You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 387: 387 It's All Fate

"I didn't say it clearly, but the meaning is almost the same!" Luo Yanyan said. Although she was calm on the surface, she couldn't hide the anger in her eyes.

"How come there is such a person!" Jian Yun gasped. She thought that such a plot would only be performed in a TV series, but she didn't expect the real version to be by her side.

Luo Yanyan's lips curled up, and she sneered, "I don't know where I heard the news, saying that I had to go to work when Qin Dong was not at home because there was a concubine in the school and said I--"

Luo Yanyan paused, biting her lip, "In short, it's a horrible thing to say that I am delusional to touch porcelain and put a green hat on her son!"

"God! Yanyan, what kind of person are you married to!" Jian Yun could only sigh, "Where is Qin Dong? He should always know the facts!"

Luo Yanyan's eyes twitched nervously, "He? He, except for crying and crying to explain to his mother, she couldn't let out a fart! Later, when I came to see that I was quarreling with his mother, so I came to persuade, persuaded me, and persuaded him. Mom, the **** old princess couldn’t stand any anger. She cried at that time, saying that Qin Dong had no conscience. She raised him from childhood until most of the hard work. It’s just what I talk about every day, and then I’m in my house. Jumping and jumping, crying and vomiting, saying that because of this, she hasn't dripped in for several days and can't eat it. Her Qin family's blood will be cut off..."

"The blood of the Qin family?" Jian Yun was angry and funny, "Does their family have a throne to inherit?"

When Luo Yanyan heard the words, she laughed "poof", her pale and bloodless face recovered a little, "Haha, yeah, big throne, people are old princesses!"

Jian Yun shook his head, "Then why did you bleed later?"

"Furious!" Luo Yanyan squinted her eyes, "I felt sick in my stomach when I was arguing with her. Then Qin Dong chased his mother out. When I saw it, my pants were wet and he couldn't answer the phone. There is no other way but to find you!"

"Yanyan..." Jian Yun listened, her eyes were wet, "Hey,"

"I'm fine! I have experienced too much since I was a child," Luo Yanyan held Jian Yun's hand back and comforted her, "I sometimes think, maybe this is fate, or why is it in her natal family? Being drained by blood sucking there, I finally thought that I was married to an honest man, but I ran into such an unreasonable in-laws."

"There is no life, life is in my own hands!" Jian Yun frowned and retorted Luo Yanyan, "Yanyan, it's not that I said you, you are just too rebellious, you don't know anything to resist, don't fight, And the marriage with Qin Dong was too hasty."

"Yeah, I know, my personality is too weak, but this seems to have deepened into my bones, I want to change, but when I see my mother crying and crying to come to me, I can't help it, maybe, only me Only by dying can we solve all this!" Luo Yanyan smiled bitterly.

"What nonsense!" Jian Yun glared at Luo Yanyan, and said dissatisfied: "It is said that we will grow old and be beautiful and elegant old ladies. No nonsense! There is always a solution to the problem!"

"Yeah." Luo Yanyan replied in a low voice.

The two fell silent for an instant, and their thoughts went back to many years ago. At that time, they were still a good time of youth and squandered youth on the university campus. Unexpectedly, their time was gone in a blink of an eye.

In a daze, Jian Yun only heard Wu Wenjing's voice in her ears, "Hey, you two, what are you in a daze?"

Jian Yun suddenly recovered. She glanced at Luo Yanyan and saw that her face was still sad, she couldn't help sighing in her heart, and then said to Wu Wenjing: "Why are you back so soon?"

"I bought it at the porridge shop at the entrance of the hospital, not far away, come, Yanyan, eat something first, and have the strength to recover!" Wu Wenjing took out the porridge box and buns from the bag, and then took it Feed Luo Yanyan herself with a spoon.

However, Luo Yanyan hadn't finished eating a bowl of porridge. Someone pushed open the door of the ward and stumbled in. The visitor was about fifty years old, thin and short, with short hair that is common for women of this age. , The dress is very simple, but she looks more shrewd.

This person is naturally Luo Yanyan's mother.

"Yanyan, Yanyan, what's going on? Isn't it good to go home yesterday? Why did you suddenly go to the hospital again?" Mother Luo was very nervous.

"It's okay, it's an old problem, the placenta is not well positioned, and it is bleeding again." Luo Yanyan said lightly.

"Then, do you have any discomfort? What about the child? Is it okay?" Mother Luo held Luo Yanyan's hand, the concern on her face didn't seem to be fake.

"The doctor said that the blood has stopped, but she has to stay in bed and have a fetus and can't move." Jian Yun saw Luo Yanyan struggle to speak, so he explained to her.

She also knew that Mother Luo really cared about Luo Yanyan. After all, she was her biological daughter, and that Luo Yanyan was good enough since she was a child. Later, after graduating from the graduate school, she became a university teacher. The Luo family enjoyed a while.

However, in Mother Luo's heart, she still has to care more about her son, and patriarchy is not a little bit.

"Thank you both for today!" When Luo Mu heard these words, she let her heart down a bit, and turned to thank Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing.

"Auntie, you can sit with Yanyan for a while. Let's go out to wash the fruit." Jian Yun gave up the chair to Mother Luo. She understood that no matter how much Luo Yanyan complained to her mother, this blood relationship cannot be changed. , Just like her own feelings for Jian Dongming, obviously hated, but pity him, not wanting to see him destitute.

Wu Wenjing carried a bag of apples he had just bought, and went out of the ward with Jian Yun. In fact, there was a bathroom in the ward, but in order to allow Luo Yanyan and Luo Mu to get along, they came to the shared water room.

The two of them were a little silent all the way. They didn’t know what to say about Luo Yanyan’s experience. If Luo Yanyan’s cowardice determined her current tragic situation, but in other words, before Luo Yanyan got married, It was also because Qin Dong was kind, honest, and kind to her, that she agreed to marry him, and she had never really gotten along with Qin Dong’s mother, or even if we got along, both parties would definitely not reveal their own nature at the beginning. .

"Hey, looking at Yanyan like this, I don't dare to get married. It's best to be single!" Wu Wenjing bit the apple fiercely, and Jian Yun just told Wu Wenjing what Luo Yanyan had told her. Again, Wu Wenjing sighed again and again, and kept sighing.

When she said this, she had been following Jian Yun, and Chen Xin, who was standing at the door of the water room a few steps away, suddenly raised her head and gave her a deep look.

"It depends on the person, don't you think I'm lucky?" Jian Yun put the washed apples back into the bag and smiled at Wu Wenjing, "I was tricked into getting the certificate..."

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