You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 376: 376 You will lose me like this!

"Can you be more shameless?" Jian Yun rolled her eyes, struggling with both hands. This time she easily broke free of Huo Liancheng's hand. She stretched out her finger to point on his chest again, "Are you going to see Qingcheng? It’s bright if you don’t go again!"

"Say you love me!" Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's hand and stared at her with black eyes.

"Don't tell me!" Jian Yun refused, "I hurt my self-esteem, so you dare to doubt me. Don't want me to say these three words again!"

When Huo Liancheng heard this, his handsome face suddenly collapsed. He put his head on Jian Yun's shoulder, rubbed it, and said coquettishly: "Well, I was wrong just now, so please forgive me."

"Hey, hey, don't you disgust me!" Jian Yun had never seen President Huo Da's appearance, and immediately trembled, only to feel goose bumps all over his body.

"You tell me quickly!" Huo Liancheng sneered, "I will not disgust you after I say it!"

"Don't tell, don't tell!" Jian Yun pushed Huo Liancheng away in disgust, as if there was some germ on his body, while dusting himself.

"Duo, you will lose me like this!" Huo Liancheng's face turned black.

"Okay, you just lost me, goodbye!" Jian Yun flashed, got out from under Huo Liancheng's armpit, jumped to the door very sensitively, opened the door and ran out quickly.

However, as soon as Jian Yun went out, she almost ran into a person head-on. She looked up and was so scared that she stepped on her right foot with her left foot and almost tripped herself over.

"Huo, Mrs. Huo, you, why are you here?" Jian Yun quickly stood firm, and subconsciously stepped back two steps, widening the distance between Shen Fangqi and her pretty little face just playing with Huo Liancheng's smart and playful face Disappeared, replaced by tension and stiffness.

Shen Fangqi fixedly looked at Jian Yun, she had obviously cried, her eyes were red and swollen, she should have washed her face, and the delicate makeup on her face was also removed when she came.

Jian Yun was even more nervous when she saw her, and she stammered, "Huo, Mrs. Huo, what's the matter?"

Shen Fangqi still didn't speak, the eyes that stared at Jian Yun were going to straighten, Jian Yun's heart was pounding, pointing to the back, and smiling awkwardly: "Liancheng is inside, I'll call him out."

"No need!" Shen Fangqi saw Jian Yun going to push the door, and quickly stopped her, "I'll look for you!"

"Look, find me?" Jian Yun didn't know why she was so afraid of Shen Fangqi. She now understands that the battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in those TV dramas is really not acting. It's good to say that she doesn't meet her mother-in-law several times a year. I live under the same roof with my mother-in-law, and see when I look up, and the mother-in-law talks so coldly every day. Can the daughter-in-law not break out?

"Well, I have something to ask you." Shen Fangqi glanced behind Jian Yun. She also knew that Huo Liancheng was in the house, but after standing at the door for so long, she didn't have the courage to knock on the door to find him because he just Those words really broke her heart.

"Oh, okay, Mrs. Huo, say you." Jian Yun is still in a state of high tension. She feels that her hairs are erected. Now even if there is a little disturbance, she has the urge to run away.

Shen Fangqi didn't want Jian Yun to go anywhere with her. She was still standing in the corridor. She looked at Jian Yun and suddenly asked, "Are you afraid of me?"

"Ah?" Jian Yun was thinking about what Shen Fangqi would ask. She probably had something to do with Huo Qingcheng. She was wondering how to answer. She couldn't help hearing Shen Fangqi say this, but she didn't react for a while, and she opened her mouth blankly , Looked dull.

Shen Fangqi did not move her eyebrows, but she did not embarrass Jian Yun any more, but directly said: "You don't have to be afraid of me, I won't eat you!"

"Ha, ha ha." Jian Yun was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer. She could only grin stiffly. She glanced back from the corner of her eye from time to time. She knew that Huo Liancheng was behind the door, but he didn't come out. , She can get out of trouble when he comes out?

Or Huo Liancheng also wanted to know why Shen Fangqi came to her, so he didn't come out at all?

"You tell me the truth, Qingcheng, did she wake up?" Shen Fangqi was silent for a moment before asking. Her tone was quiet, and she looked calm on the surface, but in fact her eyes were full of tension.

"Wake up? Didn't she wake up long ago?" Jian Yun was very embarrassed. She could see that Huo Qingcheng didn't want Shen Fangqi to know the fact that she was sober, but she didn't want to lie and lie. After all, Shen Fangqi was just a man. Worried about her daughter's mother, so Jian Yun can only play stupid.

"You know what I mean." Shen Fangqi was a little anxious, but she still managed to restrain herself from getting angry. The girl in front of her is the sweetheart of her son. Even if she doesn't like it anymore, she can't scold her here, otherwise she will only give The already terrible relationship between her and Huo Liancheng has worsened.

Jian Yun is really annoyed, she is entangled, should she say it!

"Why don't you speak?" Shen Fangqi frowned, she was already very impatient.

"Mrs. Huo, what do you want me to say?" Jian Yun sighed helplessly. She could almost understand why the relationship between Huo Liancheng and Shen Fangqi was so bad. Huo Qingcheng had obviously woken up, and his mother was beside her, but still Dare to tell anyone the fact that her sanity has recovered.

This woman, Shen Fangqi, is too powerful.

"Just tell me if Qingcheng has recovered his sanity!" Shen Fangqi's expression on his eyebrows became cold.

"Why don't you ask her by yourself?" Jian Yun stretched his hands and motioned Shen Fangqi to look behind. She had just seen Sister Fang pushing Huo Qingcheng over.

Shen Fangqi turned around abruptly, followed Jian Yun's gaze, and saw Huo Qingcheng sitting in a wheelchair, about a few meters away from her, looking at her coldly.

"Qingcheng!" The indifferent expression on Shen Fangqi's face instantly disintegrated, she staggered over, squatting in front of Huo Qingcheng's wheelchair, and grabbing her hand, unable to suppress the excitement and ecstasy in her heart, "Qingcheng, you are fine, right? You tell mom, you are fine, you wake up!"

However, when Huo Qingcheng faced Shen Fangqi, his thin face was still calm, and there was no wave in those eyes. If it hadn't been for the look, Jian Yun would have thought that Huo Qingcheng in front of him was a dummy.

"Mom?" Huo Qingcheng said softly, his voice was low, with a hint of dumbness. It was a sequelae caused by a long absence, but even so, it was still difficult to conceal the mockery in her tone.

"Qingcheng, I am a mother, don't you know me? Why don't you tell your mother when you wake up?" Shen Fangqi didn't seem to notice Huo Qingcheng's strangeness, she was still immersed in the great ecstasy of finding Huo Qingcheng sober.

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