You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 335: 335 videos

Those people who were still scolding her in the morning, at this time, even praised her resume and photos and said kind words, which was extremely speechless.

After browsing the webpage for a while, Jian Yun sighed that the wind of these netizens was also turning quickly!

Today, she has answered countless calls, from relatives and friends, to friends and classmates who have not been in contact for many years. They all came to find out information with her. Some people asked if she could go through the back door and enter Huo’s family. secretary……

Later, Jian Yun simply turned off the phone and refused to listen to all incoming calls. She just stopped using the Internet on Huo Liancheng's phone. She was about to log out and suddenly found that someone was reposting a video on Weibo. She just clicked on it. Look, a heart sank suddenly,

This video should be secretly filmed by a mobile phone. It is not very clear. It is a dance. The dancing woman is dressed in ancient costumes with light sleeves. She is extremely beautiful. Even if the person shooting is far away from the stage, it can make people watching her dance feel. To the dance that is so graceful that it makes one's mind tremble and throbbing.

This dance Jianjun couldn't be more familiar with it. It was Xizhou opera. When she was in high school, she participated in the competition. Her father specially asked a professional teacher to arrange a dance for her based on the song. This dance also won the silver medal in the Junior Division of the East China Division. As for the stage and environment shot in the video at the moment, Jian Yun can tell at a glance that this is the myth club of the original boss Pu, and she is very familiar with it.

But, isn’t Boss Pu not taking pictures of guests with his mobile phones? Why is there video streaming? And at this time, who on earth posted this video, and what purpose does he or she have?

Jian Yun felt uneasy. She saw that the number that posted the video was a newly registered account. It was obviously intentional, and she also left a line: just a stripper dancer dancing in the clubhouse, ha ha. In the end, Aite sent Huo Liancheng and asked him to keep his eyes open.

In just a few minutes, it has been reprinted in large numbers, and the number of comments is rapidly increasing.

Jian Yun frowned. She didn't want to read the comments. She didn't need to think about it. She knew that the message must be blaming her for being vulgar-shameless. Indeed, she danced in the clubhouse, but she didn't do anything low- Folk dance, when Boss Pu kept her, she also liked her graceful and graceful temperament.

However, Jian Yun couldn't explain these words. She felt that someone must be trying to hack her, or else there would be a wave of unrest, which would not let people stop.

"What are you doing so bitterly?"

Huo Liancheng came out of the study and saw Jian Yun sitting on the sofa with a serious expression in his cell phone, knocking her head funny.

"Look, I don't know who sent it again!" Jian Yun sighed. This person was nothing more than trying to provoke Huo Liancheng, but they must have never thought that Huo Liancheng knew about it.

Huo Liancheng took the phone, looked at it casually, and didn’t comment. He threw the phone to Jian Yun after only a few tricks. Jian Yun looked at it curiously. The phone was Huo Liancheng’s Weibo homepage. Now, In addition to the Weibo with the marriage certificate at the top, he posted another one, which was also a video, which was exactly the same dance video just now.

The difference, however, is that the passage from Huo Liancheng is in high definition.

Jian Yun saw that Weibo had just posted, and he swiped a batch of comments below. Even if Huo Liancheng didn't write anything, his height is here. A high-definition video is enough to show that he knows his wife is jumping in the club. Danced, but so what? he likes! He doesn't care!

Moreover, Jian Yun’s dance is so beautiful that people will never associate it with the word vulgar. Even if there are fragments of clothes in the middle, she shows nothing. When the light is dimmed, she is already wearing a beautiful cheongsam. Debuted.

This high-definition dance video quickly reached the top of the hot search list. Countless people came to bow down. Many dance professionals expressed admiration. Some people came out to refute the rumor that Jian Yun was invited to dance, and was not a dancer at all.

Suddenly, Jian Yun was completely angry.

Jian Yun just remembered a very important thing at this time, she looked up, "Why do you have this video?"

Huo Liancheng sat next to Jian Yun, stretched out his hand to embrace her, "Pu Zhigang gave it to me."

Jian Yun raised his eyebrows, but he kept it forever.

"Do you know how I felt when I saw you appear on the stage?" Huo Liancheng asked.

"How do you feel?" Jian Yun was curious.

"I really want to strangle you!" Huo Liancheng squinted and said coldly.

"I provoke you?" Jian Yun pretended to be angry, "I dance my dance and earn my money. Where did I provoke you, Huo Daxiao!"

"Pu Zhigang didn't say that to me," Huo Liancheng's lips curled up, not a smile, but a stern arc, "He said that there is a new product, the best, and he wants to play with me."

Jian Yun's face collapsed, and she said in anger: "But I really didn't promise him, he didn't mention it to me, I thought it was enough to dance like before.

"So, you are still tender. In the past, you were just lucky. He didn't find the value of your use, so he didn't do anything to you!" Huo Liancheng thought of Pu Zhigang, his black eyes suddenly sank coldly, he didn't tell Jian Yun. Yes, not long after leaving the club that night, Pu Zhigang looked for him again, and asked him about his attitude towards Jian Yun, suggesting that he would take over if he got bored.

Huo Liancheng’s return to Pu Zhigang was to seal the myth club, and if he dared to covet his woman, then he had to pay the corresponding price. Poor Pu Zhigang did not steal the chicken without losing his rice. I don’t even know that he is playing very well. In the background, the police seized a large amount of ice from the clubhouse for some reason, and then the clubhouse was closed.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm too tender, so every time you pinch blue and purple!" Jian Yun didn't want to talk about the past, especially the conflict with Huo Liancheng that night dancing in the club, he humiliated him Her words, even though the relationship with him is warming up now, but when I think about it, my heart will still panic.

When Huo Liancheng heard the words, he looked at Jian Yun in shock. He used to flirt her with love, and Jian Yun blushed and avoided it. Why did she not only take the initiative to hook him, but even confess such explicit words?

"Did you hit the door these past two days?" Huo Liancheng stretched out his hand to put Jian Yun on Jian Yun's forehead, frowning, "Still having a fever?"

Jian Yun originally wanted to change the subject and didn't care what she said. After she said it, she realized that there was ambiguity. She just wanted to say something to cover up, when she heard Huo Liancheng questioning her, she suddenly exploded her hair and shouted. He jumped up, shook off Huo Liancheng's hand, and said with a deliberate sneer: "Yes, my head was caught by the door, so you must not take what you said today."

Huo Liancheng twitched the corner of his mouth, grabbed Jian Yun, and overwhelmed her with a swoop.

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