You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 375: 375 Set according to your size

Jian Yun originally wanted to stay up for a while. It was estimated that she had something to eat at night, but she didn’t arrive for two hours. Her face was full of red spots and it was unbearable. Huo Liancheng took her to Yin’s home throughout the night, most of the night. Wake up the old man.

At first glance, Yin Lao said it was allergic to cosmetics, and asked Jian Yun if he had used any fake skin care products. Only then did Jian Yun remember that Wu Wenjing's so-called big-name skin care products probably came from wrong.

Then Yin Lao prepared the ointment he made for Jian Yun, asking her not to use anything within half a month, just wash her face with clean water and apply the ointment to her face. Fortunately, Yin Lao's ointment did work, Jian Yun applied it. The last two times I felt less itchy and uncomfortable, and the bags on my face disappeared the next day.

After that, Huo Liancheng didn't let Jian Yun use skin care products indiscriminately. The one he gave Jian Yun was also Yang Lao. He used the Yin family's ancestral prescription to make skin care. Jian Yun felt it was really easy to use, better than those big brands. So much better.

As soon as Jian Yun's side was wiped, Huo Liancheng hung up the phone and walked over. He stood behind Jian Yun and looked at her in the mirror with deep and charming eyes.

"What are you laughing at?" Jian Yun asked.

"The way you are, reminds me of the blush that night, when I almost thought I was hell!" Huo Liancheng laughed and joked.

Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a white look, and didn't care about him, "I thought about it, but I told Wu Wenjing, she didn't believe it at first, saying that the person who shipped her could trust it, and then she tried it by herself—"

"The result?" Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows.

"I went to the hospital to hang water for three days." Jian Yun shook his head with a look of sympathy: "Because she has a severe allergies."

"I don't know why you women are so cruel to yourself, and you dare to use things on your face without knowing the source." Huo Liancheng dialed Jian Yun's long hair and pulled her up from the chair.

"Isn't it because this is a face-seeing world?" Jian Yun turned to face Huo Liancheng, looked up at him, and said seriously: "If my face is old and ugly, you will definitely not look at me too much! I saved you back then, you can thank me at most, so you won't just look at me like that!"

Huo Liancheng curled his lips, "This assumption does not hold! Sometimes things like love are based on fate. There were many people passing by at the beginning, but no one was willing to help me, and even when I saw me, I stayed away, and I was dirty. only you!"

Jian Yun thought about it and agreed with Huo Liancheng's words, "Yes, I also often meet homeless people on the road, but at most I give them some money, but I never took them home like I did before..."

"So, this is our fate!" Huo Liancheng smiled slightly.

"Well, I admit that you are right!" Jian Yun squinted, snuggled into Huo Liancheng's arms affectionately, wrapped his hands around his waist, and whispered: "I love you!"

"What's going on tonight? How did you coax you not to say these three words to me before, why do you keep talking all of a sudden?" Huo Liancheng raised Jian Yun's chin, a little surprised, more flattered.

God knows how hard he waited for the three words, and finally found her, only to find that she was sad for other men. At that time, he was feeling depressed and uncomfortable like never before.

"Don't you like to listen? Then I won't say it anymore!" Jian Yun pouted. She wore a casual T-shirt and trousers, but she couldn't hide the graceful curve. At this time, she showed her little daughter's pampering attitude , Suddenly a certain part of Huo Liancheng was about to move.

"Of course I like to listen, but I think this happiness has come too suddenly, and I can't believe it." Huo Liancheng endured the desire, looked forward, and asked with a frown: "You won't be seeing your ex-boyfriend at night. What excites you?"

After hearing this, Jian Yun only felt that a mouthful of old blood was about to squirt out. She pushed Huo Liancheng away angrily, and said with no anger: "Yes, I was stimulated. See you tonight. I found that I still like my ex-boyfriend. , But now I’m on your thief ship again. I can’t be with him anymore, so I can only keep telling you that I love you, but also to brainwash myself. Just listen, but don’t go Go inside!"

Before Jian Yun finished speaking, he saw that Huo Liancheng's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he was so stiff, he was obviously suppressing anger, and he was about to explode.

"Okay, that's it. From now on, I won't accompany you to sleep anymore. Goodbye!" Jian Yun didn't care about it. After finishing this paragraph very proudly, she turned her head and left.

She is a person who is very attached to feelings. She didn’t accept him in the past. Later, although she accepted Huo Liancheng, she never said that she loved him because she did not fully determine her own mind. Even if she was only a little uncertain, she did not dare Commit easily.

But now it's different. Seeing Xu Haiyang again, Jian Yun found that she had completely let go of her heart. The feelings of those lush years have become memories. Now what she thought in her heart and saw in her eyes was Huo Liancheng.

Who knows, she was willing to say those three words, but he was still suspicious!

This is really outrageous.

"Where are you going?" Huo Liancheng was furious, stretched out his hand to grab Jian Yun, and took her into his arms.

Jian Yun was very impatient to push Huo Liancheng, "I move to Qingcheng!"

"Then what should I do?" Huo Liancheng was very depressed.

"Do whatever you want!" Jian Yun gave him a sideways look.

"I'm used to holding you to sleep, I can't sleep without you!" Huo Liancheng played a rogue.

"Hold a pillow if you can’t sleep. It’s really not good. I’ll make an inflatable doll for you. What do you like? Teacher Cang or Teacher Yui? Or do you like the European and American ones?" Jian Yun sneered not afraid of death. Asked, holding his arms.

Huo Liancheng's mouth twitched fiercely, and his eyes filled with irritability. He grabbed Jian Yun's hand and pressed her against the wall, gritted his teeth and said, "I like you, just give me your size. I will!"

"That won't work, I don't want to see myself being ruined by you!" Jian Yun struggled, without breaking Huo Liancheng's restraint, she snorted coldly, "Let go!"

"Why am I ruining you?" Huo Liancheng was almost irritated by Jian Yun. He couldn't help pinching Jian Yun's face, and said viciously: "I'm so handsome and martial arts. I'm spoiled, don't you feel honored?"

"You are still awe-inspiring..." Jian Yun was really shocked by Huo Liancheng's shamelessness. She looked at him in disbelief and said seriously that he was very good. She wanted to hurt him. , Who knows that I can't help it, "puchi" laughed out loud, directly broke the work.

"Don't you agree?" Huo Liancheng raised his sword eyebrow, Jian Yun smiled and he was relieved, although he knew she was making fun with him, but God knows, when she scowled, he was nervous, for fear that she was telling the truth. Yes, I really ignored him from then on.

It seems that in his whole life, he is eaten by her!

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