You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 336: 336 How to get along with the mother-in-law

Jian Yun screamed, took off his shirt, turned and ran.

Huo Liancheng looked at the clothes in his hand, and the corners of his mouth twitched. This girl would have escaped!

Jian Yun ran into the bedroom and slammed the door shut, but then the door was pushed open vigorously. She looked at Huo Liancheng who had come to be unkind, and there was no such arrogance as she had just now. She quickly bent her eyelashes and blinked her big eyes to make With a cute face, he threw himself into Huo Liancheng's arms and called out in a sweet voice: "Good brother, I was wrong!"

However, it was okay for Jian Yun not to say that, Huo Liancheng was just trying to scare Jian Yun, who knew that when she called his brother at this time, he immediately became enthusiastic and hardened.

"Hey hey hey!" Jian Yun sensed something was wrong, and just wanted to object, she was picked up by Huo Liancheng, her face turned green, "Hey, no, no, I've done it today!"

"How about one time?" Huo Liancheng squinted.

"Ah, you say that every day!" Jian Yun was mad, she really couldn't bear Huo Liancheng's bad habit of having **** if he didn't agree.

Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows, "You also say no every day, but in the end you yelled that you want more!"

Jian Yun blushed and pinched Huo Liancheng, screaming, "I didn't!"

Huo Liancheng smiled, "Hurry up and say you want it!"

"I don't want it!" Jian Yun was going crazy. Now except for her aunt, she can rest for a few days, and she has to go to bed on the other days. She has had enough these days.

"Then what do you want?" Huo Liancheng asked with a good temper looking at Jian Yun's angry look.

"I want to leave--" However, before Jian Yun's last marriage word was spoken, Huo Liancheng's mouth was covered with his lips, and he kissed aggressively.

Immediately, she heard him say: "Okay, you want it, I'll give it!" After that, she hugged Jian Yun and walked toward the bed.

Jian Yun stared at Huo Liancheng, "I said I want a divorce, not what I want!"

"Divorce?" Huo Liancheng raised an eyebrow and sneered, "Don't think about it! Unless I die!"

Jian Yun's eyelids twitched, and when she heard the word "death", she felt a little flustered, and said angrily: "If you dare to die, I will remarry!"

Huo Liancheng pouted, as if a little disappointed, "I thought you would say you would die if I was dead!"

"I don't do that kind of stupid thing!" Jian Yun hooked Huo Liancheng's neck, smiling in a variety of ways, "Why do you want to die, I'm going to find young and handsome little fresh meat, one dozen at a time!"

"A dozen?" Huo Liancheng severely pinched the soft flesh on Jian Yun's waist, gritted his teeth and said: "You can't stand me, you want to come here?"

"Hey, don't pinch me, it's itchy! Haha!" Jian Yun smiled not afraid of death while dodging: "Then do it with one, and the others will watch by the side!"

"Bad girl, when did you become such a heavy taste?" Huo Liancheng's face turned green when he heard that. His possessiveness for Jian Yun has reached an outrageous level, and she can't even think about other men. Especially the beautiful scenes she said made him very uncomfortable.

"After staying with you!" Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng's face ugly, she was in a good mood, giggled and kissed him, squinted and asked: "See if you dare to leave me! If you dare, I will let you green out of the sky!"

Huo Liancheng replied that Jian Yun directly overwhelmed her and slapped her until she begged for mercy.

In the early morning, Jian Yun was limp, leaning on Huo Liancheng, his voice was hoarse, and he lost the strength to speak. Huo Liancheng hugged her, cleaned her, and just watched her smile.

Jian Yun glared at Huo Liancheng.

"Dare you say these things next time!" Huo Liancheng twisted Jian Yun's nose.

"That wouldn't take you so cruel. How would you tell me to see people tomorrow!" Jian Yun was depressed, deliberately angry with Huo Liancheng, "If someone asks me what's wrong with the bruises on my body tomorrow, I will say the cat scratched!"

"No one will see it!" Huo Liancheng hugged Jian Yun tightly and smiled softly: "We'll take the special plane back."

The next day, Jian Yun was carried on the plane by Huo Liancheng. This was Huo Liancheng’s private jet. Jian Yun knew little about him before and didn’t know many things. She now feels that she knows him like an iceberg. A corner.

When Huo Liancheng got on the plane, Jian Yun settled down and went to deal with business. Jian Yun was bored and read on her stomach, but she always felt that the two flight attendants in the cabin looked at her with bad eyes.

Jian Yun looked up, and it happened that the two female flight attendants were lowering their heads and whispering, while leaning over to Jian Yun from time to time, Jian Yun suddenly asked: "What are you talking about me?"

The two flight attendants were shocked, one of the tall young women concealed the embarrassment on her face, "No, we didn't say anything!"

Jian Yun asked casually, she didn't expect anyone to answer her, she could be regarded as beating the two people sideways, don't be her fool, she raised her eyebrows when she heard that she continued to read on the chair.

After a while, the petite female flight attendant couldn't help but speak, "Miss Jian, are you really married to Mr. Huo?"

"What do you call me?" Jian Yun raised her eyebrows and her eyes became cold and harsh.

"I, aren't you Miss Jane?" The flight attendant pretended to smile nonchalantly with an indifferent expression, but the woman next to her pulled her.

"What are you doing, I'm not wrong, she is Miss Jian, yes!" The petite woman was a little impatient.

"Huo Shao!" The tall flight attendant hurriedly bowed to the side.

The petite woman saw Huo Liancheng standing behind her, her face pale in fright and a cold sweat, "Huo, Shao Huo..."

"What do you want to know? Just ask me!" Huo Liancheng's brows were cold and his eyes were cold.

"No, dare not!" The expressions of the two beautiful flight attendants were very ugly at this time. Under the pressure of Huo Liancheng's powerful aura, their legs were trembling.

"You don't need you here, don't let me see you again!" Huo Liancheng waved his hand.

The middle-aged man who had been following him nodded, then raised his chin to the two flight attendants and signaled, "Let's go!"

The two flight attendants were ashamed. No matter how stupid they were, they knew they were fired because they questioned the woman in Huo Liancheng? This high-paying and leisurely job, which can get close to even the odd and even city, left them like this!

Jian Yun watched the two flight attendants leave behind the middle-aged man, raised her eyebrows, tilted her head and looked at Huo Liancheng, "They like you! You are so sad for a beautiful woman!"

"I'm not afraid that you will be wronged!" Huo Liancheng sat beside Jian Yun and squeezed her face.

Jian Yun blinked, hooked Huo Liancheng's neck with a smile, and kissed him, "I will not be wronged with you!"

Huo Liancheng glanced at the book Jian Yun was reading, his handsome face was surprised, "How to get along with her mother-in-law? What are you doing with this?"

"Sister Zi recommended it to me, she said she should learn more, I'm afraid I can't deal with your mother!" Jian Yun said helplessly.

"Are you worried?" Huo Liancheng asked.

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