You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 365: 365 I don't know

Jian Dongming was stunned for a moment. Only then, flattered, he hurriedly stretched out his hands and held Huo Liancheng's hand with a look of excitement, "Okay, Mr. Huo, see you tomorrow!"

Huo Liancheng nodded, Jian Yun couldn't stand Jian Dongming's humble attitude at this time, she Huo stood up, turned and left without saying a word.

Jian Dongming is now immersed in the immense joy of turning over. How can he manage Jian Yun's reaction anymore, just to prevent Huo Liancheng from being disgusted, he pretended to be concerned and said, "Mr. Huo, this girl Yunduo It's just a stubborn temper, so bear with it."

Huo Liancheng withdrew his eyes from Jian Yun's distant back, nodded at Jian Dongming indifferently and strangely, turned and walked behind Jian Yun.

Jian Dongming squinted his eyes with a smug look. Someone had already come over to greet him. These people were the rudder of the wind. Seeing that Jian Dongming turned out to be Huo Liancheng’s father-in-law. They all surrounded Jian Dongming.

Over the past few years, Jian Dongming's business has failed. His old friends ignored him. Suddenly, he was complimented by so many people. For a while, his back was straightened.

Someone who wanted to see Huo Liancheng and cooperate with Huo Shi made a request to Jian Dongming. He also talked a lot, patting his chest and making a ticket, and all agreed.

The Mr. Li who was with Lin Lanlan also pulled Lin Lanlan towards him. He just heard that Lin Lanlan was called Jian Dongming’s father. He also heard Lin Lanlan say that she and Mrs. Huo are half sisters. Mr. Li felt I was excited, thinking that I had picked up the treasure, and even made up my mind, ready to go home to divorce the tigress at home, and marry Lin Lanlan, so he and Huo Liancheng will become brothers-in-law?

In that case, relying on this relationship alone, in the entire Qinghu City, and even in East China, who would not sell his face and make a big business is just around the corner!

Lin Lanlan only saw Mr. Li's eyes gleaming. If she used to take the opportunity to say nice things and make Mr. Li happy, she could ask for gifts from him, and then return to the counter to exchange money.

But today, Lin Lanlan can't be interested. At this moment, all she thinks about is Huo Liancheng. Compared with Huo Liancheng's tall and handsome figure and model-like figure, Lin Lanlan thinks Mr. Li is so chubby and round. Yo, comparable to the belly of six months pregnant, almost made her throw up.

And the smell of perfume on Mr. Li's body can't be compared to the natural hormonal body odor of Huo Liancheng. She was just standing next to Huo Liancheng and was fascinated by that breath, and her heartbeat has not calmed down.

Different from the liveliness in the hall at this moment, Jian Yun went directly to the garden after coming out of the banquet hall. The wind was very cool at night, and the big rose in the bushes was blooming warmly, and the fragrance came in, making her irritable. Slightly settled down.

With a big hand around her slender waist from behind, Jian Yun knew that it was Huo Liancheng without turning his head. The breath on him was so special.

"Angry?" Huo Liancheng asked Jian Yun in a low voice, rubbing her ear with his chin.

"No!" Jian Yun shrank from the heat that Huo Liancheng exhaled. She pursed her mouth and turned her head slightly to look at him, "Why do you ask?"

"Not angry, why come here?" Huo Liancheng kissed Jian Yun on the cheek.

Jian Yun lowered his eyes and fell silent, before sighing, "I feel a little embarrassed."

"Shame?" Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows.

"My dad, he was not like this before." Jian Yun's head dropped lower, and his voice became depressed and lonely. "He used to be very positive and spine. He taught me what I wanted from an early age. Earn it on your own, and you can’t reach out and ask for it. Dignity is the most important thing! But now—"

Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's body and asked her to face him. He lifted her chin and asked her to look at him, "I thought you were angry and I kept not talking, making your father lose face."

Jian Yun snorted when he heard the words, and gave Huo Liancheng a blank look. "If I don't have this vision, how can I mess with you!"

"Oh?" Huo Liancheng became interested, "how do you say?"

"If I were you, I wouldn't give him a chance at all. He didn't tell the truth. He wanted the White Glove White Wolf. He was tainted with that drug and addiction. If I gave him money, I would harm him!" Jian Yun said seriously. At this, she stopped, her eyelashes trembled, and a trace of blankness flashed by, "Actually, if I don’t hate him, it’s impossible. I’ve thought about it countless times before, what it would be like to see him again. I think I definitely don't want to talk to him anymore, just like he used to treat me and my mother so unfeelingly, but today, when I see him with gray hair and old age, I think he is pitiful and contradictory. "

"Don't think so much, the poor person must be hateful! Even if he is your father, you don't have to feel guilty. Didn't you comfort me like this before?" Huo Liancheng stroked Jian Yun's cheeks gently. Said, "Parents to their children, or children to their parents, are all independent individuals. You can't just act as a benefactor and ask you to give him back completely because he begs you and raises you."

Jian Yun nodded, "I know, I know the truth, but when it's my turn, I always struggle."

"What are you struggling with?" Huo Liancheng asked.

"I am worried that helping him is harming him, and that thing is a bottomless pit, it is difficult to quit if it is stained, but if you don't help him, and—" Jian Yun bit his lip, and said nothing.

"Relax, I have a degree in my heart!" Huo Liancheng grabbed Jianyun's cheek, smiled lightly, and asked: "You haven't said yet, how can you have eyesight!"

Jian Yun squinted at Huo Liancheng, turned the corner of his mouth, and said, "I've seen it long ago. If you don't want to help him, you won't give him a chance to sit down!"

"Nonsense, I don't know how to say it? No matter what, he is your father and my father-in-law, I still give this face!" Huo Liancheng was dissatisfied.

"Really?" Jian Yun looked suspicious, but she knew very well that Huo Liancheng himself was cold, and he was so indifferent to his biological parents, not to mention to a so-called father-in-law who had never met him?

"Of course!" Huo Liancheng raised his sword eyebrows.

"Okay, I reluctantly believe you!" Jian Yun thought for a while, and then said with an urn angrily, "Hey, but I still feel embarrassed. My father clearly thinks you are so stupid for money. Make a fortune from you and leave!"

"Okay, okay, my money is not yours, just as you repay him for the kindness of nurturing him for so many years! Don't think so much!" Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's hand covering his face and said funnyly: Why are you so clear with me?"

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