You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 381: 381 Empathy, don't fall in love?

On the one hand, Huo Qingcheng was angry with Fangqi's indifference to their brothers and sisters, on the other hand, he desperately yearned for his mother's love and approval. However, for so many years, this has always been a luxury!

From childhood to adulthood, if the only one who always loved them was Grandma Liao.

Therefore, Huo Qingcheng and Huo Liancheng have always had a very good relationship with Grandma Liao, and Grandma Liao has a very free and easy-going temperament. They both respect and love her.

"Grandma..." Huo Qingcheng was also silent.

"Well, if you don’t see it, you won’t see it. She has been indifferent to your brothers and sisters over the years. Grandma is also in the eyes. Maybe the fate between you in your previous life is not enough. Even if you are a mother and a mother and daughter in this life, love is only Will be so light, girl, have you told your brother?" Grandma Liao's voice was also sad.

Huo’s family house has always been thin, but the side branches are luxuriant. She also gave birth to Huo Xiangqian. As the eldest son of the long house, Huo Xiangqian worked very hard since he was very good. He developed very well, but he was stubborn about marriage. A man like him didn't have what kind of woman he wanted, but he fell in love with his brother.

Grandma Liao still doesn't know why Shen Fangqi suddenly repented and married Huo Xiangqian when she had already given birth and was about to get married. If she said that she was empathetic and not in love, then so many years of depressed and indifferent to Huo Xiangqian, why?

Grandma Liao also asked Huo Xiangqian if he used any means to persecute Shen Fangqi, but Huo Xiangqian never said anything.

With Grandma Liao’s temper, she dislikes Shen Fangqi very much. This woman is too selfish and can be so indifferent to her children, but after all, she gave birth to Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng brothers and sisters, and Grandma Liao is based on this. , Never care about with Shen Fangqi, and move out with Huo early, do not live with his son, not seeing.

But now, Grandma Liao feels that things are a bit unusual, because in the past, even if Shen Fangqi treated Huo Liancheng brothers and sisters badly, the brothers and sisters would not say anything bad to her. Today she heard that Huo Qingcheng woke up a long time ago but has been Pretending to be stupid and not letting others know, I felt that the situation was weird. At this moment, I heard Huo Qingcheng say that I didn't want to see Shen Fangqi. Grandma Liao knew that something must have happened, and it hurt Huo Qingcheng's heart.

"Grandma, I'll tell him tomorrow morning, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, grandma, I..." Huo Qingcheng is only in her twenties. She suffered prematurely and made her more mature. Depressed, so she heard Grandma Liao's gentle and loving voice at first, but her nose was sour.

"Girl, don't say these silly things, take a good rest, if you have anything to say, come to grandma tomorrow!" Grandma Liao wiped her tears, "Grandma really misses you, every time I see you, you are lying on the bed. I don't know how uncomfortable grandma feels!"

"Grandma, I'm sorry!" Huo Qingcheng's eyes were moist. She was afraid that she would really cry, so she quickly handed the phone to Sister Fang.

Sister Fang said a few words with Grandma Liao, and then hung up.

She turned around, pushed the wheelchair, and walked to the bed, "Miss, go to bed early after taking the medicine. Don't think about the bad things. You must be very happy to see the old lady."

Huo Qingcheng gave a soft "um" and raised the corners of her lips. Yes, the days of suffering have passed. Now she has escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, and she is surrounded by people who love her. She is about to start a new life!

Early the next morning, as soon as Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng walked out of the room, they saw Huo Qingcheng sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the outside scenery from the balcony over the corridor.

"Qingcheng, why is it so early?" Huo Liancheng asked.

Huo Qingcheng turned her head and saw Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun, she smiled slightly, "Lying for too long, now I can't wait to be outside every day, breathing fresh air, and looking at the beautiful world."

"Then I won't go to work today, and Yun Duo will take you out for a walk." Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun walked over, holding Huo Qingcheng's hand, and said gently.

Jian Yun also smiled and said, "Yes, I haven't taken you out for so many days."

Huo Qingcheng shook his head, "After a while, brother, I want to tell you something."

"You said." Huo Liancheng was very patient.

Had it not been for Huo Liancheng's character, Jian Yun would have been jealous when he looked at Huo Qingcheng's gentle eyes.

Huo Qingcheng lowered his eyes and was silent for a while before he said, "I want to live at grandma's house for a while."

Huo Liancheng frowned, "Why do you want to go to grandma's side suddenly?"

Huo Qingcheng bit his lip, his long eyelashes trembled, and did not speak. Huo Liancheng was still waiting for her answer, so the two remained silent.

"I just said that I want to take Qingcheng out to relax. She is going to grandma's house. Isn't it just right? With grandma taking care of you, don't you feel more relieved?" Jian Yun saw that the atmosphere was not right, and quickly pulled Huo Liancheng's sleeve and motioned him not to Ask again, this man's heart is thick, didn't Huo Qingcheng make it clear that he wanted to avoid Shen Fangqi, Huo Liancheng couldn't tell?

Huo Liancheng's eyebrows tightened, but he didn't say anything. He just told Huo Qingcheng, "You can go, but pay attention to safety. I will send more people over. When do you plan to leave?"

"The sooner the better! The best today! I have already told my grandma." Huo Qingcheng raised his head, his eyes dark and he couldn't see emotions.

Huo Liancheng nodded, took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Xin's number, and began to arrange.

Jian Yun squatted in front of Huo Qingcheng. She held Huo Qingcheng's hand and smiled at her, "You go there first, I will see you and grandma in a few days!"

Huo Qingcheng smiled, just about to nod, his eyes suddenly fell behind Jian Yun, and the smile on her face instantly froze.

Jian Yun also followed Huo Qingcheng's eyes and looked back, and she saw Shen Fangqi's figure. She had been upstairs without knowing when she was standing at the corner of the stairs, looking at this side with a blank expression.

Shen Fangqi must have not slept well last night, and his always lustrous face has also dimmed, and there are still two big dark circles under his eyes.

"Mrs. Huo!" Jian Yun stood up subconsciously and greeted Shen Fangqi very respectfully.

Huo Liancheng was talking on the phone and looked back at the moment, but he was not looking at Shen Fangqi, but Jian Yun, because he also found out that Jian Yun seemed very shocked by Shen Fangqi, why every time he saw Shen Fangqi he was trembling, and this Mrs. Huo's call also made him feel very harsh.

"You guys, do you want to go out?" Shen Fangqi just heard a few vague words just as she went upstairs. She was not sure. She also knew that Huo Liancheng and Huo Qingcheng hated her very much now. If she treats Jian Yun with arrogance like before , Then there is no one who can ask questions.

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