You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 343: 343 You Are My Love

"That's not what I meant!" Jian Yun stood up quickly. From the bottom of her heart, she still wanted to have a good relationship with Shen Fangqi. After all, she is Huo Liancheng's mother. Because she loves him, she cares about the people he cares about.

"Forget it, just sit there, I'm not used to having physical contact with unfamiliar people!" Seeing Jian Yun get up, Shen Fangqi waved her hand, her face still very cold.

This indifferent expression that was exactly the same as Huo Liancheng's made Jian Yun's mouth twitched.

Jian Yun finally understood why the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was an age-old problem. He was obviously looking for faults. She was sitting far away. Shen Fangqi said she was expressing hatred for her. Now that she is going to sit closer, she said she is not used to being together. Contact with unfamiliar people.

Jian Yun was thinking, if she sat next to Shen Fangqi when she first came in, would Shen Fangqi just let her go away!

Seeing Jian Yun's expression on Shen Fangqi's embarrassment, she lowered her eyelashes, pouring a cup of tea gracefully and handing it to Jian Yun.

Jian Yun was flattered and hurriedly stood up and took it with both hands, while solemnly thanking him, "Thank you, Madam Huo!"

Shen Fangqi raised his eyes and glanced at Jian Yun. Then his eyes fell on the silk scarf around Jian Yun’s neck. Jian Yun noticed it, and was immediately embarrassed. He pulled the silk scarf with his hands uncomfortably, for fear that it might be hidden. , Was seen by Shen Fangqi again.

Fortunately, Shen Fangqi didn't say anything this time, and his eyes were also swept away. The next time, she didn't speak any more, and the two of them just drank tea in silence.

Jian Yun saw that Shen Fangqi didn't speak, and she didn't know what to say. She was very uncomfortable for a while, feeling like sitting on pins and needles. When she was wondering whether to find an excuse to go around, she suddenly heard Shen Fangqi speak.

"You fart-are there any thorns under the thigh?"

"Huh?" Jian Yun didn't react. Why did he suddenly mention fart shares?

"Does it make you uncomfortable to sit with me?" Shen Fangqi put down the delicate tea cup and looked straight at Jian Yun with cold black eyes.

"No!" Jian Yun quickly denied, although she was wailing in her heart, sitting with her mother-in-law who didn't recognize her was like being tortured! And sure enough, there are mothers and sons. It turns out that Huo Liancheng's poisonous tongue is from the family!

"Tell me, how did you and Liancheng met." Shen Fangqi narrowed his eyes and said quietly.

Jian Yun scratched her cheek, a little embarrassed, not knowing where to start.

"Since six years ago!" Shen Fangqi seemed to see what Jian Yun was thinking.

Jian Yun thought for a while, did not hide it, and briefly recounted what happened back then.

Shen Fangqi listened blankly, and then asked: "I heard you have been rejecting him?"

Jian Yun was stunned, not knowing what to say.

"You don't like him!" Shen Fangqi continued, "You have someone in your heart, so even if his conditions are so good, you still look down on him!"

Jian Yun didn't know what Shen Fangqi meant by saying this. She frowned and retorted: "I really didn't like Liancheng at first, but—"

"But then he was willing to spend money on you and gave you his lover's heart, so you were tempted!" Shen Fangqi interrupted Jian Yun with a cold voice.

"I--" Jian Yun suddenly became excited after hearing this. This was completely slandering her. She stood up abruptly, trying to explain.

But faster than Jian Yun was an angry male voice.


It was Huo Liancheng. He didn't know when he arrived at the door. At this time, he was rushing over angrily and stopped in front of Jian Yun, facing Shen Fangqi.

Shen Fangqi was not surprised to see Huo Liancheng, she raised her eyebrows, "I was right!"

"Mom, can you stop being so horny!" Huo Liancheng said angrily.

"I'm just telling the truth!" Shen Fangqi was still sitting gracefully, holding a tea cup in his hand, taking a sip.

"This is not the truth!" Jian Yun couldn't help it. "I really fell in love with Liancheng so I would accept him. It has nothing to do with his life experience!"

Shen Fangqi raised his eyebrows suddenly and sneered: "It doesn't matter? So, if he was just a sloppy tramp, nothing, just like when you first met him, would you still fall in love with him?"

"This assumption doesn't hold!" Jian Yun was also annoyed by Shen Fangqi's ability to distort the facts. Her face flushed and she hummed, "And I didn't think he was a tramp back then!"

"But you didn't fall in love with him back then!" Shen Fangqi continued to say indifferently.

Jian Yun smiled angrily now, "Mrs. Huo, there is a problem with what you said. I am not a love-loving madman, I will fall in love with anyone whoever sees it!"

Shen Fangqi tilted her head, as if thinking. After a while, she nodded, "Well, she has sharp teeth, and the reason is very high-sounding."

The corner of Jian Yun's mouth twitched sharply. She opened her mouth to explain, and Huo Liancheng held her bare hand and shook her head at her.

"So, tell me now, where do you fall in love with Liancheng?" Shen Fangqi didn't seem to want to let Jian Yun go. At this moment, she continued to ask when the conversation turned around.

"Love doesn't need a reason, to fall in love is to fall in love!" Jian Yun reacted quickly, and she was not fooled. If she listed the advantages of Huo Liancheng at this time, then Shen Fangqi would definitely find fault again.

"Really?" Shen Fangqi squinted Jian Yun, she curled her mouth, her eyes fell on the silk scarf around Jian Yun's neck, a strange look appeared on her beautiful face, and she whispered: "What you call love, I just ignore the injuries he was punished just now, but still have **** with him!"

As soon as she said this, Jian Yun was stunned for a while, and then her brain exploded. She only felt the blood all over her body boiling, and rushed to her forehead with a whirl.

It's really embarrassing to be mentioned in person about things between husband and wife from her husband's mother.

Jian Yun had no idea what she was feeling at this time, she bit her lip tightly, couldn't say a word, her whole body seemed to be burning.

Huo Liancheng didn't expect Shen Fangqi to say such a thing. He subconsciously took Jian Yun into his arms, then turned to look at Shen Fangqi, and said coldly: "Mom, I know you don't want to see me, but please don't Regarding Jian Yun, from beginning to end, I was pursuing her and forcing her. She was very good. Without her, I would not have been in this world. I love her! I love her more than I love myself! Won't let her go!"

Jian Yun didn't expect that Huo Liancheng would bump into Shen Fangqi for her. She clung to Huo Liancheng's arm tightly. Because of his words, her heart shook fiercely and her eyes were so sour.

"Then do you know, because you marry arbitrarily, you may lose your inheritance right!" Shen Fangqi narrowed his eyes, and his voice became colder again.

"I don't care!" Huo Liancheng smiled on the corners of his lips, but smiled indifferently, with a trace of boredom, "The Huo family has been thriving, and it has been one or two hundred years since the birth of the family. Young, didn’t my father and you have decided long ago? Why bother to use my marriage to threaten me?"

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