You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 385: Why did 385 fall to this point?

"Well, yes, this is the hospital. Yanyan is still undergoing surgery. Let's not talk about this. Wu Wenjing, have you gotten through?" Although Jian Yun was also curious about the relationship between Chen Xin and Wu Wenjing, Luo Yanyan was still there. Surgery, they are really not suitable to talk about this topic here!

"That's it, Mommy Yanyan picked it up, saying they are in Qinghu, come here right away!" Wu Wenjing's eyes flashed when she said this, and she was a little worried.

"Drink water!" Chen Xin handed the pure water in his hand to Wu Wenjing.

"Go away!" Wu Wenjing turned her head stubbornly, just not answering.

"Where is Qin Dong? Or call it again?" Jian Yun always felt his heart beating hard, feeling very uneasy.

Wu Wenjing took out her mobile phone and redialed Qin Dong's number, but then she shook her head angrily, "Turn off it! Oh, my old lady wants to curse!"

Chen Xin comforted: "Don't worry, maybe there is something urgent!"

Wu Wenjing was even more angry, "Yanyan was discharged from the hospital yesterday. She is a pregnant woman and she is home alone. If an accident happens, her own man is not there. Is there anything urgent that is more important than her wife and children?"

Chen Xin was helpless, "I didn't do it, so why yell at me!"

Wu Wenjing gave Chen Xin a fierce look, turned her head, and sat down on the chair, sulking in anger.

Jian Yun didn't want to speak either, she could only pray silently that Luo Yanyan was fine.

I don't know how long it took, the door of the operating room opened, and a doctor-like figure came out, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing hurriedly greeted them.

"Luo Yanyan's family?" The female doctor was about forty years old, and she seemed to have a good temper.

"Yes, we are!" Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing stared at the female doctor nervously, "Doctor, how is Yanyan?"

"This child is very stubborn. When we saw so much blood, we thought we could not keep it, but fortunately, now the blood has stopped, and the fetal heartbeat is being monitored. The fetal heartbeat is normal, but pregnant women are best to stay in bed and stay still. !" The female doctor said kindly.

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the words, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Is this the pregnant woman's lover?" The female doctor saw Chen Xin standing behind and saw blood on him, thinking that he was Luo Yanyan's husband. She couldn't help but reprimanded: "Your lover's placenta is not well positioned. You should know how to make her move and don't look at it!"

Chen Xin twitched his mouth and said awkwardly, "Sorry."

But Wu Wenjing hurriedly explained, "Doctor, you made a mistake. He is not Yanyan's husband. He is just a passer-by. He acted bravely and helped us send Yanyan to the hospital."

"That's it!" The female doctor was also embarrassed, "I made a mistake. I think you have blood on your body, I thought..."

Chen Xin smiled coolly, "It's okay!"

"That's OK, I have something to do, you go to make a registered payment, and then wait here for a while, the pregnant woman will come out after the fetal heart rate monitoring, it is best to be hospitalized for a few days." The female doctor laughed.

As soon as the female doctor left, Chen Xin reached out and rubbed Wu Wenjing's hair, "Thanks!"

"Thank you?" Wu Wenjing knocked out Chen Xin's hand, inexplicably.

"Thank you for helping me explain!" Chen Xin said.

"Haha!" Wu Wenjing pulled the corner of her mouth awkwardly, but she didn't bother to say a word.

Luo Yanyan was okay, and Jian Yun's heart was slightly lowered. At this time, she looked at Chen Xin and Wu Wenjing, she also found it interesting. She didn't expect that the world would be so small, and it was the second time that this happened around her.

Before Bai Yanran fell in love with Ouyang Beichen, she was surprised. Now that she knew Wu Wenjing and Chen Xin had met since they were young, Jian Yun felt incredible.

However, Jian Yun looked at the attitudes of these two people, but felt that it was obvious that Wu Wenjing cared more. Chen Xin had been following Huo Liancheng. She should have known that she and Wu Wenjing were acquainted a long time ago, but she never mentioned it. Compared to Wu Wenjing, he had no thoughts anymore.

Yes, after so many years, no matter how beautiful and innocent, the feelings will be weak.

Ten minutes later, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing went to register and paid the fee. When they came back, the nurse came out and told Jian Yun that Luo Yanyan was pushed into the ward directly from the operating room and told the ward number.

Chen Xin was inconvenient to enter the ward, but couldn't keep Jian Yun out of his field of vision, so he waited outside the ward, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing entered the ward.

This is a double ward, with a pregnant woman on the other side. The husband is with her. The two are watching the video on their mobile phones together. Seeing someone coming in, they are two young and beautiful ladies. They smiled friendly. Laugh, say hello.

Luo Yanyan was sleeping on a hospital bed by the corridor, with a bottle in her hand.

Snow-white quilt, pale face, bloodless lips, there was no look in her **** scary eyes.

"Yanyan, is it better?" Jian Yun held Luo Yanyan's hand distressedly. She suddenly wanted to cry. In her heart, Luo Yanyan was so good, how did she get married so unfortunately .

"I'm fine, don't worry!" Luo Yanyan's eyes gradually focused and fell on Jian Yun's face. She reluctantly pulled the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "Yun Yun, thank you!"

"Yanyan, what's going on, why are you at home alone, Qin Dong?" Wu Wenjing couldn't help asking.

Luo Yanyan looked at Wu Wenjing and spoke for a long time, but her voice was indifferent, "Go to the fuck."

"Go to the fuck? Yanyan, what the **** is going on, you hurry up, you want me to die!" Wu Wenjing jumped anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just that I was having trouble with his mother. His mother was angry and left. He went after his mother and explained." Luo Yanyan's expression on her face was calm, and her voice was calm, as if she was talking about something. It has nothing to do with her.

Seeing Wu Wenjing, Jian Yun wanted to ask further, and quickly winked at her, "Okay, let Yanyan rest for a while!"

Wu Wenjing also reacted and quickly said: "Uh, Yanyan, close your eyes and sleep for a while! We are here to accompany you!"

Luo Yanyan's eyelashes trembled and closed her eyes obediently. Jian Yun helped her cover the quilt, took Wu Wenjing to the door, and whispered to her, "Don't ask so much, something must have happened, but since Yanyan doesn't want to say it, it's useless to ask again! "

Wu Wenjing scratched her head, "But I'm anxious! What the **** is going on, why did Yanyan fall to the point where she is today? You said she wants to look good, to work, and the job is also very good, I have the ability..."

Jian Yun sighed, "Oh..."

The two were talking. At this moment, Wu Wenjing's mobile phone rang, and when she saw that the phone showed that it was Qin Dong, she quickly picked it up, cursing her head and face.

"Where is Yanyan, where is Yanyan?" Qin Dong was stunned. After talking for a long time, he realized that the other party was not Luo Yanyan. He was anxious.

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