You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 362: 362 Put away your face

"Jian Yun, what do you say?" Jian Dong had identified the DNA test report tomorrow morning, thinking that Jian Yun was not his biological daughter at all, so at this time, when Jian Yun said this, he also got angry and spoke. You are also very welcome, "Lan Lan is my daughter, there is no doubt that!"

Jian Yun didn’t want to quarrel with Jian Dongming on this occasion, but she was really angry. She couldn’t help but sneered and said what she had hidden in her heart. “Then, can I understand that Mr. Jian meant that she was Your daughter, am I not!?"

When Jian Dongming heard the words, his eyelids jumped sharply. He squinted his eyes and stared at Jian Yun. Seeing her indifferent, obviously not joking, he went to see Huo Liancheng, who was sitting there with his hands clasped, his face indifferent, and his heart was awkward. One jump, the secret path is bad.

He had long heard that Huo Liancheng is very caring about Jian Yun, they will get married, and Huo Liancheng will follow Jian Yun closely. Seeing Huo Liancheng tonight, he is very fond of Jian Yun, starting from Jian Yun’s outfit It can be seen that if you offend Jian Yun at this time, you are offending Huo Liancheng, so why did he find it so hard and cheeky?

You know, he has exhausted everything to be able to see Jian Yun, but he can't get close to where she lives, and the phone number is disabled again. It is estimated that even if it is not disabled, she will not answer his calls. Originally, he still wanted to ask Jian Yun for help by doing Ouyang Fei’s ideological work. Who knew that Ouyang Fei’s head was like a stone, and she hadn’t divorced for six years. She suddenly became resuscitated by a serious illness, so she took the initiative to ask for a divorce. Instead, I don’t want to leave.

Jian Dongming thought in his heart that he was really bad for Jian Yun's mother and daughter these years, and he did not fulfill his obligations. Jian Yun's hatred for him is inevitable. If he divorces Ouyang Fei at this time, then Jian Yun must be even more reluctant to talk. He, she is now climbing high branches, he doesn't want to let go of the opportunity, as long as he doesn't divorce, he will still be Huo Liancheng's father-in-law, and Huo Liancheng still has to show some face.

But this is what made Jian Dongming angry. Ouyang Fei didn't know who he was looking for, or maybe it was the person Jian Yun was looking for, and even when he did not agree, he directly applied to the court for a divorce!

However, no matter how angry Jian Dongming was, he still didn't dare to show too obvious on his face at this moment. He twitched his face, forcibly suppressed his anger, smiled at the corners of his mouth, and comforted Jian Yun kindly, "What nonsense you girl, you How could it not be my daughter? Okay, okay, Lanlan, go aside, I have business affairs here to ask Liancheng to tell."

After all, Jian Dongming gave Lin Lanlan a wink. Although Lin Lanlan was unwilling, she also understood that Jian Yun was very temperamental, and she would not be able to get any benefits any longer, so Lin Lanlan could only reluctantly. Turn around and leave.

Before leaving, she deliberately pretended to be irritated but forbearing, and smiled softly at Huo Liancheng: "Mr. Huo, I am sorry to make you laugh!"

Huo Liancheng raised his eyelids slightly, there was no fluctuation in Jun's face, and his eyes were cold.

Lin Lanlan's heart trembled. Even though she was treated indifferently, she was still beaten fiercely by Huo Liancheng's face, and at the same time her heart was filled with jealousy and resentment. Why is this perfect? The man is Jian Yun's!

"Let's go!" Seeing Lin Lanlan still wandering, Jian Dongming couldn't help but urge her to come.

Lin Lanlan turned back one step at a time, her eyes were always on Huo Liancheng's face, but except that Huo Liancheng raised his eyelid slightly when she was talking, he didn't look at her again, which made Lin Lanlan feel disappointed. , She also wondered if Huo Liancheng didn't like her weak appearance now?

Lin Lanlan couldn't help wondering whether she had to change her personal settings again, or re-take the hot route when she was abroad?

Lin Lanlan's thoughts were surging. She seemed to be able to see Huo Liancheng fascinated by her. She couldn't stop it. From then on, she was disgusted with Jian Yun, and suddenly someone stood in front of her.

Lin Lanlan looked up, her eyes lit up suddenly, and she happily said, "Ocean, are you here too?"

Xu Haiyang looked gloomy, grabbed Lin Lanlan's wrist, pulled her to the balcony, and asked her coldly, "What do you want to do?"

Lin Lanlan was surprised, "What's wrong with me?"

Xu Haiyang snorted coldly, pointed to Jian Yun's direction, and said unceremoniously: "Don't you want to repeat the trick again to destroy Yunduo's marriage?"

Lin Lanlan's eyelids twitched fiercely, but then tears burst into her eyes, and she grieved and said, "Am I so unbearable in your heart? I'm just going to say hello. How come it breaks her marriage? Now, if her marriage is strong, how can I destroy it if I want to?"

Xu Haiyang turned his head and sneered: "Put away your face, I was really confused at the beginning, so I was confused by you! What is your idea, you know it in your heart, I warn you, no more Go close to the clouds!"

Lin Lanlan couldn't help but smile when she heard this. There were tears on her face, but she didn't have the slightest grievance and sadness on her face. The smile on the corner of her mouth was ironic, "Xu Haiyang, when you were exercising on me, you didn't say that. Yes, what did you say at the time? You said Jian Yun was incomprehensible, like a root of wood, very boring, you said that you like me so cheap enough, you won't forget all these words!"

"Shut up!" Xu Haiyangqingjun's elegant face was filled with anger, he clenched his fists, his eyes were flushed.

"Why do you want me to shut up, the flies don't bite the seamless eggs, you are the one who really hurt Jian Yun! Why are you scolding me now!" Lin Lanlan sneered, "For so many years, you have deceived yourself and others. Spending time abroad, on the one hand, I hope that Jian Yun will still be waiting for you, but when you come back, your goddess has found a man a hundred times better than you, so you are very angry, so you want to regain her heart. But I didn't expect—"

"I'm telling you to shut up!" Xu Haiyang was very angry and slapped Lin Lanlan's face with a slap. However, Xu Haiyang's previous car accident had not recovered his arms and legs, so Lin Lanlan strayed and hid. When it was opened, Xu Haiyang couldn't stand still, so he rushed forward and was about to fall.

"Ocean, are you okay?" Lin Lanlan quickly reached out to support Xu Haiyang with a look of concern.

When she saw Xu Haiyang’s angry look, she also regretted it. In fact, Lin Lanlan admitted that she still has feelings for Xu Haiyang. Whether it is from family background or appearance, although Xu Haiyang and Huo Liancheng are incomparable, they are still considered to be. A man with good conditions, although she had snatched this man from Jian Yun, she really liked him.

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