You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 383: 383 I'm Sorry

Jian Yun was going to see Luo Yanyan, but Huo Liancheng didn't let her go. He took her directly to Ming's president's office and asked her to work with him. Jian Yun had to persuade him to let her out.

A few days ago, Jian Yun heard Wu Wenjing say that Luo Yanyan was hospitalized for a babysitter again. Because of placenta previa, Jian Yun had never given birth to a child and didn’t understand this. But she checked on the Internet and found this placenta previa. It is very dangerous. Pregnant women will bleed heavily if it is not done well, so I have been worried.

She wanted to go to the hospital to see Luo Yanyan, but Luo Yanyan refused to let her go, saying that it was okay, not as serious as Wu Wenjing said, saying that she was just a borderline placenta previa, and she twisted her waist in those few days. I was bleeding a little, and I went to the hospital when I was worried. After the examination, I said that there was nothing wrong, and I would go home in two or three days at most.

Jian Yun didn’t understand this, so she checked on the Internet again and found that, as Luo Yanyan said, borderline placenta previa is not terrible. As long as you stay in bed, you will basically be fine, and the placenta will grow up later. The mind is let go.

And also because Luo Yanyan said nothing about which hospital she was in, even Wu Wenjing didn’t know, Jian Yun couldn’t go even if she wanted to, she couldn’t ask one hospital at a time, there are so many hospitals in Qinghu City. She couldn't finish asking for a few days, so she thought about waiting for Luo Yanyan to go home before going to see her.

She chatted with Luo Yanyan last night, and knew that Luo Yanyan was discharged from the hospital yesterday morning and went home, so she made an appointment with Wu Wenjing to see Luo Yanyan today.

Wu Wenjing took a long time off. She was waiting outside for Jian Yun. Seeing Jian Yun come out, she pointed to the top of her head, "Sister, if you don't come out, I will be scorched by the sun!"

Jian Yun spread his hands, "Who told you Mr. Huo can't see me for a while, he said he wouldn't let me go, I still ran out secretly!"

Wu Wenjing shot it with a blank eye, "It's shameful to show affection in front of a single dog!"

Jian Yun pointed to the side of the road, "Okay, single dog, get in the car!"

Wu Wenjing turned her head and saw a Bentley parked behind her. She raised her eyebrows, "Isn't this Mr. Huo's car? Is it now your exclusive car?"

"No, he said that this car is more comfortable to sit in." Jian Yun pulled up the car door and smiled at Chen Xin who was driving, "Brother Chen, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

Chen Xin raised the corner of his lower lip, put **** together, and pressed his forehead coolly.

Wu Wenjing got into the car with Jian Yun. Jian Yun gave a brief introduction. Chen Xin started to drive. Jian Yun chatted with him a few words and said the address. Suddenly she discovered that Wu Da Niu, who was always noisy next to him, was abnormal today. silence.

Jian Yun pulled Wu Wenjing suspiciously, "What are you doing? Why did you pretend to be a lady?"

Wu Wenjing was in a daze. She was suddenly dragged by Jian Yun, as if she was taken aback. Then she said dissatisfiedly: "I am a lady!"

Jian Yun felt that Wu Wenjing was a little abnormal, but she was not easy to ask questions in the car, so she smiled and ignored her, and then talked to Chen Xin.

After a while, Wu Wenjing also joined in, but she asked where Chen Xin's house was in the first sentence.

"Sichuan!" Chen Xin drove intently and replied casually.

"It's a coincidence, I'm from Sichuan too!" Wu Wenjing didn't seem surprised when she heard this answer, but was rather absent.

Jian Yun has always had a keen mind. She looked at Wu Wenjing and looked at Chen Xin's expression. Suddenly, a thought came up in her heart. Did Wu Wenjing know Chen Xin?

Jian Yun was wondering how to torture Wu Wenjing for a while, and suddenly heard Chen Xin asking: "Which one of you's phone is ringing?"

"Mine, mine!" Wu Wenjing hurriedly pulled out the phone from her bag, and when she saw the phone display, it was Luo Yanyan, she immediately connected, and said happily: "Yanyan, how did you know that Jane and I are going to see you today? You? Come, let me hear your excited screams!"

Luo Yanyan did scream, but she was not happy, but unusually frightened, "Wu Wenjing, quick, help, I, I have a lot of blood, I am the only one at home, I can’t get the ambulance, I’m fine. Afraid!"

Wu Wenjing was taken aback, and then she jumped up. She forgot that it was in the car, and suddenly hit the roof of the car with her head, and was bounced back. The Venus stared in front of her, she still asked in a hurry, "What's the matter? Don't move, we will be there soon!"

Jian Yun was sitting next to Wu Wenjing, and naturally heard Luo Yanyan's cry on the phone. She grabbed the phone and comforted Luo Yanyan, "Yanyan, wait for us at home, you will be there in ten minutes at most! Don't be afraid! , Nothing will happen!"

"Jian Yun..." Luo Yanyan choked, she forcibly suppressed her inner fear, and promised: "I know, I'm waiting for you!"

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing had no time to ask why Luo Yanyan was the only one at home. They were distraught now, and Chen Xin also saw that something was wrong. They stepped on the accelerator and drove the car on the road.

Three minutes later, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing stood at the door of Luo Yanyan's house. They knocked on the door desperately, while calling Luo Yanyan, "Yanyan, can you open the door?"

"I, I can't move!" Luo Yanyan reluctantly answered the phone, but her voice was already weak.

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing were almost crying.

"I'll do it!" Chen Xin separated the two, took out a wire from nowhere, put it into the door lock, fiddled a few times, and heard a click, the door opened.

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing didn’t bother to marvel at Chen Xin’s thief technique. They rushed in, but then Chen Xin, who was standing outside the door, heard two screams. He thought Jian Yun was in danger. , Hurriedly rushed in, but immediately found Jian Yun standing at the door of the room with his mouth covered, as if the whole person was stunned, and Wu Wenjing fell to the ground softly with his eyes closed.

"What's the matter?" Chen Xin rushed over and followed Jian Yun's line of sight. At this sight, his brows frowned, "Why is there so much blood? Don't be stunned, send her to the hospital!"

Jian Yun was stunned for a second, and then reacted immediately. She didn't care about the sadness. She helped Chen Xin hug Luo Yanyan, who had almost fallen into a semi-coma. Luo Yanyan's clothes were completely soaked in blood. The sheets under him were also wet, and the red quilt showed a strange black.

"Why, why did you bleed so much?" Jian Yun cried in fright.

"Go to the hospital first, and quickly wake up your friend! Get down right away!" Chen Xin ordered decisively.

Jian Yun knew that Wu Wenjing was dizzy, and at this moment she didn't have the mind to wake her up slowly, so she went directly to the bathroom to pick up a basin of water, splashed some on Wu Wenjing's face, and Wu Wenjing sat up in a spirited manner.

"Go! Yanyan is dangerous!" Jian Yun didn't have time to explain, she wiped away tears, pulled Wu Wenjing and ran out.

Because she suddenly remembered the information about placenta previa that she found online two days ago.

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