You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 378: 378 I can't help it!

"Let's go!" Huo Liancheng said, his tone is calm, like an ancient well, without a trace of emotion.

Shen Fangqi came down with tears, she cried: "Liancheng, where do you want me to go? I know, I was wrong, but I, I can't help it!"

"Enough! There is no way, nothing else, do you have no other reason except this sentence?" Huo Liancheng suddenly broke out. He had tolerated it for too long, and his heart was filled with anger. Now there is a breakthrough, suddenly All vented out, "Every time it is this sentence, did he kill someone? You have to use this sentence to tell everyone that you can't help it!"

Shen Fangqi has obviously never seen Huo Liancheng make such a big fire. He has always been silent in front of her. Even if she has neglected him and wronged him for so many years, he has never complained, but today he yelled at her!

Jian Yun was also frightened. She was stunned, not knowing what to say, so she could only open her eyes wide and stared at Huo Liancheng in shock. It was the first time she saw Huo Liancheng talk to people like this, and the object was his mother. , The night when he forced her, he was nothing but cynicism and would not have such a scary expression.

"Mother, are you worthy of this word?" Huo Liancheng sneered, and his words were like a knife, plucking Shen Fangqi's heart. "In your eyes, there has always been only Huo Chengfeng. If you are so ashamed of him, then look for it. He goes, why bother to act like a mother here pretendingly? Did you know that your appearance is really disgusting!"

"Liancheng, stop talking!" Jian Yun couldn't listen anymore, she took Huo Liancheng's arm and tried to stop him.

Although Shen Fangqi has done a lot of disdainful things, in Jian Yun's view, even if Huo Liancheng hates her again, he shouldn't say that about his mother.

Shen Fangqi's tears kept streaming like crazy. She looked at Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng, but saw that her sons and daughters did not look at her. Huo Qingcheng even turned around, obviously disgusting her to the extreme. .

"Ah -" Shen Fangqi finally couldn't stand it anymore, she screamed suddenly, grabbed her hair desperately, slumped on the ground, arched her waist, like crazy.

Jian Yun saw the scene difficult to clean up, she hurriedly pushed Huo Liancheng, and whispered: "Will you go into the house? Don't say it!"

Huo Liancheng stood still, his cold eyes fell on Shen Fangqi again. He squinted his eyes and said coldly, "I heard that that person is divorced again. If you have an idea, I can help you convince your father to share Your divorce will fulfill your relationship and fulfill your motherly heart!"

Jian Yun shuddered when she heard this. She was also anxious, and desperately pushed Huo Liancheng, "Hey, stop talking! Do you know what you are talking about?"

"I also agree with my brother, Mom, instead of marrying a man I don’t love, I have been unhappy for more than 30 years and even hate my own children. Why not just be a little bit more? My father must have had enough for so many years. Your coldness, think about it!" Huo Qingcheng sighed with his back to this side.

"Sister, don't blame your brother," Huo Qingcheng turned his wheelchair and turned around, facing Jian Yun, smiling bitterly: "If it weren't for being hurt too badly and deeply, as a child, how could you say Such rebellious words?"

Jian Yun put her hand on Huo Liancheng tightly. She looked at Huo Qingcheng in shock, only to feel that the young girl in front of her had a terrifying look in her eyes when she said this.

Therefore, these brothers and sisters were so heartbroken by their mother that they were so unfeeling!

At this time, Shen Fangqi also stopped crying. She stared at the ground blankly, not knowing whether she was moved by Huo Liancheng's proposal, or she was shocked, and she was silent for a long time.

Jian Yun saw her being so pitiful, she couldn't help sighing in her heart, and once again urged Huo Liancheng to return to the house.

In any case, this mess has to be cleaned up. Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng are obviously already completely disappointed in Shen Fangqi. They don’t even want to see this mother again, but it’s no wonder that, as long as you think about what they have just heard, Jian Yun will do it. I think Shen Fangqi is really too much.

Compared to Jian Dongming's indifference to her and her mother, Shen Fangqi's so sheltering and indulging Huo Chengfeng to hurt Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng is even more hateful. Huo Liancheng has endured to this day, and he should be thinking about the love between mother and child.

And Jian Yun heard that Shen Fangqi kept saying that she had no choice but to feel irritable. What does it mean that there is no way? But I don't want to find a solution. Otherwise, why should the world set laws?

If you hurt someone, I can't help but want others to forgive. There is no such good thing in the world, and others are not fools!

"You go in first! Sister Fang, you also push Qingcheng back to the house without saying a few words." Jian Yun is not sympathetic to Shen Fangqi, Jian Dongming has done less than one-tenth of Shen Fangqi's, and she can no longer forgive him for his mother and The damage she caused, let alone Huo Qingcheng.

Just thinking of the humiliation that Huo Qingcheng had just said she suffered when she first woke up, Jian Yun felt like something was blocked in her heart, depressed and uncomfortable. If it were her, Jian Yun felt that she would definitely not forgive Shen Fangqi for the rest of her life. .

Huo Liancheng was pushed into the house by Jian Yun, Huo Qingcheng looked at Shen Fangqi and sighed and left. Shen Fangqi was still sitting slumped on the ground, unkempt and teary, looking very pitiful.

"Madam Huo, I'll help you back to the room!" Jian Yun went over to help Shen Fangqi under the pressure.

In addition to security in the villa, only Sister Fang has a chef and a few cleaners, but they all live in the small building in front, so no one comes here. However, even if someone is there, they will pretend to be deaf. Being dumb, after all, this kind of grudges among the rich, others still know the less the better.

It's as if Chen Xin is clearly in the dark, but won't come out to persuade him. This is the Huo family's family affair, and it is not something outsiders can talk about.

Jian Yun didn't want to care, but she is now Huo Liancheng's wife. In any case, Shen Fangqi is also her nominal mother-in-law. Even if she doesn't like her anymore and doesn't approve of her actions, Jian Yun has to take on what the daughter-in-law should do.

Since both Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng had already said so clearly, Shen Fangqi should also understand that she was unpopular here, and Jian Yun would have completed the task as long as she returned her to the room.

Otherwise, you can't all leave, just let Shen Fangqi sit in the corridor alone.

The guest room is downstairs, and Huo Liancheng did not arrange for Shen Fangqi to live with them on the first floor, which is equivalent to showing his attitude of not welcoming this woman.

Shen Fangqi did not refuse Jian Yun's support this time, and let Jian Yun help her back to the room.

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