You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 366: 366 Why are you so handsome

Jian Yun hugged Huo Liancheng's waist, snuggled into his arms, raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes were bright, but there was a layer of doubt, "Liancheng, what are you going to do?"

Huo Liancheng pondered, and said, "In fact, your father still didn't tell the truth. He borrowed more than 10 million from the bank, and his company had only a shell left, which was not worth 3 million."

The corners of Jian Yun's mouth twitched, "Then, then you still promise him!"

"I don't want you to be embarrassed," Huo Liancheng smiled, "Since he found this place, if I ignore it, those unbearable rumors will be spread outside, and your reputation will not be good."

Jian Yun sighed. Why didn't she know what Huo Liancheng meant. This world has always been like this. The crowds onlookers will not care about the causes and consequences, but will only sympathize with the weak. If she does not care about Jian Dongming, then once the incident spreads. , The outside world will definitely say that she is not filial, and there will be anything unpleasant.

Jian Yun has read a piece of news. In the news, the old man is alone for more than seventy years. There is no place to live, and some of his children have homes, but no one cares about him. The old man asked the media to expose him, and those reporters went During the interview, it turned out that the old man had an affair when he was young. In his thirties, he divorced his original wife and took away all the property. The original wife worked hard to raise several children. After decades, the old man spent all his money. , The eloped woman ran away, and he came back with a whole body of illness. He wanted his children to support him and treat him. However, the children didn’t recognize him at all. They only remembered their mother’s hard work. The nominal father is a complete stranger to them.

At this time, reporters will often stand on the commanding heights of morality and criticize several children on behalf of the public, saying that there are no parents in the world, blood is thicker than water, or something, and asking children to abandon their suspicions and do their best to support the elderly.

When Jian Yun saw this news, she was disdainful in her heart. She felt that if it were her, she would definitely not care about the scum who abandoned his wife and child. However, at this time, when things fell on her, she knew , It turns out that things in the world are often not what you want.

Huo Liancheng was right. Now that she married a good family, if she watched her father go bankrupt and imprisoned at this time, then the outside world would definitely criticize her, she would be discredited, and it would be detrimental to Huo Liancheng.

Seeing Jian Yun's blank melancholy, Huo Liancheng couldn't help but laugh, and shaved her nose lightly, "Silly girl, don't think so much, you can rest assured, I have a sense of measure!"

Jian Yun blinked.

"Well, I know, if you don't tell you you must be entangled to death!" Huo Liancheng sighed and said: "His company, I can buy it, and then let him run it, but I will let him sign the agreement. "

"What agreement?" Jian Yun was curious. From the bottom of her heart, she didn't want Jian Dongming to be impoverished, but she was worried that once he had money, he would spend money on Lin Rong's mother and daughter.

Thinking of Lin Rong, Jian Jun suddenly remembered that Lin Dalong, who had hurt his mother, was still absconding. A while ago, Lawyer Lei said that the police had already mastered Lin Dalong’s escape route and was casting a net to catch him. How long has this passed, and there is no news. ?

"Just leave it alone, trust me, I will take care of it!" Seeing Jian Yun still want to break the casserole, Huo Liancheng directly covered her lips with his mouth.

After a deep kiss, Jian Yun's face was flushed, and his eyes were bright and dripping with water.

Huo Liancheng pinched her chin and said with a smirk: "Don't look at me like this, I won't be able to hold it! Or, let's find a corner in the garden to send it?"

Jian Yunjian's neck was red, and she was ashamed and annoyed, her small fist was punched on Huo Liancheng's chest, and she said, "Why are you so shameless!"

"It's not just a day or two for me to be shameless, don't you like me shameless?" Huo Liancheng was ready to move. He looked around, pulling Jian Yun to walk behind a bush.

"Hey, are you here for real?" Jian Yun was so scared that his face was pale, and she hurriedly shook off Huo Liancheng's hand, lifted the corner of the skirt and ran away, "I don't want it. If we are hit by someone, then we will be completely famous Up!"

"No one will run into it!" Huo Liancheng was already anxious now. He had long legs and long hands. He caught up with Jian Yun a few steps, picked her up sideways, turned and walked forward.

"Hey, Huo Liancheng, why are you so nasty! I don't want it!" Jian Yun screamed and struggled.

"Stupid girl, someone is guarding, you think I will be as stupid as you, and give someone a chance to look at my wife..." Seeing Jian Yun's struggle, Huo Liancheng could only comfort him.

Here, Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun were arguing and walking away. From the corner of the wall, a figure turned out. It was Xu Haiyang. After he and Lin Lanlan quarreled, they came out to breathe and smoke, but he did not expect that he would once again. Ran into Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun together.

Last time, in that good voice KTV, he watched his beloved woman throw her arms and hug other men...

Xu Haiyang's face was pale, and his arm suddenly trembled, and he realized that the smoke in his hand had burned to the end. He quickly threw the cigarette **** and burned his fingers, but he didn't seem to feel the pain, so he stared blankly at his feet. Tobacco shimmering red.

The heart really hurts, he really regrets it.

After standing in the cool breeze for a while, Xu Haiyang turned and walked back to the banquet hall.

In the banquet hall, the lights were feasting, the dance music was melodious, and there were crowds of red men and green women, but he felt as if he was standing on an isolated island, ups and downs, and he was so disappointed that he wanted to hit the wall.

Twenty minutes later, Xu Haiyang, who had been drinking heavily, noticed that the people in the hall were noisy. He looked up and saw that Huo Liancheng, who had disappeared for a long time, returned with Jian Yun's hand.

Xu Haiyang stared at Jian Yun subconsciously. Even though he had been psychologically prepared, his heart was still pained by the unfading crimson on Jian Yun’s face. The redness was familiar to him, and it was the aftertaste of joy. They really are going...

Xu Haiyang squeezed his palm abruptly.

At that time, Jian Jun followed Huo Liancheng. Even though she had trimmed her hair and clothes, she was still very guilty, because Huo Liancheng actually threw her into the rose bush just now and just stood like this...

Oh, so nervous and exciting.

Jian Yun lowered her head, her heart still beating wildly. She raised her eyes from time to time and took a sneak peek at Huo Liancheng, only to find that after the servant had done bad things, she could still be so polite, without any traces, she looked like her...

Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's hand, and suddenly came to Jian Yun's ear, and whispered: "Duo Duo, you are like this. You want to tell everyone, did you do something bad just now?"

Jian Yun subconsciously raised her head and glanced. The people in the banquet hall saw Huo Liancheng and they were already surrounded. She straightened her back quickly without squinting, and secretly reached out and pinched Huo Liancheng's arm.

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