You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 363: 363 The Third Party Breaking Marriage

If Xu Haiyang didn't hate her so deeply, Lin Lanlan was still willing to follow him, even if he couldn't live the life of the wealthy and extravagant, it didn't matter, but Xu Haiyang's attitude towards her made her feel cold.

Lin Lanlan caressed Xu Haiyang, she was very close to him, close enough to touch his skinny body.

"Go away!" Xu Haiyang's chest was ups and downs violently. He grabbed the balcony railing and threw Lin Lanlan away, not allowing her to support him. He has always been gentle and elegant, and he has never spoken so sternly at this time. Only when Lin Lanlan's words were poked into the most secret corner of his heart would he be so gaffe.

Yes, he was too confident, or too stupid. He always thought he knew Jian Yun, thinking that Jian Yun would wait for him in place...

It's only now that I regret it!

"Ocean, don't be angry, okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't say these things," Lin Lanlan sighed, paused, and rolled her eyes, then said: "Look, for so many years, I I listened to you and didn’t look for Jian Yun again. But now, my father is experiencing financial problems, and Jian Yun is unwilling to help. I can’t watch my father be destitute, and my mother is in prison again, neither do I. Method."

"If you can't do it, you have to grab a man?" Xu Haiyang looked at Lin Lanlan mockingly. He felt that he must have been blind at the beginning, so why would he choose Lin Lanlan and give up Jian Yun, "Furthermore, Uncle Jian treats him. Jian Yun is so unfeeling, why should Jian Yun come to help him now? Also, don't think I don't know that Uncle Jian will be like that. You and your mother have contributed a lot in the back!"

"I didn't want to destroy Jian Yun's marriage, nor did my mother and I say anything!" Lin Lanlan frowned, concealing the gloom in her eyes, she suddenly looked at Xu Haiyang and asked: "Ocean, since I love Jian Yun so much , Why not fight for it? Or, we cooperate, I am in love with Huo Liancheng, you love Jian Yun, as long as they break up, we can all have what we need, is this not good?"

"You are crazy!" Hearing this, Xu Haiyang looked around in shock and saw no one around. Then he was relieved, and then looked at Lin Lanlan with a crazy look, "Do you know you What are you talking about?"

Lin Lanlan shrugged, with an indifferent expression, "Of course I know, I only ask you now, do you want to cooperate?"

Xu Haiyang's eyes flashed, seeming to be a little shaken, but then he chuckled, "It's useless, you give up!" He looked at Lin Lanlan, and made no secret of the mockery in his tone, "You think you are a man like Huo Liancheng Will you be attracted to you?"

Lin Lanlan was not irritated, took a step forward, puffed up her chest, "Why not? Jian Yun is not much more beautiful than me!"

Xu Haiyang shook his head, "Do you think Huo Liancheng likes Jian Yun because of her beauty?"

"What's the reason for that?" Lin Lanlan asked. She is in a hurry now. Every time she sees Huo Liancheng, she feels like she is in love with him again. She swears that he must get this man, no matter what means!

"I don't know!" Xu Haiyang's expression turned lonely. He was telling the truth. He really didn't know what happened between Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng, but he could feel that Huo Liancheng had a deep love for Jian Yun. , And for a man like Huo Liancheng, it is absolutely impossible that he only values ​​appearance.

"Did you decide to just watch Jian Yun's love under other men?" Lin Lanlan frowned and decided to add another fire. She thought she knew Jian Yun very well, even if Jian Yun didn't love Xu Haiyang now. But they grew up together as childhood sweethearts, and the love is still there. If Xu Haiyang can get a foot in it, even if it doesn't play a big role, at least it will cause a crack in the relationship between Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng.

At that time, she has a chance!

"Stop talking!" Xu Haiyang closed his eyes in pain. After he did that medicine, he didn't have the face to fight for Jian Yun. At that time, he was really caught in the door. He came up with such an indiscriminate method, and afterwards chatted with Luo Yanyan intentionally or unintentionally, he learned that Jian Yun had never had a boyfriend for so many years.

Luo Yanyan also hinted to him that Jian Yun is still pure and has never forgotten his feelings. If he fights for it again in the past, instead of leaving, and there is no news for many years, then Jian Yun will most likely still accept it. he……

But now it's too late.

Xu Haiyang shook his head and smiled sadly, "Lin Lanlan, I advise you one last thing, don't set fire to yourself, Huo Liancheng, you can't afford it!"

Lin Lanlan looked down on Xu Haiyang's cowardice and retreat, but she didn't show it on the face, she just smiled faintly, "Then let's wait and see!"

"What do you want to do?" Xu Haiyang saw that Lin Lanlan's expression was wrong, and he was shocked. He knew Lin Lanlan's temperament very well. She had a deep mind. She has always vowed to never give up without reaching the goal. Is she really Want to destroy Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng's marriage?

"Don't worry about what I want to do!" Lin Lanlan stroked her hair, her face returned to the soft look, she smiled, "Is there anything else? It's okay, I will leave first!"

After that, without waiting for Xu Haiyang’s answer, Lin Lanlan had already twisted her waist and turned to leave. In her heart, she really looked down on Xu Haiyang. Even if she did everything possible to **** him from Jian Yun, this man was really cowardly. Besides, he has no opinion. What's more, he still has a very powerful mother. Even if she can marry him as she wishes, the life after marriage will not be easy, so before the last step, Xu Haiyang is her last choice!

Xu Haiyang looked at Lin Lanlan's back, frowning very tightly. He was thinking, should he remind Jian Yun, or just wait and see if Lin Lanlan can really let Jian Yun and Huo Lianchengzhi There is a crack in between, then...

At the same time, Jian Yun, Huo Liancheng, and Jian Dongming sat opposite each other. Because Lin Lanlan appeared just now, the atmosphere became cold and awkward. Jian Yun kept his face calm and did not make a sound. Huo Liancheng was always used to being cold, leaving Jian Dongming. He was fidgeting, even though he thought well before coming, when he saw Huo Liancheng, he assumed the posture of his father-in-law. As long as Huo Liancheng had a bit of insight, he would not be too indifferent to him.

However, what Jian Dongming didn’t expect was that Huo Liancheng’s aura was so powerful that it made him such a long-standing shopping mall. People who have seen everyone were a little bit afraid, especially when Huo Liancheng looked at him. , He actually felt a cold sweat on his back, and he did not dare to look directly at Huo Liancheng.

"Mr. Jian, you're looking for me, don't you just want to sit here like this?" Huo Liancheng squeezed Jian Yun's hand, he knew that the woman named Lin Lanlan was the third who broke the relationship between Jian Yun and Xu Haiyang.

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