You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 324: 324 Waiting for the Husband

Jian Yun felt that there was no one with such a straightforward name!

Today, the hot searches on Weibo were all occupied by Huo Liancheng, but after all, there are few pitiful pictures of him. Even if it is a Reuters photo, it is a vague back view, and there are very few frontal photos showing his face. In this way, it still attracts many fans, because his resume is really wonderful, his worth is too high, and his aura is too strong.

Jian Yun spent a day on Weibo, and in the evening it was a general idea of ​​Huo Liancheng’s past experience. Those fans were so crazy that they could even dig out things about him when he was studying. For a while, countless women jumped out to say It was his ex-girlfriend who also revealed privacy.

However, Jian Yun didn't believe it very much, because she knew Huo Liancheng's taste relatively well, and even a woman who had been involved with him would definitely not come out so superficially at this time.

In just a few minutes, Jian Yun received countless comments on Weibo, as well as various private messages, and her mobile phone crashed directly.

While waiting for the phone to restart, Jian Yun leaned over to Huo Liancheng to see what he was doing so attentively.

However, at this look, Jian Yun frowned, because she found that Huo Liancheng was replying to a message. She looked at it again, and the corners of her mouth suddenly twitched. President Huo Da was clearly scolding with netizens, as long as she was scolded. The netizen of, he scolded back, and his words were fierce, and he didn't care about his identity. It was different from his usual high-cold image, and the trumpet he used was the straightforward "I love Jane Yun" just now.

"..." Jian Yun covered his face.

"While going to play, don't hinder me!" Huo Liancheng pushed Jian Yun.

"Are you bored?" Jian Yun didn't move away, but leaned on Huo Liancheng and asked with his arms around his neck.

"You don't allow me to make it public, what can I do?" Huo Liancheng quickly typed with his fingers, speaking full of resentment.

Because of his straightforward account name, and maintaining Jian Yun everywhere, his small Weibo homepage has also been besieged by netizens, all kinds of abuse, but President Huo Da is not concerned and is still active in scolding with netizens.

Jian Yun curled his mouth, rolled his eyes, and suddenly crawled away. He picked up his mobile phone, turned on the camera, pinpointed the angle, and wiped the card against Huo Liancheng to take several photos.

Huo Liancheng looked up, "What are you doing?"

"Guess!" Jian Yun blinked mischievously.

Huo Liancheng raised his sword eyebrows, ignoring Jian Yun. Jian Yun looked for a profile photo of Zhang Huo Liancheng, and then posted a Weibo. The picture was this photo. No text was written, only a little red heart.

Jian Yun usually looks at celebrity gossip scandals on Weibo, looks at chicken soup articles, and reposts some recipes. As soon as this Weibo was posted, it immediately received thousands of likes, and the comments were also like tides. After the attack, Jian Yun's cell phone died gloriously again.

When Jian Yun restarted her phone, she found that there were hundreds of thousands of messages on this Weibo. Her eyelids jumped. It turned out that her Weibo had only a few hundred fans. Now this rapid rhythm of popularity is also very impressive. No more.

This photo of Jian Yun is really good. Huo Liancheng is sitting on the sofa with wide shoulders and looking into the mirror. His side face is superb. The tall nose, long eyelashes, and the tight corners of the mouth are all through. With a hint of abstinence-the high-cold breath of a beautiful male, it is so handsome that makes people breathless.

Jian Yun clicked to leave a message, and she was ready to be scolded. Unexpectedly, this photo was all idiot Huo Liancheng. The line in the line called her husband, and more expressing her envy and hatred. , And some are analyzing where the photo background is.

However, there was another repost that attracted Jian Jun’s attention. It was Huo Liancheng’s Weibo authentication. After reposting this Weibo, there was no text, only three hearts.

The fans on Huo Liancheng's Weibo are even more crazy. He is obviously a new Weibo, but he has already reached 6 million fans in an instant. It seems that the number is still rising.

Jian Yun couldn't help but slapped her tongue. She was not in the mood to follow Weibo anymore, and she quit directly. Huo Liancheng also threw the phone to look over at this time. His eyes were very bright, staring at Jian Yun without blinking.

"What am I doing?" Jian Yun touched his face, inexplicably.

"Come on, let's sleep." Huo Liancheng opened his hand to Jian Yun.

Jian Yun frowned alertly, "Where is my aunt!"

"I just said to sleep, and didn't say to do anything else, you hooligan!" Huo Liancheng squinted at Jian Yun.

Jian Yun trembled, and there was a bit of cold. She crawled over and touched Huo Liancheng's head, "Are you having a fever? Or are you having schizophrenia with the netizens?"

Huo Liancheng ignored Jian Yun, hugged her and walked straight to the bedroom, "You are tortured if I want schizophrenia!"

"What's my business!" Jian Yun pouted. She just wanted to laugh at Huo Liancheng, but then she couldn't laugh anymore, because she found that Huo Liancheng was staring at her with scorching eyes and his brother was poking her...

"Hey, I said the aunt is coming!" Jian Yun collapsed, trying to run, but Huo Liancheng grabbed her foot.

"It doesn't matter if the aunt is here, just do it like last night..." Huo Liancheng threw down Jian Yun and whispered in her ear.

"You bird-beast!" Jian Yun screamed angrily.

The next day, Huo Liancheng asked Jian Yun to rest at home and did not let her go to work, but Jian Yun still got news from Wu Wenjing, saying that the reporters had been at Ming's gate early in the morning, and there were still groups of reporters. Fans. But on Weibo, it’s not like the one-sided scolding of Jian Yun like yesterday. Under the photo she posted, more voices were made for Jian Yun to post more pictures of Huo Liancheng.

Jian Yun posted a few more photos in succession, all from Huo Liancheng from various angles, causing the nymphomaniacs below to scream. Jian Yun looked at Huo Liancheng's Weibo again, and it had risen to 15 million in one night. , He has nothing except the Weibo that he forwarded, and can have such a strong fan appeal. Jian Yun really thinks that it is too wasteful for him not to mix in the entertainment industry.

On this day, Jian Jun received countless calls, including Ouyang Fei, grandpa and grandmother, Ouyang Beicheng, and various classmates and friends in the past. Everyone is concerned about her emotional life, and the classmates on WeChat are full of screens. In her, there are even entertainment companies who don’t know where to find her number and want to dig her into the entertainment circle.

Jian Yun looked dumbfounded, and her speed at this moment was like riding a rocket.

But Jian Yun was also a little worried. At night, when Huo Liancheng came back, Jian Yun found that there was a dullness between his eyebrows. She already knew from Cheng Muze. This matter is probably handled almost, and there will be no more media now. Following the report, it is estimated that the enthusiasm of those fans will fade away soon, and they can only wait for time to pass.

So why is Huo Liancheng bothering?

After dinner, Jian Yun was held by Huo Liancheng. He looked into her eyes and hesitated, "Duo Duo, I am going back to Switzerland tomorrow."

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