You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 342: 342 What does your mother mean?

"Your mother said that young people should live in moderation, and she also said that there should be less tossing at night." Jian Yun repeated Shen Fangqi's words to Huo Liancheng, and then asked, "Do you know what your mother wants to express?"

Huo Liancheng frowned when he heard the words, wondering how his mother said this for no reason, but when he swept his eyes and landed on Jian Yun's neck, he immediately understood everything.

"What do you think of my neck?" Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng's eyes with weird eyes. He stared at her neck and couldn't help being very strange. She reached out and touched her neck. She was wearing a skirt with a low neckline and her neck was exposed. Outside, she couldn't help but ask, "Is there something on my neck?"

"Go back and talk about it!" Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's hand and took her towards the villa.

On the way, Jian Yun sighed, "Your home is too big here, I don't dare to go far, for fear of getting lost!"

"Do you like it here?" Huo Liancheng smiled and asked Jian Yun back.

"It's really beautiful here, but even if I like it, it's useless!" Jian Yun shrugged.

"What do you say?" Huo Liancheng's eyes were gentle. He was wearing a loose shirt and black trousers, looking handsome and clean.

"I'm so unwelcome!" Jian Yun smiled. She was not ashamed of herself, she was just talking about the fact that Huo's father so bluntly stated that she did not recognize her marriage with Huo Liancheng last night. It was obvious that she did not like her. The daughter-in-law who came out of thin air!

"Sorry for making you wronged!" Huo Liancheng stopped and looked down at Jian Yun. His voice was low, with a trace of distress.

"No grievance!" Jian Yun met his eyes, and said with some worry: "I'm easy to handle, it's a big deal, and I won't see it once a year, I'm just worried that it will be difficult for you!"

The dark color in Huo Liancheng's eyes faded instantly, like the sun rising from the sky, under the hot sun, his eyes were blazing, "As long as you are willing to love me, I am willing to give up everything for you!"

This is what Huo Liancheng said in his heart. The world admires people who were born with a golden spoon, but those who are not in it will never know how much the pressure is, and there is no freedom of ordinary people, just take marriage as an example. If it weren’t for his insistence, he would have to marry a woman of comparable family background as his wife, and live like this for the rest of his life. Before meeting Jian Yun, he might be able to tolerate it. Now, let him choose, he would rather be free. I can live with my loved ones.

Jian Yun's heart shook abruptly when she heard the words. She leaned into Huo Liancheng's arms and listened to his powerful heartbeat. After a long while, she sighed, "But I don't want to see you break with your parents for me."

"Don't worry, I will take care of it!" Huo Liancheng hugged Jian Yun, his eyes turned firm.

Even if it is for her, he will fight for it once!

At that time, on a hillside not far away, Shen Fangqi watched Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun hug together. Even if she didn't pay attention, she could see the care and concern from the heart on Huo Liancheng's face.

It seems that he really cares about this girl!

She sighed in her heart.

"What are you looking at?" Huo Xiangqian ran across the hillside and couldn't help asking when he saw Shen Fangqi in a daze.

Shen Fangqi glanced at him lightly, but said nothing, turned and left.

Huo Xiangqian looked at Shen Fangqi's back, his handsome and mature face could not help showing a touch of melancholy.

"Ah!" After Jian Yun returned to the room, she immediately went to look in the mirror, but when she saw the conspicuous red mark on her neck in the mirror, she suddenly blushed.

Now I understand everything, the evidence that Huo Liancheng committed last night is here! No wonder Shen Fangqi looked at her so strange!

Huo Liancheng held his mouth and smiled, Jian Yun glared at him, crying and said: "Blame you! This is so embarrassing! Your mother doesn't know how to look at me."

"It's okay, she won't say anything!" Huo Liancheng was at a loss and could only try to comfort Jian Yun.

"But she would think that I didn't care if you were hurt like that, and I had to do something with you!" Jian Yun stomped straight and slapped at the thought of Shen Fangqi's eyes just now.

"Or, I'll explain to her, I actually forced you?" Huo Liancheng put his arms around Jian Yun's waist and said seriously.

"Don't!" Jian Yun put down the hand covering his face, and said angrily: "Isn't that getting darker and darker!"

"Then what do you want to do now?" Huo Liancheng threw the question to Jian Yun again.

"I don't know! Woo..." Jian Yun wailed, covering his face.

Huo Liancheng laughed, "Well, it's all people who come here. My mother doesn't know what to say, so why do I think so much!"

"You still have a face to smile!" Jian Yun was angry, "We will sleep in separate beds from tonight!"

"Why!" Huo Liancheng became nervous now, he quickly stated his position, "I don't agree! This is an unfamiliar environment, you must not adapt to it, you will be afraid if I am not next to you!"

"I have to be afraid if you are next to me!" Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a white look, and after thinking about it, he felt that what he said also made sense. If it weren't for being with him last night, she would definitely not be able to sleep. It's too quiet here. Sleeping together is fine, but you are not allowed to have other ideas!"

"Okay!" Huo Liancheng promised, anyway, he promised first, and he would just throw himself down when he had an idea, so much care!

After breakfast, Huo Liancheng did not rest and went directly to Huo Xiangqian’s study. Huo’s company is headquartered in the United States, but their family is huge, with many branches, and the company is already on the right track. There is no need for Huo Xiangqian to be in the company every day. It takes once a month to open a board of directors, and usually handles official business in Switzerland.

Moreover, Huo Xiangqian and Shen Fangqi chose Switzerland as their settlement. The most important reason was Huo Qingcheng. The quiet and elegant environment here is conducive to her recovery.

As soon as Huo Liancheng left, Jian Yun was invited out by the housekeeper, saying that Madam Huo had something to look for.

When Jian Yun heard that Shen Fangqi saw her, he shuddered nervously, quickly found a silk scarf to tie around his neck, and then went out with the housekeeper.

The housekeeper led Jian Yun to the small living room upstairs. Jian Yun saw that Shen Fangqi was sitting elegantly drinking tea. She took a deep breath, walked over, and cried respectfully, "Mrs. Huo!"

Jian Yun knew that Shen Fangqi did not recognize her as a daughter-in-law, and would not rush to post it, so his attitude towards Shen Fangqi was like treating a strange elder.

Hearing the sound, Shen Fangqi glanced at Jian Yun with beautiful eyes. The expression in her eyes was still cold. She had no expression, and only used her chin to signal Jian Yun, "Sit!"

Jian Yun picked up the sofa opposite Shen Fangqi and sat down. Shen Fangqi looked up at her, "You don't like me?"

"Huh?" Jian Yun didn't react for a while, and shook his head quickly to deny after an ah, "No!"

"You deliberately picked the farthest position opposite me, which means that you subconsciously don't want to have physical contact with me." Shen Fangqi said lightly.

The cold sweat on Jian Yun's head was coming down.

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