You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 388: 388 Who is more stubborn

"Let's show affection here!" Wu Wenjing curled her lips, pretending to be disdainful: "How many women in the world can have your kind of luck?"

Jian Yun nodded, "Yes, in fact, I still have a sense of unreality sometimes, as if I am dreaming, sometimes I don't dare to open my eyes when I wake up in the morning, for fear that everything is just a dream!"

"Okay, knowing that you have found true love, and your handsome Liancheng guy, you and me, don't irritate me as a single bark!" Wu Wenjing picked up an apple and stuffed it to Jian Yun's mouth, "eat Apple, stop your mouth, I also tell you formally, you are not dreaming, everything is real!"

Jian Yun held the apple, pursed her mouth and smiled, her eyes waved, she glanced at Chen Xin who was standing at the door, and touched Wu Wenjing with her arm, "Do you have a chance with Brother Chen? Why never listen you said before?"

Wu Wenjing gave Jian Yun a white look, "What chance? I don't understand what you are talking about! Go!"

But Wu Wenjing's evasive attitude made Jian Yun jump for joy. Is Wu Da Niu, who has always been careless, shy?

When Wu Wenjing passed by Chen Xin with the bag, Chen Xin kept staring at her.

He is half a head taller than Wu Wenjing, not the kind of muscular muscles, but thinner, but the tall Wu Wenjing in front of him just feels much petite.

Wu Wenjing walked forward without squinting her eyes, but Jian Yun still noticed that her hand holding the bag was tight, and the green veins on the back of her hand popped out.

It seems that Danny Wu is very nervous!

"What sound?" Wu Wenjing took a few steps, then suddenly stopped and turned his ears to listen, "It seems that someone is arguing!"

Jian Yun also heard it. Someone was indeed arguing. She hurried to Wu Wenjing and ran away, "Hurry up!"

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing thought it was someone who came to the hospital to make trouble, but when they stepped forward, they found that the quarrel came from Luo Yanyan's ward. They looked at each other, and their hearts suddenly sank. No matter what, the people around the door rushed in.

In the ward, there were three or four people standing at the moment, one of them was Luo Yanyan's mother, who was standing next to Luo Yanyan's bed, her complexion was extremely ugly, and her body seemed to be stiff.

There are three people on the other side, Qin Dong, Qin Dong's mother, and Qin Dong's father.

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing only met Qin Dong's father from a distance on the day of Luo Yanyan's wedding. They were impressed by him as a thin middle-aged man. He was very thin, his face seemed to be covered with skin and bones, and both eyes were sunken. Going in, the eyes are straight, a bit scary.

It was Qin Dong's father who was talking at this time. He was pointing at Luo Yanyan's mother and reprimanding loudly: "In-law, there is something I have to say today, Luo Yanyan will have a miscarriage, the child is gone, and you can't get rid of it! "

When these words came out, not only Luo Yanyan's mother was stunned, but Luo Yanyan turned her head to look at Qin Dong's father in disbelief, and even Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing looked stunned.

"Who told you that the child is gone?" Wu Wenjing couldn't help asking.

"Dad, listen to me!" Qin Dong wanted to explain, but was scolded by Qin's father and refused to let him speak.

Qin Dong's father continued to say, and his voice grew louder and louder: "If you didn't run here every day, and take Luo Yanyan to go shopping every day, how could she bleed? How could she not even keep a child? "

This is too much. As a mother, what is wrong with seeing her daughter?

Mother Luo's face turned black at the time, but she might be furious, or maybe she didn't react to being trained by her Qin family by pointing her nose like this, and she was blinded. She didn't know what to say to refute, she just stood. In that angry hands trembled.

Mother Qin didn't say a word, standing with her head held high, Qin Dongji was almost crying. When Father Qin was talking, he stretched out his hand to pull, as if he wanted to stop him, but was slapped off by Qin's mother. He shrank and stood behind Mother Qin with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"As a mother, you don't care about your own daughter at all! You are so old, don't you know that a pregnant woman can't run around?" Dad Qin Dong said more and more, no matter what it is. Occasionally, just push all the responsibility on Luo Mu.

Luo Muqi's face flushed and her body was trembling. She opened her mouth to fight back, but at this moment she heard Luo Yanyan speak before her.

"What are you talking nonsense? What does it have to do with my mother? It's obviously that you quarreled twice at home, suspecting this, doubting that, if I were not angry with you, would this happen?" Luo Yanyan was emotional, although Lying on the bed, but holding the quilt tightly with both hands, his pale little face flushed with anger.

"Luo Yanyan how did you talk to your elders? Is this your family tutor?" Mother Qin said coldly, "Why did Qin Dong's father make a mistake? Does your mother run this way often? Is she with you? Go out? Isn't your bleeding because you often go shopping?"

"I don't have a tutor? Ha, yes, I don't have a tutor. Your tutor is good, so that your son has to sleep in the same bed with your mother!" Luo Yanyan laughed back, she thought it was in the hospital after all I won’t talk about the ugliness here, so as not to be seen as a joke, but the Qin family is too much!

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Qin Dong finally spoke at this time, but his face was flushed. It was obvious that Luo Yanyan's privacy broke him and made him angry.

"What's wrong with my mother? Isn't that my house? What's wrong with her coming to see her daughter? I went shopping? I went out all the time, so I called it often. I was alone and lonely at home. Several colleagues came to see Me, what did you do? You drove people away directly, is this your Qin family's tutor?" Luo Yanyan became more and more excited, she ignored Qin Dong at all, just stared at Mother Qin, angrily.

"Yanyan." Jian Yun was a little worried. The doctor just told Luo Yanyan to rest in bed, not to be angry, nor too excited.

"That's the house I bought. Anyone who comes to my house has to get my permission! I bought this house for my whole life, and it was for my son to marry, not for unrelated people!" Qin Qin The mother sternly said, "My son was born to me. I gave him all his bones. What's wrong with staying with me? It's you who are dirty, thinking about beautiful things!"

"Dirty? Who is it? Did I say what nasty things you did? Haha," Luo Yanyan smiled when she said that, "Why are you so excited if there is no ghost in your heart?"

"Luo Yanyan, shut up!" Qin Dong saw that there were more and more people outside. At this moment, Qin Dong was really anxious, and he was also angry. He went up to cover Luo Yanyan's mouth.

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