You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 372: 372 Uninvited Guest

Jian Yun looked at Huo Liancheng, blinked his eyes, and covered his mouth in time when he saw that he was about to run away.

Huo Liancheng took a few deep breaths before suppressing the irritability in his heart. This girl just had the ability to tease him when he was in full swing, and then slapped him hard with a cold stick, not knowing what she was thinking in her head.

Seeing Huo Liancheng's cold pressure, Jian Yun also knew that he was a bit too much. He was obviously suspicious of him, and thinking deeper, there was a little suspicion of messing up that, no wonder straight men such as Huo Liancheng were so angry.

"Okay, I'm talking nonsense, don't mind!" Jian Yun greeted Huo Liancheng quickly, rubbing his chin with his face.

Huo Liancheng's anger in his stomach disappeared instantly when he saw the cat-like woman in his arms. He pinched Jian Yun's face fiercely, and threatened with a ferocious tone: "Dare to talk again next time. , Watch me—"

Jian Yun rolled his eyes, "I can't get out of bed for three days again? Can I get something new?"

Huo Liancheng's mouth twitched, and then he smiled evilly: "The little whip, candle oil, handcuffs, you choose the same!"

Jian Yun blushed, and she couldn't bear it just thinking about that picture! She cast a blank glance at Huo Liancheng and sipped, "Shameless!"

Huo Liancheng directly sealed her mouth with a kiss.

"I love you!" At the end of the kiss, Jian Yun lay on Huo Liancheng's shoulders, biting his ears, her face was bright red, and her eyes seemed to be dripping. She said softly: "I love you, I love loving you!"

Huo Liancheng responded to Jian Yun with a more ardent and domineering kiss...

When the car drove into the villa and Jian Yun got off, she suddenly noticed that a car was also coming in. The license plate number was unfamiliar. She turned to ask Huo Liancheng, "Is there a guest at home?"

But Jian Yun immediately remembered that the entrance guard of the villa is infrared detection. If it is an unfamiliar vehicle, it is impossible to enter, so now, is it an acquaintance?

Huo Liancheng also frowned, just staring at the car.

Chen Xin used a wireless headset to communicate with the security of the villa. He had been standing next to Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun without moving. Several bodyguards in black suits walked out from the dark. These were the people trained by Chen Xin. Followed silently, because Huo Liancheng usually doesn't like being followed by too many people, but he still can't be too careless with his status, so there are shadow bodyguards around him.

At the beginning, Jian Yun always felt that she was being followed, but she couldn't see them. These people were hiding in the dark to protect her.

At this time, the car also stopped, Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng's look cold, her eyes were sharp, and she was in the car before seeing her in the car, and she couldn't help but also become nervous.

Who will be the person in the car? Who would make Huo Liancheng show such a nervous expression?

The answer was quickly revealed. When the driver got out of the car and opened the rear door, an elegantly dressed lady walked out slowly. The woman was beautiful, and the mature charm was unforgettable, but at the same time it was very cold. Human time seems to be frozen.

It turned out to be Shen Fangqi!

Jian Yun couldn't hide his surprise, and subconsciously grabbed Huo Liancheng's arm.

Huo Liancheng should have guessed who the arrival is. Seeing Shen Fangqi walking towards him, he did not show a surprised expression, he was still calm, even Jun's face showed a trace of impatience, "Why are you here?"

"Can't I come?" Shen Fangqi wore a white suit and a big top hat. Under the moonlight, she could still see her delicate makeup.

Huo Liancheng didn't speak, his eyebrows were tightly closed, he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Mrs. Huo!" Jian Yun was a little nervous when she saw Shen Fangqi. Seeing Shen Fangqi looking at her, she greeted him respectfully.

Shen Fangqi swept Jian Yun from head to toe, and then asked blankly: "Went to the banquet?"

"Yes, Mrs. Huo." Jian Yun didn't know why she was so afraid of Shen Fangqi. Perhaps it was the words Shen Fangqi said last time in Switzerland that gave her a psychological shadow.

Shen Fangqi squinted her eyes, Jian Yun lifted the part of her skirt up with some guilty conscience. Huo Liancheng had been carried to the grove before. He planted strawberries in her heart. She was afraid that Shen Fangqi would see her. Shen Fangqi would definitely say that she was insulting.

However, it’s okay for Jian Yun not to mention it. This mention is even more compelling. Shen Fangqi’s eyes fell on Jian Yun’s chest unconsciously. Fortunately, the moonlight darkened at this time, otherwise Jian Yun really suspected that he was going to die. Up.

"Since you are here, let's go in." Huo Liancheng calmly pulled Jian Yun behind him, and gave Shen Fangqi a way.

Shen Fangqi didn't have any expressions. He only took a look at Huo Liancheng and walked forward, but Jian Yun still found her hands tightening while carrying the bag.

Jian Yun looked up at Huo Liancheng. Huo Liancheng patted the back of her hand to signal her not to worry.

In the living room of the villa, Huo Qingcheng was watching TV. When she heard the sound, she turned her head and called out "Brother, Sister." But when she saw Shen Fangqi's figure, her bright smile instantly froze on her face.

However, Shen Fangqi was already excited. He didn't even notice that the bag in her hand fell to the ground. She staggered to Huo Qingcheng's side. She grabbed Huo Qingcheng's hand, checked up and down, and asked with trembling lips: "Qingcheng , You laughed, would you laugh?"

Huo Qingcheng looked at Shen Fangqi, with an indifferent expression on his small face, with a hint of rejection.

"Qingcheng, you will be called your elder brother, then you are called mother! I am your mother!" Shen Fangqi also noticed Huo Qingcheng's cold eyes. She didn't have time to think about it, just grabbing Huo Qingcheng's hand out of control.

Jian Yun pulled at Huo Liancheng and motioned for him to pass. Huo Qingcheng obviously didn't want Shen Fangqi to know the fact that she was sober, but at this moment, Shen Fangqi's appearance would make people look down on it.

"Mom, Qingcheng is going to sleep." Huo Liancheng also received Huo Qingcheng's eyes for help. He walked over a few steps, reached out and broke Shen Fangqi's hand, and said coldly.

"Liancheng, Qingcheng just called your brother, and she still laughed." Shen Fangqi was still excited, or mad and more accurate. She held Huo Liancheng and kept repeating this sentence, without the usual cold and proud temperament.

Huo Liancheng squinted at Huo Qingcheng, but saw Huo Qingcheng lowered his head and bit his lip without making a sound. He understood that Huo Qingcheng resented Shen Fangqi in his heart. If it weren't for Shen Fangqi at the beginning, as Huo Chengfeng was just a member of the Huo family, he would never have the opportunity to sit To this day, Huo's senior position.

Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng knew how much Shen Fangqi helped him and how much he gave him.

It is precisely because Shen Fangqi tolerated Huo Chengfeng too much, and Huo Xiangqian spoiled Shen Fangqi. Therefore, even if Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng were the first and second heirs of the Huo family, they would suffer so much persecution and suspicion. Huo Liancheng could sit there. In his seat today, he has made unimaginable efforts.

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