You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 389: 389 I Can't Save You

"Qin Dong, do you dare!" Wu Wenjing saw Qin Dong stretch out his hand, thinking that he was going to hit Luo Yanyan, and suddenly rushed to the crown, and rushed to stand in front of Luo Yanyan, and pushed it with a palm to push Qin Dong who was shorter than her. The push back staggered.

"You dare to hit someone!" Mother Qin was angry when she saw her son being bullied. She rushed over to fight with Wu Wenjing.

Luo Yanyan's mother was trembling with anger and couldn't do anything at all.

"Hey, hey, are you family members of the patient? This is the hospital. You have to fight and go out to fight!" The doctors and nurses who rushed to hear the news quickly stopped.

At this moment, Jian Yun found that Luo Yanyan's expression was wrong. She frowned and bit her lip, as if she was uncomfortable. Jian Yun nervously asked, "Yanyan, what's wrong with you?"

"My stomach hurts, my stomach hurts!" Luo Yanyan grabbed Jian Yun's hand abruptly.

Jian Yun panicked and quickly called the doctor, "Doctor, Yanyan said she has a stomachache! Come and see!"

The doctor hurried over, but when she lifted the quilt, she frowned, "Why is it bleeding again? Didn't it just stop? Fetal heart rate monitoring is also very good."

"Child? The child didn't fall?" Mother Qin asked in shock, "Did you say Qin Dong..."

"How can I say that the child is gone, I just--" Qin Dong seeped sweat on his forehead, anxiously at a loss, his mother suddenly came to his house in the morning and pointed to Luo Yanyan and said she was going to live. Luo Yanyan's child is not his, he just helped Luo Yanyan to say a few words, argued a few words with his mother, and his mother was angered away, and he followed him with worry.

His home is very close to his parents' home. As soon as he got home, I saw Luo Yanyan calling him. His mother was angry and crying there. His father was training him, so he didn't have time to answer the phone.

After a while, Luo Yanyan called him again, this time he called a few times in a row, he finally coaxed his mother, only thought that Luo Yanyan wanted him to go back, thinking that he would go back anyway. He didn't answer the phone again, and later turned off the phone because he was afraid that his mother was upset.

Who knows to coax his mother out of the house, he saw the message from Wu Wenjing as soon as he turned on the phone, saying that Luo Yanyan was in the hospital, he was bleeding, and the child might not be able to keep it. He called his parents in a hurry. When he drove to the hospital, the more he thought about it, the more annoyed he became. He was also angry that his mother was fine. He always intervened in his affairs. He deliberately said things seriously. He wanted to scare his parents and make them nervous. a bit.

However, Qin Dong didn't expect that his parents would indiscriminately scold them when they came in, and it was Luo Yanyan's mother who was scolding, and he would not give him any opportunity to explain.

Now, not only will Luo Yanyan hate him, his parents will definitely blame him.

"Doctor, what should I do?" When Mother Luo saw so much blood on the sheets, she was already panicked, so there was no time to manage the reaction of Qin's family.

The doctor asked Luo Yanyan to open her legs, and after an examination, her face became serious, "The amniotic sac has come out, and the baby can't be saved! It's still bleeding, so send it to the delivery room! Let her give birth by herself first, pay attention to the bleeding."

"Ah!" Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing couldn't help covering their mouths, tears came down.

"No, no, doctor, you just came to check and said everything is normal." Mother Luo also cried.

"Doctor, please save my child!" Qin Dong panicked.

"Hey, we also said that we should let pregnant women raise their babies with peace of mind. They should not be emotional or angry. She originally had a bad placenta position. You guys were still arguing here just now..." The chief doctor of about fifty years old also shook his head and sighed. There are hard-to-read scriptures. They have been in the hospital for a long time. They have seen all kinds of strange people and things, and they are not surprised by what happened just now.

"Doctor, is there no way? Could you find a way, please!" Jian Yun cried and said.

"Girl, as long as there is a way, we will definitely do it, but the amniotic sac is bulging, and she has so much blood, even if the amniotic sac is barely pushed in, it will cause infection, and the life of pregnant women will be in danger!" As the nurses were busy, she explained patiently.

"Jian Yun, stay with me! I'm afraid!" Luo Yanyan has been clutching Jian Yun's hand tightly. Jian Yun noticed that she was cold all over and was shaking all the time. She hurriedly followed and comforted Luo Yanyan softly. It's okay, nothing will happen, the child will have it again in the future, don't be afraid, I will accompany you, we will accompany you!"

Seeing that Luo Yanyan was about to be pushed out of the ward, both Qin's father and Qin's mother were standing there, seeming to be stunned, but Qin Dong's eyes reddened instantly when he saw the large blood-soaked bed sheet on the hospital bed.

"Yanyan, Yanyan," Qin Dong finally reacted and chased after him.

But Luo Yanyan never looked at him, just clinging to Jian Yun’s hand. Jian Yun looked down on Qin Dong very much now. At first, he only thought he was fucking, but he didn’t expect that he was not weaned at all and listened to everything. Yes, **** words are simply imperial decree!

Such a man is not worthy of Luo Yanyan!

Luo Yanyan entered the delivery room, Jian Yun and the others were waiting outside. In just an hour, they were waiting again, but there was hope last time, but this time, they were desperate.

Jian Yun had never given birth to a child. She didn't know what kind of pain Luo Yanyan was going through at the moment. She only heard the forbearing cry of pain, and every sound seemed to be poking her heart.

Suddenly time passed very slowly, every minute and every second seemed to be torment.

Luo Yanyan's mother sat with Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing, staying silent all the time, not knowing what she was thinking. Qin Dong squatted in the corner, holding his head in his hands, and did not change his position for half an hour. Qin's father and Qin's mother did not go.

An hour later, the door of the delivery room opened, and the nurse came out with a black plastic bag in her hand and asked, "Who are Luo Yanyan's family members?"

Qin Dong and Luo Mu quickly replied: "I am!"

The nurse handed the black bag over, "Look at it, take it back and handle it yourself. If you don't want it, put it in the bucket over there, and the hospital will handle it uniformly.

Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing also guessed what's in the black bag. They didn't have the guts to look over, and Qin Dong didn't have the guts. Only Luo Mu tremblingly stretched out her hand, took the plastic bag, and opened it to look inside. , Then tears came out.

"How is Yanyan?" Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing asked the nurse.

"Bleeding is a little bit, the doctor is operating." The nurse replied routinely, and went in after speaking.

Jian Yun felt trembling all over her body. She was sitting on a chair with Wu Wenjing beside her. The two cuddled up with each other, and didn't even want to care about Qin Dong who was crying after seeing the stillborn baby.

There was also a cry from the corridor. It was Mother Qin. For some reason, she suddenly hit the wall with her head. She stomped her feet, jumped and bounced, crying, crying and yelling: "My poor Grandson! I left before I could take a look at this world... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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