You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 322: 322 Besieged

"Photo?" Jian Yun didn't react at first.

"Look at WeChat!" Wu Wenjing was anxious.

A few seconds later, Jian Yun's mobile phone WeChat prompt sounded, she clicked on it, and Wu Wenjing sent her some photos.

Jian Yun almost recognized Huo Liancheng at a glance. He was so dazzling, like a natural king, no matter where he was, he couldn't hide his aura of living with him. At the moment, he is standing in a tree in the photo. Next, she was embracing the petite woman with her arms wide open, her head slightly lowered, her face was handsome, and she seemed to be listening to the woman's words, and the corners of her eyes and eyebrows were filled with a gentle smile.

The other photo shows Huo Liancheng and the woman kissing, but the photo was obviously taken secretly, far away. In order to highlight the two people, the background was blurred, but Jian Yun would never recognize it. Out of her own.

Moreover, she also remembered that this photo should have been taken outside the community where Luo Yanyan’s family lived, that is, last week. They had just returned from Xinbei District. She and Wu Wenjing went to see Luo Yanyan. Huo Liancheng came to pick her up...

"Woo!" Jian Yun couldn't help holding his forehead.

It was secretly photographed!

It turned out that I saw you on Monday and said that I was going to explode an extra-large gossip, a super heavyweight, referring to Huoliancheng!

Jian Yun couldn't tell what he was feeling now, but Wu Wenjing couldn't hear Jian Yun talking for a long time, and yelled on the other side of the phone, "Hey, Jian Yun, let me tell you, someone has already posted under that gossip blogger. , Your identity has been exposed. Don’t go out today. It is estimated that a large number of reporters will squat outside to guard you. Is President Huo still in a meeting? When he comes out, tell him to find a way."

"Exposure of my identity?" Jian Yun was surprised when he heard the words, "Name, address, ID card?"

Wu Wenjing was a little frustrated, "More than that! And where did you study from elementary school to university, and talked about a few boyfriends, and even a few people in your family posted them."

"Who knows me so?" Jian Yun frowned, a deep sense of disgust in his heart.

"More than that, and even your dancing in the nightclub was picked up, hey, Jian Yun, you are famous!" Wu Wenjing began to worry, "Don't go to Weibo, there are so many people who sore you, I see I can't stand it anymore!"

"I have seen it!" Jian Yun looked at the Weibo page opened on the computer. At this time, her pretty face was completely black. She also liked to watch Weibo before and had seen the keyboard man's curse skills, but at that time It was to scold those celebrities, she just watched the excitement. Now it was her turn to be the protagonist, which felt different. Seeing the full screen of comments scolding her, she only felt that she was about to explode.

What's all this? Some people call her ugly, five short stature, short legs and flat legs, and some are even more personal attacks, even her parents were scolded...

Jian Yun couldn't stand it anymore, and directly clicked.

Wu Wenjing hushed and comforted a few times over there: "Don't worry about these keyboard guys. They can only find their presence in the virtual network. Maybe the one who scolds you the most is the most failed loser in life!"

"Don't care, it's just being wronged!" Jian Yun scratched his head, "I won't tell you, I have a phone call."

Jian Yun hung up Wu Wenjing's phone, looked down at the caller ID, raised an eyebrow, and it turned out to be Xu Haiyang.

"Hello?" Jian Yun hesitated before answering the call, Xu Haiyang's voice was a little anxious.

"Yunduo, have you read Weibo? Your relationship with him has been exposed." Xu Haiyang said.

"I see." Jian Yun didn't know what Xu Haiyang's purpose was for calling, and his tone was a little weak.

"Don’t get me wrong, I’m just worried about you. Just now, some students recognized you and told me that they saw Huo Liancheng's fans on Weibo saying that they wanted to go to human flesh, and they wanted to find you. They were very radical when they spoke. , You have to be careful when you go out." Xu Haiyang said worriedly.

Jian Yun fell silent and said softly: "Thank you!"

Xu Haiyang didn't say any more. After Jian Yun hung up the phone, she only felt upset. What the **** was this? Someone would come to trouble her and have a relationship. How could she be like a mouse crossing the street?

Jian Yun didn’t have any thoughts to deal with the work. He only waited anxiously for Huo Liancheng’s return. However, the president’s regular meeting this morning took a long time and ended at noon. But the regular meeting was over. Huo Liancheng did not come back. Went out with a few senior executives.

Cheng Muze was not there either. Jian Yun didn’t even have a person to discuss. Huo Liancheng and Cheng Muze couldn’t get through on the phone. She just left it alone. Wu Wenjing brought the lunch to Jian Yun. At the same time, she showed Jian Yun the crowds outside the Ming clan’s gate. , All reporters with guns and guns and pictures of women in groups.

Jian Yun couldn't help but slapped his tongue, "Is it that exaggerated?"

"Of course, this is Huo Liancheng! The world's most valuable diamond bachelor, and you are his only girlfriend exposed for so many years, these media are like crazy!" Wu Wenjing said while eating.

"He can't get through. He usually calls for a while, and he can't contact him when there is something!" Jian Yun has no appetite at all. Although she is not worried about the relationship being exposed, she still feels annoying.

"It seems to indicate that the second generation ancestor of the clan was betting with people outside. He lost the equity gambling in his hand. The old man Ming had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital. Huo and the others should have passed." Wu Wenjing said .

Jian Yun curled his lips, "It's the prince again!"

"The equity is gone, it's hard to tell if it's a prince!" Wu Wenjing squeezed his eyes.

Huo Liancheng didn’t come back until he got off work in the afternoon. The phone got through, but no one answered. Jian Yun didn’t go downstairs, but a few close colleagues sent her messages to make her be careful. There were too many people outside. .

Until it got dark and the media didn't break up, Jian Yun couldn't spend the night at the company. Seeing that it was almost eight o'clock, she finally received a call from Huo Liancheng.

"The phone got off the car. I just saw the news. Where are you now?" Huo Liancheng's voice was very anxious.

"I'm still in the company." Jian Yun was originally angry that Huo Liancheng would not answer the phone all day, but when he heard his voice, the breath disappeared, his nose was sour, and his voice was dull.

"I'll come here right away! Wait for me!" Huo Liancheng said and hung up the phone.

Wu Wenjing has been with Jian Yun all the time, and then asked her: "Mr Huo is coming?"

Jian Yun nodded.

"Hey, it seems that you are destined to be exposed. Otherwise, how can so many things come together? Although someone is dealing with it soon, the gossip blogger also deleted the blog, but the spread is too fast. If you deal with it just after the exposure, it is estimated that it will not be like this." Wu Wenjing sighed.

Jian Yun was lying on the table. The worry and boredom of the afternoon made her very tired. It was not until fifteen minutes later, when she heard the sound of the elevator, that she turned her head and saw the tall man hurriedly approaching her.

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