You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 380: 380 I don't want to see my mother!

Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng disappeared, but they did not notice that the door of the guest room was always open, and there was a figure standing behind the door. After a long time, the door was gently closed.

Huo Liancheng originally wanted to go to Huo Qingcheng's room, but when he walked to the door, he changed his mind, took Jian Yun back to his bedroom, lay down directly on the bed, and signaled Jian Yun, "Come on!"

Jian Yun stood by the bed with a baffling expression, "What are you here for?"

Huo Liancheng turned to look at her, "Didn't you say you want to give me great health care?"

Jian Yun's mouth twitched, "Are you serious? I just think you are in a bad mood to comfort you!"

Huo Liancheng was dissatisfied, "Is it interesting to deceive a simple person like me?"

Jian Yun's eyelids and mouth suddenly twitched, "Shameless, why are you ashamed to say that you are innocent?"

"Fact, why are you embarrassed?" Huo Liancheng said it for granted, then twisted his neck and urged Jian Yun, "Hurry up, squeeze my legs first! Then my shoulders are so sore, and my waist is here! Knead me well."

Jian Yun widened his eyes in surprise, "Just pinch his legs?"

"Then what else do you want to do?" Huo Liancheng squinted at Jian Yun, "Does big health care have any other meaning?"

"Ah? Ah! No no!" Jian Yun reacted, waved his hand quickly, jumped onto the bed with a stride, and began to rub Huo Liancheng's legs with all his strength.

She didn't know whether Huo Liancheng really didn't know what the big health care meant, or if she didn't know it, but she didn't want to do that at the moment, she could only pretend not to know!

Here, Jian Yun is seriously doing a massage for Huo Liancheng. Ouyang Fei is not in good health. Jian Yun learned it specially, so the technique is very professional. Huo Liancheng feels very comfortable. He squinted slightly and his head half side. Look at Jian Yun from the corner of his eye.

When he saw Jian Yun's bewildered look, he couldn't help being amused. Of course, he couldn't help but know what the big health care meant, but at this time, he didn't have the mind to do that, as long as he thought of what Shen Fangqi did. Because of what Huo Qingcheng said, it was as if a volcano was about to erupt in his heart, grief, hatred, and a kind of powerlessness from the bottom of his heart.

How about being born with a golden spoon? Born in such a family, apart from the material guarantee of a worry-free life, it did not bring him any happiness. His past 30 years of life plus the happy time he had together are not as good as those with Jian Yun. So many months.

"What are you thinking about?" Jian Yun sat on Huo Liancheng's waist and pinched his shoulders.

She is very light, and Huo Liancheng has no pressure on her, but feels comfortable around her waist.

"Miss you!" Huo Liancheng narrowed his eyes, and his eyes fell on Jian Yun's face.

"What do you miss me?" Jian Yun pursed his lips and leaned on Huo Liancheng's back, playing with his ears.

"I think you are so lucky to have me!" Huo Liancheng said.

Jian Yun was stunned, and couldn't help but pat Huo Liancheng, "Why are you so faceless and skinless, shouldn't you say this in reverse?"

Huo Liancheng turned over and threw Jian Yun down under him. He stretched out his hand to caress her cheek, and his piercing eyes seemed to drip with water, "Yes, I am lucky to have you!"

"Me too!" Jian Yun looked at the face of the man in front of him, and her heart suddenly jumped uncontrollably. She blushed, holding Huo Liancheng's face shyly and kissed him, "I love you!"

Huo Liancheng smiled slightly, "I love you too!"

Gazing affectionately, Jian Yun's heart seemed to be drowning in Huo Liancheng's gentle eyes, kissing, soft as feathers, gradually becoming dense, and then deep kiss...

After a long time, after the kiss ended, Jian Yun also understood that Huo Liancheng should not be in the mood to do that tonight. She naturally couldn't ask for it. It wasn't that she didn't like it, but that Huo Liancheng was too strong to take it every night, and she couldn't stand it either.

"Go take a shower and go to bed early!" Jian Yun kissed Huo Liancheng, and then got up, "I'll get you clothes."

At the same time, in Huo Qingcheng's room, Sister Fang was on the phone with Grandma Liao. Huo Qingcheng was next to her, but she looked dull and kept her head down, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Miss, the old lady wants to talk to you!" Sister Fang handed the phone to Huo Qingcheng.

Huo Qingcheng raised her head, her eyes fell on the phone, and it took a long time to reach out and take the phone. She couldn't move her legs, but her hands were a little bit strong. This was also due to her practice secretly hiding in the quilt on the bed.

"Grandma." Huo Qingcheng said and called out softly. Just now she asked Sister Fang to call Grandma Liao. She also asked Sister Fang to tell Grandma Liao about tonight and her affairs. .

"You girl, why are you so cruel? I won't tell my grandma when I'm done, grandma... hey, girl, you have suffered!" Grandma Liao heard Huo Qingcheng's voice, and she slammed her head and covered her face, but she was talking about her. He gave a distressed cry, and then started crying.

"Grandma, I'm sorry!" Huo Qingcheng's eyes were also moist. She thought that her heart had been very cold and hard, but now she discovered that when facing her loved ones and those who really care about her, she Also heartache.

"I'm sorry for what you say, you are fine! Grandma, grandma is happy!" Grandma Liao wiped away her tears, her voice became lighter, "Girl, there will be nothing to deal with in the future. Say, tell your grandma, tell your brother, and your sister-in-law. Grandma Yunya loves her very much. She is a good girl!"

"Well, I know, grandma!" Huo Qingcheng also smiled at the corner of his mouth, "Grandma, I called you to ask you, can I go to your place for a few days?"

"Okay, of course!" Grandma Liao said happily: "You come to see grandma dance the square dance, you slowly do rehabilitation, when you are better, grandma will take you to dance, this is interesting!"

Speaking of this, Grandma Liao changed her words, "By the way, why do you suddenly remember to come to me? Did your brother live with you?"

Huo Qingcheng was silent for a while before saying: "My mother is here, I don't want to see her!"

When Grandma Liao heard this, she couldn't help sighing deeply, "Hey, how did you say that your relationship with your brother and her got to the point where it is today!"

When Huo Qingcheng asked Sister Fang to call Grandma Liao, she specifically told her not to be molested by Huo Chengfeng, but Shen Fangqi said that when she covered Huo Chengfeng, Grandma Liao was getting older and Huo Qingcheng was afraid she would not be able to bear it.

Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng’s brothers and sisters have not been seen by Shen Fangqi since they were young. Huo Qingcheng is a little better, at least growing up next to Shen Fangqi, but Shen Fangqi treats her better only after she fell into a coma in a car accident, perhaps out of guilt. In short, Huo Qingcheng's feelings for Shen Fangqi are also very complicated.

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