You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 390: 390 I'm so shameless

Wu Wenjing sneered: "The cat cries and the mouse fakes mercy!"

Jian Yun looked at it coldly, but saw that Qin Dong had already walked to Qin's mother, held her on her, and cried bitterly: "Mom, I'm sorry, it's all my fault! It's all my fault!"

Jian Yun shook his head, Qin Dong is not called filial piety, but filial piety!

"I really don't know what life Yanyan has suffered from the blood mold. I met such a family! Everyone is like a vampire, don't give up unless she is drained!" Wu Wenjing deliberately glanced at the bag, Luo mother, who was in a daze, sneered with puns.

Luo Mu obviously understood Wu Wenjing's ridicule, and she lowered her head deeply without refuting it.

In fact, she is a shrewd woman who looks shrewd, but is actually slow to respond. She often says some self-righteous silly things that make people laugh. The superficial shrewdness is just a cover-up, disguising her ignorance.

Just like when Luo Yanyan got married, she rushed to Qin's house, and she had to give her daughter’s salary card to the public. I’m afraid that Qin’s mother was so indifferent to Luo Yanyan and looked down on Luo’s mother. here.

Mother Luo was obviously a little jealous of Wu Wenjing, not only because of Wu Wenjing’s pungent temperament, but also because of her open mouth. Wu Wenjing once said to her face to face that she should not be so patriarchal. Don’t just think so. Manipulate his daughter and make her a money-making machine in his family. Don't let her be cold in the end.

However, Mother Luo obviously didn't listen to Wu Wenjing's words, or she was used to controlling Luo Yanyan, and she had to let Luo Yanyan obey her in everything, so that she could prove her weight in her daughter's heart, so that it caused today Tragedy.

Jian Yun sent a message to Huo Liancheng. She was so sad now that she wanted to find someone to talk to. The first thing she thought of was him.

Huo Liancheng's call came quickly, and Jian Yun picked it up. She knew there was a regular meeting to be held this morning, so she couldn't help but feel very embarrassed, "Did you interrupt your meeting?"

"It's okay!" Huo Liancheng stood outside the balcony in the Ming's building, meeting room, and looked back at the Ming's high-level sitting at the long table. He held on to the railing and smiled, "My wife's mood is more important than anything. "

Jian Yun burst into laughter, "The mouth is so sweet!"

Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows, "You taste this several times a day, so naturally you have the most say!"

After hearing this, Jian Yun's face turned red. She stood at the top of the stairs, still looking back and left with a guilty conscience, and then lightly said: "Come on!"

However, Jian Yun's voice was soft and glutinous. Although he was cursing Huo Liancheng, he was more like acting like a baby. Huo Liancheng was obviously in a good mood, "Still with your friend? Come over at noon?"

"I can't go anymore, things are a bit troublesome here." Jian Yun's voice sank.

"Well, take good care of your friend and stay with her. If you need to transfer to another hospital, tell me." Jian Yun briefly told Huo Liancheng what happened in the text message. Huo Liancheng knew that she valued these things. A friend who has come all the way from college, so as cold as him, he never cares about the nostalgic affairs of these outsiders, but today he offered to help in an unprecedented way.

"Okay, mua~" Jian Yun gave the phone a hard kiss, the depression and irritability just now disappeared a little because of Huo Liancheng's call.

"Then I went to the meeting?" Huo Liancheng smiled, his voice low and very charming.

"Well, I'll call you before I go back." Hanging up, Jian Yun walked to the window and stood. The wind blew slowly, blowing away the unique smell of medicine and disinfectant that had been entwined around him.

At this moment, Jian Yun's heart only felt as sweet as eating honey. Thinking of Luo Yanyan and thinking about herself, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, life is really fickle, no one can say what will happen in the future. .

Once upon a time, she could not imagine she would have such a happy moment.

Come to think of it, a few months ago, she was still running for life. In order to make up for her mother's medical expenses, she worked desperately to make money. When her mother was seriously injured and was hospitalized, she was helpless and desperate. Prepared for the worst and betrayed his body. At that time, she didn't even dare to think about getting married. Even on blind dates, she was cautious, just looking for a man who didn't mind her family situation.

How could she at that time think that she would become Mrs. Huo today?

Let’s look at Luo Yanyan. When she was just in college, she was a petite, cute, and well-established student. She was awarded a scholarship every year. She found a like-minded boyfriend and treated her with great care. The two were the best in their school. A well-matched pair attracts the envy of many people.

Who knows that after graduation, Luo Yanyan will break up with her beloved boyfriend because of her family's strong opposition, and then quickly go on a blind date, and because of family interference, flash marriage to such an unaccountable man!

When Jian Yun thought of this, she didn't want to prove that she was better than Luo Yanyan, she just lamented that although fate is impermanent, she always favors those who strive to survive. On the contrary, people who accept it and never fight for themselves are often really abandoned by fate.

A sudden cell phone ringing interrupted Jian Yun’s thoughts. She glanced at Wu Wenjing. After receiving it, Jian Yun heard Wu Wenjing say there: "Where are you Jian Yun? Yanyan surgery is over. , I can't find you."

"You go to the ward and wait for me, I'll come right away." Jian Yun immediately turned and ran towards the ward after hearing the words. Qin Dong's parents are not fuel-efficient lamps, and she was afraid that Luo Yanyan would be angry.

A few minutes later, Jian Yun returned to the ward. The ward was very crowded. Qin Dong and his parents were there. Luo Yanyan’s mother was sitting by the bed, feeding Luo Yanyan with water. Luo Yanyan’s face could no longer be pale. It was only described that her hair is messy, her black hair is more lining, and her whole person is white like paper, even her lips are white, and she looks very weak.

She still had a bottle in her hand and her eyes were closed. Luo Mu wet her lips with a cotton swab dipped in water, and she did not respond.

Another young couple in the ward was also there, looking at Luo Yanyan at the moment, with a pitiful look on her face.

Jian Yun only felt that her heart was being grabbed by something. She clenched her teeth and grasped Wu Wenjing's hand, so she didn't collapse.

In silence, Qin Dong said, he went to shake Luo Yanyan's hand, "Yanyan, I'm sorry, it's all my fault, can you forgive me?"

Luo Yanyan still closed her eyes and looked lifeless. Luo's mother didn't say a word. At the moment she thought she would regret that she was forced to accept Qin Dong for that little money. She didn't understand. Under the circumstances, marry Qin Dong.

Qin Dong winked at his mother. Mother Qin walked over reluctantly, brewing her tone, and slowly said: "Yes, Yanyan, what happened today is a misunderstanding. If the child is gone, it will be gone, you Still young, there will be more opportunities in the future."

Jian Yun couldn't help frowning when she heard this. Is Mother Qin comforting people or sprinkling salt on Luo Yanyan's wound? Obviously it was her sin, but what she shirks now is just a misunderstanding?

Oh, the skin is so thick!

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