You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 323: 323 I Love Jane Jun

When Huo Liancheng saw that Jian Yun was still there, he was obviously relieved. After walking a few steps, Jian Yun also got up to meet him and plunged his head into his arms. The familiar embrace and familiar breath made her chaotic heart instantly settled. Down.

"Sorry, things are crowded together, it was too busy today." Huo Liancheng apologized, his voice also a little frustrated.

Jian Yun looked up at him, blinked, and asked, "Are the people scattered outside?"

"No!" Huo Liancheng frowned, and his tone became cold. "These wastes! These things can't be handled well!"

A group of men in black suits following Huo Liancheng tremblingly, an older man immediately stepped forward and bowed down respectfully in front of Huo Liancheng, "Huo Shao, we have processed it. All the photos on the Internet are It's invalid. As long as this topic is involved, it will be blocked."

"Idiot, those photos must have been saved to the phone a long time ago, can you block everyone's phones?" Huo Liancheng said angrily.

The black suit lowered his head and dared not say any more, but the cold sweat on his forehead dripped like rain.

Jian Yun pulled Huo Liancheng's sleeve, "Forget it, it's already exposed, saying it's useless."

"Yes, Huo, let's just leave it alone. If there is no response in a few days, the heat will go down." Wu Wenjing also said to the side: "These celebrities gossip is like this, and it lasts a week at most."

Huo Liancheng gritted his teeth and didn't speak any more. He reached out and picked up Jian Yun's bag on the table, "Go."

Jian Yun snuggled in Huo Liancheng's arms and followed him into the elevator. Wu Wenjing subconsciously wanted to follow, but was blocked by a black suit. She could only pause and follow the others to take another elevator down.

In the elevator, Jian Yun looked at the falling numbers, then at Huo Liancheng's stern handsome face, and asked worriedly: "Are you angry?"

Huo Liancheng looked down at Jian Yun, then shook his head, "No."

"How do you end this? Or, you send a statement saying that we have broken up? Say I am just one of your many women?" Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng an idea.

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun coldly, "Do you think it is feasible?"

Jian Yun curled his lips, "How else? I can't admit it directly!"

"This idea is not bad!" Huo Liancheng nodded and said seriously.

Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a glance, and she didn't know. Why did he want to be public so much? There is no benefit to publicity. Now just exposing her to be a woman has attracted such big public attention, and anyone who scolds her can go around the earth. Circle, if they reveal the fact that they are already married again, she might be drowned in saliva.

During the conversation, the elevator had stopped at the basement level. This was the parking lot. Just as Jian Yun wanted to speak, he was suddenly embraced by Huo Liancheng.

"Hush, don't talk!" Huo Liancheng whispered in Jian Yun's ear.

Immediately, Jian Yun heard the sound of the elevator door opening, accompanied by a dense sound of flashing flashes. Jian Yun freed an eye from Huo Liancheng's arms and looked over, and was immediately dazzled by the dazzling flash. Closed eyes.

Many people, many cameras!

Jian Yun was shocked. This was even bigger than the besieged scene of superstars she saw. Huo Liancheng is only a businessman, not a mixed entertainment circle. Are these media?

"Mr. Huo, is the lady in your arms Miss Jian? What is your relationship with her? Is it a boyfriend or a boyfriend?"

"Mr. Huo, I heard that Ms. Jian used to be a freshman at the Qing University. How did you meet each other? It's really like rumors on the Internet. Did you give her money and buy her?"

"Mr. Huo, does your family have any opinion on finding you a commoner woman?"


Jian Yun didn't dare to raise his face anymore, where the news came from these reporters? Why do you squirt!

Huo Liancheng did not respond to these questions. He put his arms around Jian Yun, and dozens of black suits were scattered around him, forming a wall of people, blocking the reporters from layers and preventing them from getting close to Huo Liancheng. Here comes the car, it's a Rolls Royce.

"Get in the car!" The black suit opened the door, and Huo Liancheng stuffed Jian Yun in. He immediately got in the car. The door closed, isolating all the flashing lights. The black suit separated the crowd, and the car whistled away.

In the car, Jian Yun wiped the sweat from his head, shocked.

"Sister Jane, are you scared?" Cheng Muze, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned his head and asked with a smile.

"Yeah, it's scary!" Jian Yun had a lingering fear and turned to look at Huo Liancheng, "It's a pity that you didn't enter the entertainment circle!"

"You can't escape wherever I go!" Huo Liancheng said casually while looking out the car window.

Jian Yun twitched the corners of her mouth, and suddenly remembered that Wu Wenjing was still behind. She looked back quickly, but could only see a dazzling flash, "Where is Wu Wenjing? I have been with me just now."

"I asked Zuo Qi to take her home." Huo Liancheng stretched out his hand to embrace Jian Yun as he spoke, and pushed her into his arms again.

"What are you doing?" Jian Yun looked at him.

"Putting!" Huo Liancheng said.

Jian Yun immediately noticed that someone in front of the car was secretly afraid of them, so she happened to take a picture of Huo Liancheng holding her in his arms.

"Fourth brother, it's better than you two and let it go public!" Cheng Muze couldn't help sighing as he watched the crowded reporters outside the car and the fans of Huo Liancheng.

Huo Liancheng didn't speak, but looked at Jian Yun. Jian Yun also looked at him. The two of them met. Huo Liancheng's eyes were hot, but Jian Yun began to dodge.

"Fourth brother, I saw it at home too, you can't get through with your mobile phone, so you call me here!" Cheng Muze said.

"Don't pay any attention!" Huo Liancheng said coldly.

"What about the media? They are all asking, how to answer?" Cheng Muze asked again.

"Temporarily silent!" Huo Liancheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and he glanced at Jian Yun who was silent in his arms.

"it is good!"

When Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng finally made a way back home, she was almost exhausted, not physically tired, but mentally tired.

After taking a shower, Jian Yun saw that Huo Liancheng was sitting on the sofa watching something with her mobile phone. She also sat down, picked up her mobile phone and swiped up her Weibo, only to find out that her Weibo account was actually human beings. Only a few hours after she came out, there have been hundreds of thousands of messages. Looking at it, almost 98% are scolding her, and one% is that Huo Liancheng is blind.

Looking at these messages, Jian Yun's angry nose was about to smoke.

Fortunately, there are two or three people who are supporting her, saying that she is good and worthy of Huo Liancheng’s love, but Jian Yun is very familiar with the account. One of them is called Dabobo, and the other is called Yanzihuakai, jumping up and down, almost fighting with the host on every floor. She was so happy, she knew it was Wu Wenjing and Luo Yanyan as soon as she guessed it.

But there is another account that is also very active, and the name is Jian Yun's supporter-support Jian Yun!

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