You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 327: 327 Don't get bored and get dumped!

"Jian Yun, look, who is here!" Jian Yun was distracted, and the woman next to her suddenly pulled her off and motioned her to look at the door.

Jian Yun immediately looked up and saw that the door opened. A woman in a white dress and long black hair, who looked beautiful and elegant like a white lotus, walked up. When she appeared, she immediately attracted everyone in the hall. Gaze.

It turned out to be Lin Lanlan.

Jian Yun frowned, her eyes flashed cold, but she quickly disappeared and was replaced by calm. She lowered her head as if she hadn't seen Lin Lanlan, picked up the teacup and drank.

In my ears, the whispering voices of everyone around me heard.

"This is Lin Lanlan? How did it become beautiful? I remember it was not so good-looking before."

"Yes, it's so beautiful now. It seems that when I go abroad, my temperament has changed."

"But, why did Lin Lanlan come? She and Jian Yun seem to have a grudge, right?"

"She has a good relationship with Wang Pingping, and who else, who was caught up inexplicably last time, has always followed Lin Lanlan. I think Wang Pingping deliberately called Lin Lanlan tonight. Did she want Jian Yun? Torn it with Lin Lanlan?"

"I don’t think Jian Yun would care about Lin Lanlan. When he was in high school, Lin Lanlan’s grades were in a mess. Jian Yun has always been a schoolmaster and a schoolgirl. Jian Yun and Lin Lanlan had a good relationship at the time, but later went to college. Lin Lanlan, a good girlfriend, actually climbed on Xu Haiyang's bed, which caused Jian Yun and Xu Haiyang to break up. This is a female watch!"

"There is still this matter, didn't Xu Haiyang chase after Jian Yun for many years, so I don't cherish it?"

"Treasure it. I heard that Xu Haiyang regretted it later, but he couldn't hold the female watch. Men are all lower-body animals. Some people insisted on throwing themselves into their arms and couldn't hold them."

"That's right, you don't know, in fact, Jian Yun and Lin Lanlan are half sisters, and Lin Lanlan's mother is Jian Yun's father's first love."

"Is there anything like this? God, isn't this the plot of a novel?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, but Jian Yun would also like to thank Lin Lanlan, she would not have seen Xu Haiyang without Lin Lanlan, otherwise she would not have met Huo Liancheng, Huo Liancheng would miss Xu Haiyang a few streets!"

"That's right, wait and see, see if Lin Lanlan and Jian Yun will tear it tonight, as Lin Lanlan's female surname, hehe, you know."


These people didn’t speak loudly, but the box was so loud, so the voice was easy to hear. Jian Yun didn’t care. Lin Lanlan couldn’t hold her face anymore. There was a momentary stagnation in her graceful posture when she entered the door. She scanned for a week. His eyes fell on Jian Yun, and he walked over.

"Jian Yun, can I sit next to you?" Lin Lanlan's voice is low and soft, and her posture is also very low.

Jian Yun didn't even look at her, "Someone else!"

Lin Lanlan looked at the woman sitting next to Jian Yun, and whispered, "Is it convenient to get a seat? I have something to tell Jian Yun."

The woman looked at Jian Yun and Lin Lanlan, she seemed a little at a loss.

"Xiao Lin, you move a seat to me, Lan Lan and Jian Yun used to have such a good relationship, let them talk about the past." Wang Pingping was helping Lin Lanlan to speak.

Moreover, Lin Lanlan was so gentle and polite that Xiaolin couldn't refuse, so she nodded, "Okay."

Jian Yun was always expressionless, and ignored Lin Lanlan's favor.

After Lin Lanlan sat down, seeing everyone watching her and Jian Yun, she pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm sorry, something is too late, everyone has to wait a long time."

Although everyone in the audience is speculating about the relationship between Jian Yun and Lin Lanlan, this is just a reunion of classmates, there is no need to make it so ugly, they naturally won't talk too much.

"Jian Yun, Dad told me about it, don't worry, I won't agree!" Lin Lanlan looked at Jian Yun, whispered, and said sincerely.

Jian Yun gritted her teeth and sneered at the corners of her mouth. She endured and endured it before she could not directly scold Lin Lanlan.

Lin Lanlan looked at Jian Yun with loneliness on her face, "I'm sorry, I know you still blame me and Xu Haiyang...but I really know I was wrong."

It's starting to serve food. High school classmates haven't seen each other for many years. Everyone is talking about their experiences over the years. At this time, when they heard Lin Lanlan say this, they looked at each other and fell silent, wanting to see Jian Yun's reaction.

Because everyone here knows how hard it was for Xu Haiyang to chase Jane Jun back then, after Jian Jun promised him, he happily invited classmate Jian Jun to eat for three days in a row to treat Jian Jun’s baby like what she had. Jian Jun showed love to Xu Haiyang. It was also very deep. It was such a pair of Bi people who suddenly broke up, which shocked many people.

Jian Yun was sneer in her heart when she heard the words. She didn't know that Lin Lanlan deliberately mentioned this. First, she reminded everyone that she was so in love with Xu Haiyang, but now she fell into the arms of another man, and second, it was just to block her. .

However, Jian Yun is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she will not be polite to Lin Lanlan.

"You think too much, I don't blame you at all. Without you, I wouldn't know how a scumbag and a female watch are a match made in heaven." Jian Yun suddenly turned his head and squinted at Lin Lanlan, with a tone that was better than Lin Lan Lan is more sincere.

Lin Lanlan’s pretentious smile on her face suddenly froze, her face interlaced for a while, and then turned into purple pig liver color, which is very ugly. After scanning the corner of her eyes for a week, she found that many people were secretly laughing. Biting his lips, lowering his head, tears flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Lin Lanlan's embarrassment, Wang Pingping hurriedly came out to make the rounds, "Okay, okay, we have not seen you for so many years, so why bother to be so unpleasant, Jian Yun, I heard that you and Lanlan are both in Mingshi. The company is all old classmates, and they need to help each other."

Jian Yun smiled and did not speak.

But some people said in a weird way: "Old squad leader, you are wrong. Jian Yun is the person next to the president. How can we look at our little staff!"

"Yeah, Jian Yun, we all want to know if the revelations on Weibo are true? Are you really in love with Huo Liancheng?"

Jian Yun had the impression of these two people who were talking to Lin Lanlan outside the cafe last time, and had a good relationship with her.

"It must be true. You didn't read Huo Liancheng and reposted Jian Yun's Weibo." said a woman next to Jian Yun.

"But the Weibo account can be faked. Who knows if that is the real Huo Liancheng? Besides, if you really care, why doesn't Huo Liancheng even make a public statement?" Or questioning whether Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng are in love Said the woman.

"Yes, this kind of rich and golden man usually spends his time, and there are countless women around him, Jian Yun, you have to take care of it, don't get bored and throw it away, it would be embarrassing." The previous woman said , And snickered while covering his mouth.

Jian Yun raised his eyes and looked at the cheesy and fat woman who still couldn't hide her heavy makeup, and smiled, "I think some people will never even have the opportunity to be played by a man more embarrassing in their lives!"

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