sparkling, like beautiful black diamonds.

"You've seen that kind of movie, just like there..." Huo Liancheng's eyes darkened, his big hands moved irregularly, his lips lingering beside Jian Yun's ears.

Jian Yun heard that she was embarrassed and she couldn’t lift her eyelids. She had seen those movies, but she was still curious to watch them with her roommates in college. At that time, they were still able to laugh and discuss technology and Posture or something, but now it was her turn, she couldn't let go.

Huo Liancheng was very patient, and after coaxing and coaxing, Jian Yun nodded and responded to him jerky...

Strong affection, charming and touching, when the love reached the strongest point, both of them opened themselves. Huo Liancheng walked away from Jian Yunnei and was about to attack the city. Suddenly, he was caught by a bright red sting in front of him, and his movements suddenly stopped. .

"What's the matter?" Jian Yun was panting, seeing Huo Liancheng stop and couldn't help but open his eyes to look over, but found that Huo Liancheng had a strange face and was staring at her.

Jian Yun's face is still thinner. Although she has been in close contact many times, she is still very unaccustomed to being stared at.

"What are you looking at?" Jian Yun got up and followed along.

At this look, she was stunned, why is it red?

"Where are you bleeding?" Jian Yun looked up at Huo Liancheng.

The corner of Huo Liancheng's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly: "It's obviously blood under you! This is your inner!"

Jian Yun blinked, and then lowered her head again. Now she fully reacted. Her eldest aunt reported in advance. Jian Yun pursed her mouth immediately and forced her laugh.

"Laughing! Isn't it time? Why did you come early?" Huo Liancheng annoyed, he really wants to beat people now, his brother Zhengxiong is ready to go, he didn't expect the target to appear obstacles, it is really fatal!

"I don't know, it's probably messed up taking medicine." Jian Yun smiled so hard, she got up, wrapped her clothes and rushed to the bathroom.

Two minutes later, Jian Yun came out of the bathroom, but found that Huo Liancheng was waiting outside the bathroom door.

"Ah, why?" Jian Yun just wanted to ask him if he was going to take a shower, but he was picked up again and put on the sofa again. She suddenly became nervous and reached out to push Huo Liancheng, "Hey, The aunt is here, are you still here? You won't be such a beast, are you!"

Huo Liancheng caught Jian Yun's hand and rubbed her face with her chin, "Help me!"

Jian Yun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he wasn't thinking about it, but then looked at him inexplicably, "How can I help you?"

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun, his eyes dark as if ink could drip out, he stretched out his hand and pointed his slender index finger on Jian Yun's lips, "Help me so!"

Jian Yun was startled, his face flushed, and immediately became angry, "Why are you so shameless! I don't want it!"

Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows and said rascally: "Why is this shameless? Didn't I give you that too? Don't you like it very much?"

Jian Yun's face was red and purple, her mouth was bulging, and she couldn't say anything to refute, she could only stare at Huo Liancheng angrily, and wanted to say that he wanted to give her the one, which was not what she wanted!

But she also knows that saying this is nothing but saying that, but if she wants her to do that, she can't accept it mentally!

"It must be the first time, be good, I took a shower..." Seeing Jian Yun's expression loosened, Huo Liancheng suddenly brightened his eyes and summoned her strength to coax her.

Jian Yun was very embarrassed, but in the end she couldn't help Huo Liancheng, she still obeyed him...

When everything was over, Jian Yun only felt that the cheeks were sore, she swears that she will never believe his nonsense again!

Jian Yun rinsed her mouth several times before she felt the smell disappeared. Seeing Huo Liancheng staring at her and smiling, she couldn't help but screamed and didn't want to pay attention to him.

But Huo Liancheng obviously didn't want to let go of the opportunity to play Jianyun. He sat on the sofa with her hugging her and asked, "What is the relationship between the person you talked to Cheng Muze and you?"

Jian Yun blinked, “It’s nothing to do with me, it’s Luo Yanyan’s husband’s cousin. When I went to her house yesterday, Aunt Qin Dong asked to ask for help, saying that this child has autism, but he is indeed a computer expert. Thinking about asking Cheng Muze."

Huo Liancheng nodded, "Then why don't you tell me directly?"

"It's such a small matter, what are you doing?" Jian Yun hesitated, put his arms around Huo Liancheng's neck, and asked in a low voice: "Do you want to buy any company recently?"

Huo Liancheng was playing with Jian Yun's hair. Hearing this, Jian eyebrows were raised, and he asked in surprise, "Why do you care about this suddenly?"

Jian Yun bit her lower lip, lowered her eyes, and said with some embarrassment, "It's not that I care, I'm helping someone ask."

"Who?" Huo Liancheng raised Jian Yun's chin and asked her to look his eyes directly.

"My dad." Jian Yun did not hide, and faithfully relayed what Jian Dongming said on the phone yesterday.

"Your father's company?" Huo Liancheng frowned, his expression a little weird, "Is it called Shun Mao?"

"Yes!" Jian Yun nodded quickly.

Now Huo Liancheng's eyes were even more weird, he looked at Jian Yun with an expression of hesitation.

"If you have anything, just say it, don't worry about it." Jian Yun remembered Ouyang Fei's words and asked her not to interfere with Huo Liancheng's decision. She also understood that he was the leader of the company after all, and the company to be acquired must also be evaluated. , No cat or dog can get into his eyes.

"I said you can't be angry!" Huo Liancheng was still considering.

"I'm not angry!" Jian Yun had almost guessed it in her heart, but she still wanted to hear what he thought from Huo Liancheng's mouth.

"Your father did find me before, but did you know that his company only has an empty shell?" Huo Liancheng told the truth.

When Jian Dongming asked him when he was not in the country, he sent someone to deal with it. After an investigation, he found that the company that Jian Dongming wanted to sell had been losing money for years and owed a bank loan of tens of millions, even though the money was not worth it to him. Mentioned, but the acquisition of the company also requires the approval of the board of directors, so he did not agree. He did not expect Jian Dongming to want Jian Yun to be a lobbyist, and wanted to use this method to arbitrage money.

"It's really an empty shell?" Jian Yun was shocked. She knew that the Jian family's company was not profitable, but she didn't expect it to be so serious. "Then my dad would think--"

When Jian Yun said this, he suddenly had a meal. Dad knew that the company was heavily indebted, and he wanted Huo Liancheng to pay for the acquisition. Wasn't the purpose of this clearly meant to cheat money?

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