You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 326: 326 Sorry

Haha, it's ridiculous that she still reads Jian Dongming and can figure it out one day, it seems that this father-daughter love ends here!

Jian Yun trembled with anger, and she didn't know how long she had been crying, until Huo Liancheng picked her up, she was surprised that he didn't know when he would be back.

"Why are you crying?" Huo Liancheng sat on the sofa holding Jian Yun, gently wiped away her tears, and asked softly.

Jian Yun leaned on Huo Liancheng's shoulders, sobbing and repeating what Jian Dongming had just said. Her mood had calmed down at the moment, she was not as angry and hysterical as she was just now, but her heart was full of disappointment and disappointment with family.

Huo Liancheng also frowned when he heard the words, and his deep eyes filled with coldness. After a pause, he said to Jian Yun: "Do you know that your father is gambling? He borrowed a loan shark outside, so he was anxious. The company was sold because it was due to repay the loan shark."

Jian Yun raised his eyes, the blood on his face faded, "Is there such a thing?"

Huo Liancheng nodded, "My people found it, so..."

Jian Yun no longer knows how to describe his feelings at this moment, his father has fallen so far. He hated gambling so much before, how dare to borrow usury now?

"Lawyer Lei told me today that the divorce procedures have been completed." Jian Yun said, his voice a little dry.

"Well, there is nothing I need to do, just say it!" Huo Liancheng hugged Jian Yun tightly and patted her back lightly.

"I have to call my mother to talk about it." Jian Yun thought that Ouyang Fei might still be kept in the dark, and she must know about this.

It was late now and it was unrealistic to go to the hospital. Jian Yun called directly. However, on the phone, after she told Ouyang Fei about Jian Dongming's gambling, Ouyang Fei was silent for a while, before sighing. "Yunduo, I already knew it!"

"Mom!" Jian Yun gritted his teeth.

"Your father became addicted to gambling with Lin Rong. They often go to Macau. He still has to spend his good daughter in his mind. Where can he give us money!" Ouyang Fei's tone was cold and calm, like Is talking about a trivial matter that is irrelevant.

"Mom, Dad called me today, and he said, raising me for twenty years, not even a dog." Jian Yun originally didn't want to tell Ouyang Fei what Jian Dongming said on the phone, but at this time I heard Ouyang Fei say this , She guessed that her mother had already seen through what her father was doing, and she was really uncomfortable, so she told the night's things.

Ouyang Fei was silent for a long time before sighing, "Yunduo, in the future, you will be without a father!"

For a few days, Jian Yun was a little absent-minded, in a bad mood, depressed and uncomfortable. When Huo Liancheng came back, she didn't go to work at Mingshi, either staying at home or going to the hospital to accompany Ouyang Fei.

After a week, the popularity of Huo Liancheng women's hot search has completely faded because there is no follow-up, coupled with Huo Liancheng's intervention, but there are still a large number of people who leave messages on Jian Yun's Weibo every day, asking for pictures of Huo Liancheng.

According to the logic of those fans, I can’t get a male god, so let’s take a look at the male god’s photo to solve the greed, so I can only accept it. At least now, I can still see the male **** every three to five, unlike before, I fan alone. Even the Reuters photos are so pitiful.

On Friday night, Jian Yun, who had just left his aunt, was hugged by Huo Liancheng for exercise. It was almost midnight that Huo Liancheng was contented with tossing. Jian Yun was exhausted and didn't even have the strength to get up.

At this moment, her mobile phone rang, and it was a WeChat notification tone, and someone was looking for her.

Huo Liancheng went into the bathroom to take a bath, Jian Yun reached out and picked up the phone, clicked on it, and a stranger wanted to add her. The following introduction says Wang Pingping. This person's name Jian Yun remembers, she was the squad leader in high school, but they I haven't been in contact for a long time, so why come to add her now?

Jian Yun accepted, and Wang Pingping immediately sent a message, first greeted Jian Yun warmly, and then mentioned that there was a gathering of their graduated classmates at Kaiyuan Restaurant on Saturday night and invited Jian Yun to participate.

Since graduating, Jian Yun didn't have much contact with her high school classmates, except for a few who had good relationships. Wang Pingping and Lin Lanlan were relatively close when she was in high school, so Jian Yun subconsciously wanted to refuse.

"Sorry, I have something to do tomorrow and can't go, you guys have a good time!" Jian Yun entered these words.

"Don't, beautiful lady Jane, everyone wants to see you. Let's have fun together. If we are not free tomorrow, how about the night after we change it?" Wang Pingping sent a voice message.

It was difficult for Jian Yun to refuse now, because Wang Pingping said it was only her time.

Jian Yun thought for a while, and agreed, "Well, I'm free on Sunday night."

"Then it's settled! I'll change the time and let everyone know that I will send you a text message after booking the room!" Wang Pingping's voice sounded very excited.

"Who are you chatting with?" With a white bath towel around his waist, Huo Liancheng suddenly became sensitive when he heard the words booked room when he came out of the bathroom.

Jian Yun turned his head to look at him, his hair was still dripping, his handsome face was cold, his broad shoulders exposed were covered with scratches and tooth marks, and even his narrow waist was bruised. She was scratching when she resisted his unsatisfaction.

But now Jian Yun looked over, but felt that these marks on his body made Huo Liancheng more charming, and it was deadly.

"The high school classmates are going to party, I want me to join!" Jian Yun didn't hide it, she turned over and did it, holding the quilt with one hand to block her in front of her, but the bottom was cruelly made, she felt severe pain when she moved. After speaking, she grinned in pain and glared at Huo Liancheng full of resentment.

"Are you going?" Huo Liancheng sat down, his tall body relaxed. He just heard the reservation of a room and wanted to go crooked...

"Well, it's my time, I won't open it if I don't go!" Jian Yun shrugged.

"Well, I have a reception on Sunday night. I'll send you someone." Huo Liancheng hugged Jian Yun. When he smelled the fragrance of her, a certain part of his body was about to move again, but he could only bear it and just did it. It has been several times, and if you do it again, it is estimated that Jian Yun will ignore him.

In a blink of an eye, the weekend passed. On Sunday night, Jian Yun rushed to the Kaiyuan Restaurant at the address given by Wang Pingping, and found that the box was full of people. Counting it, there were probably more than 20 people, all former high school classmates.

Two of them met Jian Yun as soon as they saw Jian Yun, and the others greeted Jian Yun enthusiastically, but Jian Yun was still keenly aware that many people looked at her very differently, boys. Fortunately, especially for a few girls, their eyes were obviously jealous and annoying, but Jian Yun didn’t think about it. They were all high school classmates and hadn’t seen one side for many years. How do these people think of her, and her What does it matter?

After Jian Yun took the seat, she saw Wang Pingping kept looking at her mobile phone. She seemed to be chatting on WeChat with someone. The time was already pointing to seven, but the banquet was not open. She couldn't help being surprised. Who else hasn't come?

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