You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 382: 382 Conflict

Jian Yun looked at Huo Liancheng, and then at Huo Qingcheng. One of the two continued to talk on the phone, the other lowered their heads, as if they did not see Shen Fangqi, she looked at Shen Fangqi again, and saw that she was looking at herself, so Jian Yun could only laugh. He said, "Yeah, haha."

However, this extremely perfunctory "hehe" also made Shen Fangqi frown, "What does he mean?"

"This, this..." Jian Yun was really annoyed. She and Shen Fangqi also met a few times. The time spent together was less than an hour. They were really unfamiliar, but Shen Fangqi happened to be her husband's mother. No matter how bad the relationship between Huo Liancheng and Shen Fangqi is, this blood relationship can't be erased, so Jian Yun will follow their brothers and sisters to fight Shen Fangqi without thinking about it.

Jian Yun wouldn't lie, neither Huo Liancheng nor Huo Qingcheng spoke. So at this time Shen Fangqi asked, did she say yes or not?

Fortunately, Huo Liancheng hung up the phone at this time and came over to help Jian Yun relieve the siege, "Qingcheng is going to the hospital for rehabilitation. It has been too long, so I can't sit in a wheelchair for the rest of my life!"

Huo Liancheng's voice was cold, indifferent and terrifying, and Shen Fangqi's eyes were red when he heard it.

Jian Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she didn't talk too much. It seemed that Huo Liancheng didn't want Shen Fangqi to know that Huo Qingcheng was going to Grandma Liao.

Jian Yun frowned and glanced at Huo Liancheng suspiciously. She was suddenly thinking, is it possible that Huo Liancheng is caring about Shen Fangqi, so she doesn't want her to know where Huo Qingcheng is going?

However, no matter what, Jian Yun felt that she should not interrupt. This is the family affair of the three of them, mother and son. She is just an outsider. For her bad behavior, she will definitely be blamed in the future.

Shen Fangqi looked at Huo Qingcheng again, his lips pursed, and then said for a long time: "Qingcheng, are you really unwilling to forgive mother?"

Huo Qingcheng raised his eyes, his eyes were calm and his voice was flat, "How do you want me to answer you?"

Shen Fangqi was startled, and he staggered backwards, reached out and grabbed the handrail before falling down, she nodded, "I see."

Huo Qingcheng pushed the wheelchair and turned around, as if he didn't want to say a word with Shen Fangqi, the thin back showed stubbornness and depression.

It can be said that half of her life has been ruined. Even if she recovers, the good years of the past will not come back, but all the sufferings are not comparable to the harm that Shen Fangqi has brought to her by protecting Huo Chengfeng.

Especially when she saw things after she was sober, when Huo Chengfeng insulted her, she saw Shen Fangqi coming in, and she had so much expectation in her heart. Who knows that Shen Fangqi said such things directly, making her like falling into an ice cave, with a heart like Be Ling Chi.

Such a feeling of despair and humiliation, she will never forget!

Jian Yun looked at these strange mothers and daughters, and she understood that if Huo Qingcheng hadn't really been hurt by Shen Fangqi, how could she be so cruel?

"Brother, let's go!" Huo Qingcheng asked Huo Liancheng to push her away. After walking two steps, she found Jian Yun still standing stupidly. She turned her head and said, "Sister, you should push me."

Jian Yun recovered, and didn't want to look at Shen Fangqi's face anymore. He hurried over and walked with Huo Liancheng. Huo Liancheng looked at her, Jian Yun put his hand on Huo Qingcheng's wheelchair and squeezed towards him. Wink your eyes.

"Sister, why are you so afraid of her?" After entering Huo Qingcheng's room, Huo Qingcheng suddenly asked Jian Yun.

Jian Yun was taken aback, and then sighed, "I don't know, maybe I have never seen a woman with such a strong aura. The first time I met, Mrs. Huo gave me the impression of being superior, so..."

Huo Qingcheng sighed, "Sister, do you know, you look like a dog in front of her!"

"Huh?" Jian Yun's face collapsed. She looked at Huo Liancheng and asked him bitterly, "Is it that obvious?"

"Yeah!" Huo Liancheng nodded seriously and paused. He said lightly: "I always feel like you will kneel at her feet and call Lafayette in the next second!"

Jian Yun gave him an angry glance, "Can you not exaggerate?"

"I agree with what my brother said!" Huo Qingcheng added fuel to the fire, "Sister, or next time she says something, you hurry up and respond, huh!"

"Besides I ignore you!" Jian Yun was angry. She knew that the brother and sister were teasing her. Jian Yun pouted, "I'm very angry!"

Huo Liancheng curled up his lips and rubbed Jian Yun's head, "Okay, don't see her in the future!"

Huo Qingcheng's eyes narrowed while also smiling.

Jian Yun originally wanted to say something, but his eyes rolled down, and he swallowed that sentence. Forget it, you have to tie the bell to untie the bell. If Shen Fangqi really wants to improve the relationship with Huo Liancheng's brothers and sisters, he must take it. Come out, just talk about it here?

Half an hour later, Huo Qingcheng and Sister Fang, who had packed their luggage, were sent away by Huo Liancheng, but Shen Fangqi did not come out.

Huo Liancheng went to work. Before leaving, he asked Jian Yun if she wanted to go with him. Jian Yun wondered if she was at home alone, she would definitely bump into Shen Fangqi. If Shen Fangqi caught her asking questions again, it would be really annoying. So she decided to go out with Huo Liancheng, but instead of going to Mingshi with him, she went to Luo Yanyan's house.

As a vagrant, she is bored every day. She mentioned to Huo Liancheng that she was going to find a job several times, but he rejected it on the grounds of insecurity. This made Jian Yun very angry, but she was helpless because she didn't want to Quarreled with Huo Liancheng because of this.

Jian Yun wants to find a chance to have a good talk with Huo Liancheng. She doesn't like being a rice bug. She thinks that women still have to have their own careers, otherwise they will easily be out of touch with society. At that time, many troubles and problems will follow. Come.

Jian Yun wasn't worried that Huo Liancheng would fall in love because of this empathy. If his love was so easily shaken, then it would not be worth her to cherish.

She just thinks that she will become decadent if this continues, and she doesn't want the rest of her life to just revolve around a man!

Jian Yun packed up her things and got into Huo Liancheng's car with her bag. When she got on the car, she heard Huo Liancheng talking on the phone. She only heard him say: "Stare at her and send more staff!"

Jian Yun knew who Huo Liancheng was staring at without even thinking about it. Seeing Huo Liancheng hung up, she couldn't help asking him: "Do you doubt you—her?"

Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's hand, touched it gently on his lips, and shook his head, "It is not to doubt her, but to doubt that she will be someone else's pawn!"

Jian Yun was shocked when she heard the words, because she thought of the bug on Huo Qingcheng's wheelchair again, and Huo Chengfeng's hand stretched so long that even her mother had to use it!

"Don't go out alone these days! You must tell me or Chen Xin about anything." Huo Liancheng whispered to Jian Yun.

"I know!" Jian Yun nodded, but she always felt that the wealthy fight was far away from her, so although she said she knew, she didn't pay much attention to it in her heart.

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