You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 377: 377 Despair

Earlier in the living room, when Shen Fangqi first entered the door, she saw Huo Qingcheng calling his brother and sister so cheerfully. It was completely different from the girl with a dull-eyed look in Switzerland. She realized something was wrong in her heart, but when she saw Huo Qingcheng Her joy made her temporarily forget this, and later quarreled with Huo Liancheng.

It wasn't until she went to the bathroom to wash her face and calm down that she realized that Huo Qingcheng's eyes were so brilliant, she didn't seem to be a child with an IQ of only a few years.

That's why Shen Fangqi came to block Jian Yun's question, because she knew that Huo Liancheng would definitely not see her now. Since Huo Qingcheng was unwilling to talk to her, she would only pretend to be stupid even if she asked.

Who knows that Jian Yun actually hesitated and didn't want to be honest, but this also made Shen Fangqi more sure of her guess, otherwise, Jian Yun just need to say negative.

Now Huo Qingcheng is here, and Shen Fangqi already understands everything when he sees her eyes. Her daughter, after six years of deep sleep, really woke up!

But why did Qingcheng look so cold in her eyes?

The heat in Shen Fangqi's heart faded away from Huo Qingcheng's cold eyes. She stared at Huo Qingcheng, her lips trembled, "Qingcheng, why don't you call your mother? Why do you look at your mother with this look?"

Huo Qingcheng was silent, and a smile appeared for a while, but the smile did not reach the bottom of her eyes, her voice was still dumb and harsh, with boundless coldness, "Mom? Whose mother are you? I only remember that you are Huo Chengfeng alone. Mother!"

In an instant, Shen Fangqi seemed to have been knocked on a sap, and was shocked. There were still tears on her face, and the corners of her mouth were raised. The crying and laughing expression just stiffened on her face, as if she didn't understand Huo. What Qingcheng said, her lips trembled, "You, what did you just say?"

Huo Qingcheng gritted his teeth, "I said, you are not my mother!"

Shen Fangqi shook his head, "Qingcheng, why am I not your mother? I am your mother!"

Huo Qingcheng smiled, "Mom? Is there a mother like you who cares about the life and death of her children? What were you doing when my brother and I were dead? You can't be eccentric!"

Shen Fangqi shook his head desperately, "I don't, I'm not partial! Qingcheng, don't listen to your brother, he is biased against me, I am good to Chengfeng, that's because I couldn't take care of him since I was a child, and I am ashamed of him. That's why I treat him a little better, and I am the same to you!"

"You are just a little better to him?" Huo Qingcheng seemed to have heard some big joke, and the corner of her mouth raised a mocking smile, "Don't think I don't know, you just need to transfer the shares your father gave you to him. , Why should I forge my signature and transfer to him what Dad gave me?"

"You, how did you know..." After hearing this, Shen Fangqi sat on the ground in shock. At this time, she had completely lost her usual image of grace and luxury.

"How do I know? Of course it's because I woke up more than a year ago!" Huo Qingcheng smiled slightly.

"What are you talking about? One, a year ago? You woke up a year ago? This is impossible!" Shen Fangqi's eyes widened in shock, with a face of disbelief, "Why don't I know anything! Why didn't you tell me? "

"Dare I say it? Mom!" Huo Qingcheng curled her lips, eyes filled with coldness. With this sound, Mom, she gritted her teeth and was as cold as ice, "At first, I was just a little more sane, but my body couldn't move. I don’t have enough strength. There are only a few people around you every day. Even if you come, you just look and leave. I want to call you, but do you care about me?"

Huo Qingcheng was tired of talking, she paused, and when Shen Fangqi was already on the verge of collapse, she continued: "Also, you shouldn't forget that day, it was raining outside, Huo Chengfeng came in, he touched me, and He said a lot of insults. It was obviously not the first time he did this, but you clearly saw it when you came in, but didn't reprimand him in a word, just an understatement,'She is your sister, you can't do this!' Mom, huh, Do you know how desperate I was at the time? I wish I didn't wake up and just die like that!"

In the last sentence, Huo Qingcheng held his head, almost screaming hysterically.

Sister Fang quickly pressed her hand, massaged her head, and whispered her not to get excited.

Sister Fang is Grandma Liao’s person, so Huo Qingcheng did not hide her.

It’s just that when Jian Yun heard all this, she was already stunned. She only felt heartache. It turned out that what Huo Qingcheng did not want to say that night was that she had been molested and molested by Huo Chengfeng. !

So, does Huo Liancheng know about this?

Just thinking of this question, Jian Yun noticed a darkening around her and a familiar aura rushing in. She turned her head to see that it was Huo Liancheng. He didn't know when he came out. He was standing behind her at the moment, with no expression on Jun's face. The eyes were cold like ice in the lake in the twelfth month of winter, with a biting murderous aura.

Just seeing the look of Huo Liancheng, Jian Yun understood that what Huo Qingcheng just said was the first time he had heard of it!

Here Jian Yun was covering her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. On the other hand, Shen Fangqi's face faded all the blood and became a fiasco. She was limp on the ground, her whole body trembling, and she could no longer say a word.

Huo Qingcheng paused for a while before taking a sigh of relief. Her eyes suddenly became distant, and she couldn't hide her sadness. "Mom, you have been very alienated from my brother and me since I was a child. I know you have been caring about that son, but I don't know you actually To indulge him to such a degree, if it were not for you, where would he have the courage and financial resources to compete with his brother? If it were not for you to help him, with his ability, he would not be able to enter the board of directors! What is even more ridiculous is that he committed it. Many mistakes, even embezzlement of taxes, you still defend him everywhere, always asking your brother to let him! Use your contacts to help him clear the relationship..."

Having said that, Huo Qingcheng closed her eyes, and she didn't know if she was bored or tired, so she didn't continue.

"Qingcheng, you guys, have you always known?" Shen Fangqi trembled like fallen leaves in a violent wind, her face was defeated like golden paper, her eyes were full of despair, and her face lost the strength to stand up.

"Dad knows too!" Huo Qingcheng said quietly, and this sentence directly caused Shen Fangqi to be struck by lightning.

"Your father, he, does he know?" Shen Fangqi's body just got better and trembled again.

"Oh, otherwise, if it weren't for Dad to open one eye and close one eye, do you think that with your ability, you can help Huo Chengfeng deal with so much trouble? You really think that grandpa and the old people on the board are all vegetarians. Yes? If it weren't for your father and brother to keep you, you would have been—" Huo Qingcheng raised her eyes, and when she saw Huo Liancheng, she pursed the corners of her mouth, and did not continue.

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