You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 321: 321 photos were exposed

"Do you want me to buy it?" Huo Liancheng stroked Jian Yun's cheek with his fingertips, stared at her with deep eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "If you want, I can help him!"

At that time, Jian Yun was sitting on Huo Liancheng's lap, her whole body nestled in his arms. After hearing this, she thought about it, but shook her head, "No need!"

"What?" Astonishment flashed in Huo Liancheng's eyes, he didn't expect Jian Yun to refuse.

"My father is different from before. He hasn't been running the company at all in these years. The company's bankruptcy is inevitable. What's more, he took the money to raise Lin Rong's family!" Jian Yun leaned on Huo Liancheng's shoulder and said with a sneer: "If I helped him, it would be equivalent to helping Lin Rong!"

"What is it?" Huo Liancheng asked.

"Of course!" Jian Yun was actually very entangled. On the one hand, she was worried that Jian Dong clearly needed money, but she also felt that his wanting to sell the shell company was too shameless. It was obvious that she wanted to use her relationship with Huo Liancheng.

Seeing Huo Liancheng's unbelief, Jian Yun blinked, kissed him, and laughed mischievously: "I'm married to you, and you are yours. Naturally, I consider your interests first. If your family's affection is there, If you can help, if you just use family affection, I won't care!"

Huo Liancheng was obviously pleased by Jian Yun's words. His dark eyes lit up and the smile on the corners of his mouth was charming. He couldn't help kissing Jian Yun again, "Finally admit that you are mine!"

Jian Yun didn't think so much just now, she directly said what she was thinking in her heart. At this moment, Huo Liancheng looked at her with such a look. Her face couldn't help but become hot again. She lowered her eyelashes in embarrassment. I can't open my eyes anymore.

"I love you!" Huo Liancheng only felt a rush of heat explode on his body, his blood swelling, and he couldn't wait to swallow the most delicious person in front of him.

Jian Yun's eyelashes trembled, she raised her head, quickly glanced at the man who was staring at her deeply, and then dropped her eyes again, buried her face on Huo Liancheng's shoulders, her heart beating fast.

Although Huo Liancheng was a little disappointed not to hear Jian Yun’s response, he felt that his relationship with Jian Yun had progressed very well recently. This girl was finally able to communicate with him freely, no longer dodge and evade like before, and was willing Have an intimate exercise with him.

She is a slow temper, so that is already very good. As for the three words he wants to hear, let her give her some time. After the precipitation of time, it is better than a perfunctory answer.

At this moment, Jian Yun also knew that if he could say those three words, Huo Liancheng would be very happy, but she still couldn't say those three words, it was as if the tongue was caught by something. .

"Me," Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng's silence, and she quickly opened her mouth.

"I'm not in a hurry! I've been waiting for so many years, so I'm not in a hurry at this moment, but don't let me down!" Huo Liancheng kissed Jian Yun and refused to let her speak.

Jian Yun fixedly looked at Huo Liancheng, because his words made her heart jump wildly again.

"Don't look at me like that, I won't be able to hold it!" The veins on Huo Liancheng's head started to bounce. He felt that he should take a cold shower, otherwise this long night would be impossible!

Jian Yun pursed her lips, and then changed the subject, "Well, I am not pregnant this time, but you are not allowed to go for sterilization!"

"Why?" Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows.

"I always think that the sterilization is done by dogs and cats. How can a man go for sterilization? It sounds weird!" Jian Yun pouted.

Huo Liancheng pinched Jian Yun's nose, "You are scolding me by changing the law!"

"Haha, no!" Jian Yun grabbed Huo Liancheng's hand and smiled to avoid it. She suddenly remembered a question, "By the way, my father's company, should I tell him myself?"

Huo Liancheng stroked Jian Yun's cheeks, he really liked her more and more, "No, if he calls you again, you just told me, I will arrange for someone to do it." After a pause, he Asked again: "Really not helping your father?"

"No help!" Jian Yun resolutely shook her head, after thinking about it, she said again: "For so many years, he has also been indifferent to my mother and me, but he is responsive to Lin Rong's family. How much does Lin Lanlan spend studying in the United States for a year? One hundred thousand and millions. Last time my mother was seriously injured, I didn't have the money to find him, and he didn't care."

Speaking of this, Jian Yun sneered, "In his heart, there is no place for me and mother at all, and now he comes to me only because something is wrong!"

"Girl, the grievance is great!" Huo Liancheng patted Jian Yun's face and squinted his eyes: "Remember, I only care about you! I don't care what others think of me, as long as you are happy!"

Jian Yun raised her long eyelashes, her **** eyes were shining brightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up, her heart as sweet as honey.

After thinking about it, she lay beside Huo Liancheng's ear and said softly: "Me too, except for my mother, I care about you!"

As soon as Huo Liancheng's forehead exploded, he suddenly pushed Jian Yun away and rushed towards the bathroom when he got up.

Jian Yun was taken aback for a moment, and exclaimed, "Are you urinating urgently?"

"Piss you!" Huo Liancheng was furious.

Jian Yun quickly put on his clothes and followed, but saw Huo Liancheng taking a shower in the cold water. Just as she wanted to ask why he was taking a cold water bath, her eyes fell on his fighting-spirited brother, and she suddenly leaned forward and back with a smile, almost laughing.

"Bad girl, wait for me!" Huo Liancheng glared at Jian Yun.

"Okay, I'll clean it, waiting for you on the bed!" Jian Yun deliberately stimulated Huo Liancheng, and then ran away before he became angry.

On Monday morning, it was always the busiest. The office where Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng went together, Cheng Muze had already arrived, and was using his mobile phone to scan Weibo. Jian Yun approached and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Just now, Xiaomei Wu told me that the gossip blogger is going to break a big news today. I'm waiting to see it!" Cheng Muze said with a smile.

"Yeah, if you don't tell me, I have forgotten that the bloggers used to explode with fierce news. They were all those celebrities. They played on the expensive team and absorbed the reading team. I don't know who is going to explode this time." Jian Yun also came. When I got interested, I took out my phone and followed.

"Give me a reminder, it's not in the entertainment industry, but it's definitely a super heavyweight, and everyone will know it when you say it!" Cheng Muze tweeted a few times, "Young and handsome and rich in gold, usually there is almost no scandal. Huh, how do I feel Like talking about the fourth brother?"

When Jian Yun heard the words, her heart jumped suddenly, and she frowned, "It looks like this description does."

Cheng Muze frowned and was about to order Huo's people to check it out. At this time, Zhang Xiaolin came to inform that there would be a regular meeting of the president every Monday. Cheng Muze only had time to make a call and saw Huo Liancheng out of the office, so she quickly packed up. The document picked up the hand and followed it.

Jian Yun is only Cheng Muze's assistant, so she doesn't need to attend the regular meeting. She saw that the company's senior executives came into the meeting room, so she sat down and started to deal with the work.

At about ten o'clock, Jian Yun received a call from Wu Wenjing. As soon as she answered, she was shocked by Wu Wenjing’s high-decibel voice, "Jian Yun, have you read Weibo? It’s the stereotyped blogger I saw on Monday. , See if that photo is you and Mr. Huo!"

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