You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 373: 373 Mother? Are you worthy?

Compared with Huo Liancheng, although she was injured and even had the thought of seeking death, Huo Qingcheng paid a heavier price. Her entire youth was spent in bed. Because of Huo Chengfeng’s persecution, she was seriously injured as a vegetative and wandered around. On the line of life and death, her mother still wanted to cover up the murderer. Why didn't this chill her heart?

Jian Yun looked at these three people, it was obviously the closest relationship in the world, but the three of them were strangers, and they all had deep ties with each other.

As a bystander, Jian Yun knew that she had no standpoint and had to tie the bell to untie the bell. If Shen Fangqi wanted her children to open their hearts to her, she had to rely on herself.

Huo Qingcheng kept his eyes down and did not speak. Huo Liancheng sighed in his heart. He stepped forward and pulled Shen Fangqi up. He turned around and ordered the family doctor Fang Qi he invited today, "Push the lady back to the room, she should take medicine."

Sister Fang was about forty years old. She used to be Granny Liao’s family doctor in China. After Helena was locked up, Huo Liancheng was not worried about others and took her over. Sister Fang also knew a little about the Huo family’s affairs, but She understood her identity, so she naturally didn't dare to interject, and this kind of rich family had many such things. As an outsider, it was not that the more you know, the better.

At this time, hearing Huo Liancheng's instructions, Sister Fang nodded, feeling relieved, and quickly pushed Huo Qingcheng's wheelchair towards the elevator.

Shen Fangqi also wanted to follow, but Huo Liancheng held her, "Qingcheng has just recovered a little."

Huo Liancheng didn't finish the second half of the sentence, but Shen Fangqi understood that he meant that she should not disturb Huo Qingcheng.

"In your heart, is mother so unbearable?" Shen Fangqi looked at Huo Qingcheng's figure disappearing, before turning to look at Huo Liancheng, and asked in a daze.

The words were boring, but Jian Yun found that Huo Liancheng clearly understood, because the corners of his lips had already drawn a sneer.

"If you are here on vacation, I will arrange for someone to take you around. If you are to see your son, then, I am afraid you are going to take a break. He is not in Qinghu City." Huo Liancheng was cold. Looking at Shen Fangqi.

"I didn't come to see him!" Shen Fangqi suddenly became irritable. She grabbed her hair and screamed at Huo Liancheng, "Why do you both treat me this way? One or two cold eyes at me, what should I do? Are you willing to forgive me?"

"Forgive?" Huo Liancheng had already turned around to leave. Hearing Shen Fangqi's words, he turned around abruptly, his cold eyes bursting with anger, "What have you done, you don't know in your heart? How do you want us to forgive you?"

"But what can I do. The palms and backs of the hands are all meat. You are born to me, and he is also born to me. I can't watch him die!" Shen Fangqi's emotions were on the verge of collapse, she covered her face. , It seems very painful.

Jian Yun couldn't stand it and wanted to go, but Huo Liancheng grabbed his arm.

"Yeah, so, even if Qingcheng and I both died in that car accident, you can't watch him die! Even if Qingcheng is ruined all my life, do you still think he is the best? This is what you call the palm of your hand. It's all meat?" Huo Liancheng Jun's face was cold, his eyes filled with coldness, and the big hand holding Jian Yun's arm was also very hard because of anger.

"I..." Shen Fangqi's expression changed, but she couldn't find any words to justify herself. She covered her face and didn't know if it was shame or pain.

Huo Liancheng quietly looked at Shen Fangqi, the gloomy expression on Jun's face disappeared, replaced by indifference, he said solemnly: "What should be paid, I have already returned it to you, and the tolerance has reached a certain limit. If you are stubborn again No, don’t blame me for not thinking about love between mother and child!"

"Huo Liancheng, did you talk to your mother like this?" Shen Fangqi scolded, rushing over to fight Huo Liancheng regardless of his image.

Huo Liancheng didn't evade, he received the slap for a long time, and with a "pop", his face became crooked, his expression grew colder, his eyes seemed to be quenched.

Jian Yun covered her mouth, but didn't make the scream. She opened her eyes wide and looked at the pair of mother and son in shock. She did not miss the regret and pain that suddenly appeared in Shen Fangqi's eyes after playing Huo Liancheng.

Huo Liancheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, almost gritted his teeth and said: "I call you mother because you gave birth to me, but it is only limited to this! There are some things I have never said before, but you You know how you treat me. From birth to now, have you ever managed me? All you have in your heart is him! Mother, do you deserve this word?"

This sentence is really hurtful, especially in conjunction with Huo Liancheng's slightly raised corner of the mouth, cold mocking.

Jian Yun turned white when she saw Shen Fangqi's face suddenly. It was really pale, as if the blood from her whole body had been taken away in an instant. She couldn't stand still, Dongdong stepped back a few steps, was caught by the sofa, and sat down suddenly. Go down.

Huo Liancheng turned around, "Go, I don't want to see you again!"

"Liancheng, how can you treat me this way? I'm your mother!" Shen Fangqi lost the arrogance he had just now, and her whole body seemed to be lost. Her eyes were full of tears and the makeup on her face was spent, and she choked up and said: "Even if I am wrong, but I gave birth to you, how can you do this to me?"

"You are so wrong, and you are wrong about not giving birth and not raising!" Huo Liancheng said in a heartless manner: "I said, I have tolerated you too much, don't think I don't know what you have done! Ms. Shen !"

The last sound of Ms. Shen directly knocked Shen Fangqi's heart to pieces.

"Arrange for Ms. Shen to go to the guest room, and send her back to Switzerland tomorrow!" Huo Liancheng no longer looked at Shen Fangqi, dropped these words, took Jian Yun who was still in a daze, turned and walked upstairs.

"Liancheng, Liancheng, I am your mother, you can't do this to me!" Shen Fangqi was already limp on the sofa, crying bitterly.

Jian Yun turned her head as she walked, looking at Shen Fangqi's heartbroken look, she felt unbearable.

"Don't intervene in this matter. I know her personality very well. You can't comfort her." Huo Liancheng pinched Jian Yun's face and kept her from turning back, while whispering.

"What you said just now was a bit too much?" When they went upstairs and stood at the door of the room, Jian Yun couldn't help but tugged at Huo Liancheng's arm. "After all, she is your mother. Sad!"

"You should ask Qingcheng, ask her if she has been lying in bed for so many years, she awoke even her own mother dare not say, she is not sad!" Huo Liancheng opened the door, but did not go in, but stood there. , Looked down at Jian Yun, in a cold tone, "After the car accident, I broke two ribs, my legs were crossed by steel bars, and I had a mild concussion. I lay on the bed for half a year and now I am resting. It’s not good, but I get a terrible headache."

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