You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 337: 337 Huo Mu

"Well, I didn't have that—" Jian Yun took a look at Huo Liancheng, swallowed back what he didn't like, and said after a pause: "I just don't want to meet, I'm afraid of trouble, now I definitely want your mother to recognize me, like Me, but it seems difficult."

"Scared?" Huo Liancheng squinted his eyes, as keen as him, naturally knowing what Jian Yun was trying to say just now.

"No!" Jian Yun shook his head honestly, looking at Huo Liancheng's eyes, "Well, I'm a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, my mother is not that scary!" Huo Liancheng touched Jian Yun's head, "Remember, no matter what she says, just follow her, don't confront her!"

Jian Yun's eyes widened in surprise, "Your mother is Empress Cixi?"

Huo Liancheng knocked on Jian Yun's forehead, "Don't remember these words!"

Jian Yun stuck out his tongue and hugged Huo Liancheng affectionately.

Huo Liancheng couldn't help but kissed Jian Yun, deeply kissed, Jian Yun closed her eyes, so she did not see the worry of Huo Liancheng's eyes.

Yes, he was worried, worried that his mother would embarrass Jian Yun when he returned this time, but no matter what, he didn't want her to marry him. If his mother strongly opposed, he would take Jian Yun and leave.

When the plane landed in Zurich, Zurich was just at sunset, and the beautiful scenery of a foreign country made Jian Yun temporarily forget the worries and worries that had been entwined in his heart.

After getting off the plane and boarding the extended RV that came to pick him up, Jian Yun's heart suddenly began to pound as he watched Huo Liancheng keep making calls.

Huo Liancheng found that Jian Yun's face was wrong, he stretched out his hand, took Jian Yun's hand, and comforted her with his eyes.

Jian Yun's heart settled a little, but as the car stopped in front of a luxurious and magnificent villa, she couldn't help holding onto Huo Liancheng's big hand tightly, so nervous, really nervous.

"It's okay, follow me!" Huo Liancheng led Jian Yun out of the car in front of the villa.

It was already night, and the dim street lights were on in the villa, and the scenery in the distance was fascinating. Jian Yun found that there were many trees in the garden, and there were also flowers. She looked at Huo Liancheng and saw that he had pinched his nose. Her face was irritable. Only then slowly aroused, a warm current surged through my heart.

Yes, what's to be afraid of? With him by his side, as long as he still loves her, that's enough!

Jian Yun thought that as soon as she entered the door, she would be like it on TV. The in-laws she had never met were sitting in the first place, staring at her, looking at her in three halls. She was still a little nervous, but after entering the door, She didn't see anyone, only a servant-like man came over and bowed to Huo Liancheng.

Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's hand and led her to a bedroom on the third floor, opened the door, and settled in Jian Yun. He said to Jian Yun, "You rest here first, and wait for me to come back!"

Seeing that Huo Liancheng was about to leave, Jian Yun quickly grabbed his big hand and asked nervously, "Where are you going?"

Huo Liancheng patted Jian Yun's hand comfortingly, "Go see my sister, I'll be back soon!"

Jian Yun let go. She wanted to go to see his sister with Huo Liancheng. She knew that Huo Liancheng cared about his sister, but he didn’t mention it, and she couldn’t bring it up. Forget it, he didn’t take her there, there should be him. The reason, then she will listen to him and wait for him here.

After Huo Liancheng left, Jian Jun sat alone by the bed, bored and began to look at the room. At this time, she realized that this should be Huo Liancheng’s bedroom, a very simple one, with him The style of Hu's home is iron gray and cold. Only the two posters of basketball stars on the wall are a bit popular.

Jian Yun would judge this to be Huoliancheng’s bedroom, because she saw a few photos on the cabinet, some of him wearing a bachelor’s uniform, and some playing basketball. At that time, he was much younger than he looks now, just one. The image of the handsome boy is very handsome and sunny, and makes people reluctant to look away when they see it.

Jian Yun picked up the frontal photo of the bachelor's uniform, and looked at the smile of Huo Liancheng, who was in her early twenties, at the corners of her eyebrows and eyes, and the corners of her lips were raised.

However, what attracted Jian Jun's attention most was a photo that was obviously a family portrait. She picked up the frame and was naturally attracted by Huo Liancheng at first glance. This photo was probably taken when he was around 20 years old. At that time, because the picture of him was almost the same as the one in the bachelor's uniform, Jian Yun's eyes moved to the girl who was nestling next to him next to Huo Liancheng.

She could not help but raised her eyebrows. The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was very beautiful. Her eyebrows were very similar to those of Huo Liancheng. She had a gentle smile on her mouth. She should be his sister, Huo Qingcheng. .

Jian Yun stared at Huo Qingcheng for a while, and then looked at the middle-aged couple sitting in front of them. She had to sigh once again that the genes of this family are really too strong. With such beautiful children, parents will naturally not Poor, but Huo's father is too handsome, and he is the kind of introverted handsome mature man, very attractive. Huo's mother is also a great beauty, and Huo Liancheng really looks like his mother!

However, Jian Yun also discovered that Huo Mumei is beautiful, but the arrogance and coldness between her eyebrows are also unobstructed, exuding an aura that no strangers should enter, just like when she first met Huo Liancheng.

Especially those beautiful eyes, cold as if there is no temperature.

Jian Yun's heart sank. She had guessed that her worries were not superfluous. Huo mother should really be a very difficult person to get along with.

While thinking about it, Jian Yun suddenly heard a cold voice coming.

"Are you still in the mood to stand here?"

Jian Yun was startled, almost unable to hold the photo frame in her hand. She turned her head abruptly and saw a middle-aged beautiful woman who appeared at the door for unknown time, staring at her sternly.

Jian Yun subconsciously glanced at the photo in her hand. The beautiful woman in front of her instantly overlapped with the mother Huo in the photo. Her expression suddenly changed, and she quickly said, "Auntie..."

However, Mother Huo frowned and quickly interrupted Jian Yun, "Call me Madam Huo!"

Jian Yun's face was embarrassed. She knew Huo's mother didn't want her to get involved, but Jian Yun was not a glass heart, so she adjusted her mood quickly and respectfully said: "Mrs. Huo!"

Huo's mother glanced at Jian Yun and saw that she was still standing stupidly, her eyebrows tightened, "Why are you still standing? Go!"

"Ah? Where?" Jian Yun looked inexplicable, not knowing what Huo's mother's words mean, and she was still shocked by Huo's appearance at this time. If she hadn't seen the photo first, she would have If you think that the beautiful woman in front of you is just Huo Liancheng's older sister, she is too young, she looks like she is in her thirties.

It is hard to imagine that she is the mother of two children!

Huo's mother ignored Jian Yun, she had already turned and walked away, Jian Yun was dazed, and quickly followed.

But Jian Yun didn't expect Huo Mu to take her to the garden downstairs. Before she could get closer, she heard a muffled grunt, followed by the sound of a whip on the flesh.

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