You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 384: 384 The Secret

Jian Yun remembered that the information she found that day mentioned that this placenta is likely to cause heavy bleeding in pregnant women, and both the fetus and pregnant women are at risk.

Luo Yanyan shed so much blood, which must be related to this placenta previa.

"Jian Yun, I'm so scared!" Wu Wenjing didn't even dare to look at the ground at all, because there was blood everywhere on the ground, and she couldn't believe that the blood came out of Luo Yanyan.

At this time, Jian Yun calmed down instead, but she comforted Wu Wenjing, "It's okay, go to the hospital first. Yan Yanfu is dead, she must be fine!"

Wu Wenjing's face was pale and she was trembling all over. She just closed her eyes and followed Jian Yun. She also knew that Jian Yun was the kind of personality that became calmer the more things happened. From before to now, although she looks more Like Jian Yun's sister, in fact, only she and Luo Yanyan know that Jian Yun is their mainstay in many cases.

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing and Chen Xin went to the downstairs. Chen Xin was putting Luo Yanyan into the car. Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing hurried to help.

Luo Yanyan opened her eyes and saw Jian Yun. She grabbed Jian Yun's hand, her pale face with no trace of blood was panicked, and her lips were also pale, making the pair of eyes black and terrifying.

"Jian Yun, help, help me, mine, my child..." Luo Yanyan was trembling all over, and she tried her best to say a complete sentence.

"Don't be afraid, we'll take you to the hospital right away, there will be nothing wrong!" Jian Yun hugged Luo Yanyan tightly, and she let Wu Wenjing sit in front of her. Regardless of how tall the girl is, she is usually very carefree. But it's just fainting. Every time the aunt comes, she has to stay in bed for several days, and she has to close her eyes when going to the toilet.

"Brother Chen, I remember that there is a hospital not far ahead. It's too late, so go there first!" Jian Yun said to Chen Xin again.

Chen Xin had already started the car. He quickly found the location. A few minutes later, he arrived in front of the hospital. He had already called on the road. There were medical staff waiting in front of the hospital. When Luo Yanyan arrived, he was put on a mobile bed. Advance the operating room.

A nurse came out and asked her family to sign the operation consent form. Wu Wenjing sat on the chair and finally got over. She and Jian Yun looked at each other, wondering: "But we are not family members. By the way, why did I forget? , Call Qin Dong! His wife is pregnant at home, where did he go!"

After speaking, Wu Wenjing took out Luo Yanyan's mobile phone and dialed Qin Dong's number.

When she came out of Luo Yanyan's house, Jian Yun took Luo Yanyan's bag. There were medical records and fertility manuals in the bag. Jian Yun also put Luo Yanyan's mobile phone into the bag.

"Nurse, what did the doctor say, can the child be kept?" Jian Yun asked at this moment. She knew that Luo Yanyan valued this child. After all, the child had been in her stomach for four or five months, so how could he feel emotional.

"The doctor is trying our best to help, we will definitely try our best!" The nurse said smoothly, neither saying that it could be kept, nor that it could not be kept, and she was also very embarrassed, "You don't sign, we can't perform surgery!"

At this time, the door of the operating room opened again, and another nurse came out and tweeted the operation consent form, “We have a rule, if you don’t sign, you can’t operate, you decide quickly, the patient can’t afford it!”

Jian Yun thought for a while, gritted his teeth, "I sign! I'm responsible for anything!"

Wu Wenjing rushed up and snatched the pen in Jian Yun's hand, "Don't be stupid, Jian Yun, what responsibility can you take? Don't you know what is going on in Yanyan's house?"

Jian Yun said calmly: "But I can't just watch Yanyan wait for death in it like this!"

Wu Wenjing was startled, her eyes flashed, she suddenly grabbed the surgical order from the nurse and signed her name, "I'm here, anyway, I'm lonely, I'm not afraid of them making trouble!"

Jian Yun didn’t have time to stop, Wu Wenjing had already signed it and handed it to the nurse, Jian Yun could only sigh, she didn’t know what Wu Wenjing was worried about, Luo Yanyan’s family was a meat-eating woman who didn’t spit bones. Vampire, at her husband's side, the mother-in-law is the queen and the husband is a pustule. There is nothing to do except perfunctory. Nothing is best. Once something happens, the person who signed the operation today will definitely be the target of the two families.

Wu Wenjing was worried that she would be corrupted, so she didn't want her to sign, but this silly girl, Jian Yun couldn't help but shook her head. At any rate, she still has her husband behind her. In Qinghu City, who would dare to move Huo Liancheng's people?

But Wu Wenjing is lonely, and if he is entangled, it's really hard to get out.

But the calligraphy was signed, and the lights in the operating room turned on. Jian Yun could not rush in and ask the nurse to take another one for her to sign. She could only give up. She suddenly realized that Wu Wenjing didn’t call Qin Dong just now. Why, there is no more information, so he asked, "Qin Dong didn't answer the phone?"

"Hang up directly!" Wu Wenjing was angry when she mentioned this. She was still calling Qin Dong, but she was hung up every time, and in the end she shut down.

"Damn it!" Wu Wenjing was furious, "Luo Yanyan is really blind, so why do you fall in love with Qin Dong!"

Jian Yun saw that there were many people around. After all, this was in the hospital. She dragged Wu Wenjing and said softly, "Forget it, you can send him a message, no matter what important things he has now, text messages will never As for invisible!"

Wu Wenjing snapped on her mobile phone and composed a text message to send. At this moment, she suddenly raised her head and asked Jian Yun, "Would you like to call Yanyan's family?"

Jian Yun thought for a while, "Fight, we two are outsiders after all,"

After that, she turned her head and glanced at the operating room. In fact, Jian Yun was up and down at the moment. She was really shocked when she saw Luo Yanyan shed so much blood just now.

Wu Wenjing started calling again. Jian Yun saw that Chen Xin didn't know where he was coming from, and she still had two bottles of water in her hand. She couldn't help smiling bitterly, "Brother Chen, I trouble you today."

Chen Xin shook his head, "It's okay," he raised his chin to Wu Wenjing again, and called, "Silly Wu!"

Wu Wenjing had just finished talking on the phone and she was shocked when she heard this sound. She suddenly turned her head and glared at Chen Xin, "You are not allowed to call me that!"

Jian Yun just took a sip of water and almost sprayed it all, "You know?"

"I don't know!" Wu Wenjing said angrily.

Chen Xin smiled, "We were neighbors before. She and her grandma lived next door to our house and rented my house."

Jian Yun was shocked, "So, you two are childhood sweethearts?"

"No!" Wu Wenjing exploded.

"Forget it!" Chen Xin rubbed Wu Wenjing's head, and said calmly: "We two fell in love too early, but I joined the army later. This silly girl moved away from love, so we broke up!"

"It's obviously you who empathize and fall in love!" Wu Wenjing knocked out Chen Xin's hand, then quickly stepped back to keep a distance from him, and said solemnly: "This is the hospital, don't move!"

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