You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 501: 501 I am moved by you

On the surface, Huo Liancheng seemed to be blaming Jian Yun, but his tone was full of care and pampering. He touched Jian Yun's hand very cold, so he put her little hand on his chest.

"I can't sleep if you don't come back." Jian Yun leaned against Huo Liancheng's chest and nuzzled affectionately.

Hearing Jian Yun's words, Huo Liancheng's heart was as sweet as eating honey, and a certain part of his body began to move around.

"Hey! You--" Jian Yun sensed something was wrong, and just wanted to stop drinking, it was too late.

It was too late and it was fast, Huo Liancheng blocked Jian Yun’s lips, and put his hand into Jian Yun’s clothes...

Jian Yun pushed Huo Liancheng desperately, trying to resist, "You are not going to be here—"

"Is there a problem here?" Huo Liancheng looked excited.

"The flower room is transparent and will be seen by others!" Jian Yun collapsed, her body was almost too much to be slapped, her blushing seemed to be bleeding.

"No one will come, even if they come, I dare not come in, here are all green plants, you can't see what we are doing outside." Huo Liancheng kept kissing Jian Yun while bewitching her.

"No, no, let's go back to the room, I'm afraid..." Jian Yun wouldn't believe him. This guy likes to play various games. She has a thin face and can't stand the stimulation.

But in the end, just like every time before, Jian Yun was "rectified on the spot."

After the passion, Huo Liancheng held Jian Yun and kissed her again and again. Jian Yun was almost out of breath nervously, and at the same time very excited. This feeling is really hard to describe in words.

"Just now, you got nervous and pinched..." Huo Liancheng bit Jian Yun's ear and said something that made her blushing.

Jian Yun buried his face in his neck and couldn't look up ashamed.

"Duodu, I love you!" Huo Liancheng whispered love words in Jian Yun's ear.

Between ears and temples, Jian Yun suddenly red eyes.

Huo Liancheng felt a warm liquid dripping on his neck. When he was nervous, he hurriedly raised Jian Yun's chin, only to realize that she was crying.

"What's wrong? Did it hurt you?" Huo Liancheng wiped Jian Yun's face with his fingers.

"It's okay." Jian Yun looked up at Huo Liancheng, blinked, tears rolled off her long eyelashes, she reluctantly pulled out a smile, "I was just moved by you."

Hearing this, Huo Liancheng raised his sword eyebrows, "Really?"

It's just that the tone rises, fully expressing his doubts.

"Of course, don't you believe it?" Jian Yun pursed the corner of her mouth, her big sparkling eyes fixed Huo Liancheng.

Huo Liancheng didn't mean anything, and asked directly: "Where did you know Chen Xinran?"

"I, I..." Jian Yun was completely unprepared. He suddenly heard Chen Xinran's name. He felt caught off guard for a while. He didn't even have time to make an excuse to lie, and his brain was directly in a state of crash.

And she also realized that Huo Liancheng used the word "know" instead of "know", how would she answer?

Huo Liancheng just squinted at Jian Yun, naturally seeing the changes in Jian Yun's expression and the fluctuations in his eyes, and he was even more sure where Jian Yun had learned about Chen Xinran's existence.

The glass flower house is very quiet, the green plants exude a fresh breath, and the wind of early summer blows in from the door, it is cool, with the taste of summer, very comfortable.

Huo Liancheng saw Jian Yun biting his lip and making no sound, and his long eyelashes were hanging down to cover up all his emotions. His eyes darkened, and he stroked her cheek with his fingertips, coaxing very patiently: "Tell me, OK? We said yes last night, if there is something to say, if we blindly conceal it, wouldn’t it cause conflicts again?"

Hearing what Huo Liancheng said, Jian Yun's eyelashes trembled, she raised her head and looked at Huo Liancheng, a faint resentment flashed in her dark eyes.

Yes, she also knows that concealment is the worst thing about getting along with husband and wife, and everything should be said, but how can she ask?

Huo Liancheng stared at Jian Yun, feeling inexplicably that she was struggling with something. His heart choked and asked: "You lost your temper with me the other day, is it because you know Chen Xinran?"

Jian Yun still did not speak, but the hand holding Huo Liancheng's arm suddenly tightened, betraying her emotions.

"Where did you know her?" Huo Liancheng narrowed his eyes, and suddenly a dangerous light flashed, "Did Cheng Muze tell you?"

Speaking of this, Huo Liancheng suddenly remembered that Jian Yun seemed to have looked at his phone that night, and then he had an inexplicable attack.

Cheng Muze, it must be Cheng Muze!

"No, it's not—" Jian Yun lowered her head, her eyes dodged, and subconsciously wanted to deny that Huo Liancheng's look at the moment was too terrifying, she was a little scared.

"Duo Duo, look at me, don't lie!" Huo Liancheng pinched Jian Yun's chin and forced her to look directly at him, her eyes becoming severe.

Water suddenly overflowed in Jian Yun's eyes.

Huo Liancheng relented, "Well, I'm not aggressive with you, but can you tell me the truth?"

Jian Yun lowered her eyes, her tears slipped, but she nodded slightly, tacitly accepting Huo Liancheng's guess.

"Damn it!" Although Huo Liancheng had guessed it, it was confirmed from Jian Yun's mouth at this moment, which still annoyed him, "What did he tell you?"

Jian Yun did not answer. She stretched out her hand, wiped her tears, calmed her mood, looked up and saw that Huo Liancheng was still looking at her, so she pressed the corner of her lips and asked in a deep voice, "Chen Xinran, she really is Your ex-girlfriend?"

Huo Liancheng's eyelids jumped suddenly, but he didn't avoid it anymore, nodded and admitted, "Yeah."

Jian Yun felt uncomfortable, tears burst out, and angrily said: "Then why didn't you say it before?"

Huo Liancheng sighed, and he reached out and touched Jian Yun's head, "I just feel that the past has passed. Since you don't know, I will say it. Didn't it cause you to worry?"

"But have you ever thought about how I felt when I heard this from someone else's mouth?" Jian Yun's eyes widened, and there seemed to be a flame in Shui Yingying eyes.

"I'm wrong about this, I shouldn't keep it from you," Huo Liancheng quickly admitted that he was wrong. He didn't quite understand that Jian Yun was originally very open-minded, so why bothered about his ex-girlfriend so much. There will always be the past. If I have lived for 30 years and have no life experience, you must feel that there is a problem again."

Jian Yun suddenly exploded when he heard this, and suddenly jumped off Huo Liancheng's legs and said angrily: "So you are telling me that you have had a wonderful past with Chen Xinran?! What are you guys? I did it, kissed, and got into bed!"

Huo Liancheng realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly took Jian Yun's hand to appease her, "Duo Duo, listen to me--"

"I don't listen!" Jian Yun shook Huo Liancheng away and turned to run.

However, I don't know if the exercise was too intense just now, she has been sitting on Huo Liancheng's lap again, and suddenly moved, her legs are like stepping on cotton, she is about to fall.

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