You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 502: 502 Say okay first, don't make up

"Be careful!" Seeing this, Huo Liancheng rushed forward, stretched out his hand to wrap Jian Yun's slender waist, and forced her arm into his arms.

"Let go of me!" Jian Yun struggled desperately, pushing Huo Liancheng.

"Okay, I can let go of you, but Duo, you plan to go out like this?" Huo Liancheng reluctantly motioned Jian Yun to look down.

Jian Yun lowered her head, only to realize that just after the exercise, her clothes were not arranged, the skirts fell to the waist, and the upper body was basically in a half-naked state. She suddenly frowned and turned back angrily to lift the clothes. The dress was zippered on the back, and she couldn't reach it after several attempts, stomping her feet in anger.

Huo Liancheng sighed, stretched out his hand to zip up Jian Yun, then hugged her, and said softly: "I said I can't tell you, you have to get to the bottom, and get angry when you know it."

"I'm not angry!" Jian Yun turned his head.

"Ignore me and say you are not angry?" Huo Liancheng squeezed Jian Yun's ears and said seriously: "Duo Duo, look, I don't mind if you have an ex-boyfriend, right? I can only blame both of us. Did not meet each other in the beginning."

"Why don't you mind? You obviously mind the most, you also said that I was dirty!" Jian Yun dodges to avoid Huo Liancheng's touch, glaring at him.

"I misunderstood that matter. I already admitted that I was wrong, Duo Duo, don't you care about me, okay?" Huo Liancheng didn't dare to say anything. In his relationship with Jian Yun, she strengthened her. The matter is the only stain. He feels guilty every time he is mentioned, and he also understands that the matter is also a thorn in Jian Yun's heart, and cannot be mentioned!

Jian Yun scratched her hair, suddenly feeling very upset. Although she understood that what Huo Liancheng said was right, she just couldn't help but think about it.

As long as she thought that Huo Liancheng and Chen Xinran had such intimate behaviors, she felt as disgusting as she swallowed a cockroach, especially when Jian Yun thought that Chen Xinran was pregnant with Huo Liancheng's child...

No, I can't think about it anymore!

"Well, I'm not angry anymore, there are many bugs here, let's go back." Huo Liancheng went to pull Jianyun's hand.

This time Jian Yun did not break away. She followed Huo Liancheng docilely, leaving the glass planter, through the garden, and returning to the bedroom in silence.

Jian Yun has been wondering whether she should call Cheng Muze again. Obviously, Cheng Muze lied to her. She always thought Chen Xinran was dead, so she would be so frustrated when she saw Chen Xinran tonight. She had to talk to her first. Cheng Muze counted.

Also, Jian Yun wanted to know why Chen Xinran was alive and well, and why Cheng Muze would lie to her.

But when Jian Yun came back before, he called Cheng Muze. He didn't answer the phone, and finally turned off the phone, which made Jian Yun very annoyed.

Jian Yun was thinking wildly, in silence, Huo Liancheng's voice suddenly sounded.

"Duo Duo, why did you react so badly when you saw Chen Xinran at night?" Huo Liancheng asked Jian Yun's hand in one hand and his trouser pocket in the other, asking casually.

Jian Yun had a gloomy look and gritted his teeth, "Cheng Muze told me that Chen Xinran was already dead."

Huo Liancheng unexpectedly heard this, calm as if he stepped on his right foot with his left foot, staggered, and almost tripped over himself.

"Cheng Muze bastard!" Huo Liancheng cursed secretly.

"I have seen your pictures," Jian Yun raised his eyes and looked at Huo Liancheng coldly, "So, I saw her suddenly, and I thought I was hell."

Huo Lianchengjun’s face was stiff, but the corners of his mouth and eyes seemed to twitch nervously. He twitched, funny and angry, "What else did Cheng Muze say?"

Jian Yun misunderstood Huo Liancheng's meaning. She thought he was nervous whether Cheng Muze said something that shouldn't be said. After thinking about it, she didn't directly ask him about Chen Xinran's pregnancy, but shook her head, "Nothing. "

But Jian Yun's eyes have been fixed on the face of Huo Liancheng, seeming to want to see something.

"Why is he inexplicably telling you that Chen Xinran is dead?" Huo Liancheng is puzzled. Even if Cheng Muzeji hates him for squeezing him and wants to provoke his relationship with Jian Yun, there is no need to just say this endless sentence what.

And just saying that Chen Xinran was dead, Jian Yun couldn't be so angry, so, Huo Liancheng guessed, Cheng Muze must have said other things!

"I don't know, I want to ask him too!" Jian Yun turned her head and didn't look at Huo Liancheng anymore. She was afraid that she would look at him again and might really be tempted to ask him about Chen Xinran's pregnancy.

But how can you ask about this?

Huo Liancheng repeatedly refused her request for a child, and when she proposed it again, she found embarrassment for herself.

Jian Yun couldn’t help thinking, Huo Liancheng didn’t allow her to become pregnant and didn’t want their children because he had a child with Chen Xinran. Even if the child did not come to this world in the end, he decided not to never I want children born to other women...

So, why did he separate from Chen Xinran?

Jian Yun sat on the edge of the bed, lowered his head and did not speak. Suddenly, Huo Liancheng squatted in front of her with a stern tone, "Duo, you have something to hide from me!"

Jian Yun raised his head suddenly, then slammed into Huo Liancheng's deep black eyes, his eyes flashed, and he lowered his head again.

Huo Liancheng squeezed Jian Yun's chin and asked her to look up at him, with a calm face, threatening: "Don't say I am angry anymore."

Jian Yun gave Huo Liancheng a white look, and his eyes drifted away. The subtext is that you love to give birth.

First of all, Huo Liancheng couldn't hold it back anymore. He immediately changed the wicked look just now, and softly coaxed Jian Yun, "Okay, what do you want to know, I will tell you all, and then you decide whether to tell me what Cheng Muze said What kind of **** talk."

Jian Yun thought for a while, she also understood that sulking herself was not the answer, and now that Huo Liancheng has said so, just ask.

"When did you and Chen Xinran met, when they started, and when did they end, why did they separate?" Jian Yun asked a series of questions like a gun.

Huo Liancheng twitched the corners of his mouth. Just about to speak, Jian Yun stretched out a finger and warned: "Say it first. Don't lie or make up!"

"No!" Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's hand and said sternly: "But I have to say it first, you can't be angry!"

Jian Yun nodded and agreed. In fact, she was just angry that Huo Liancheng had children with other women, but she didn't let her have children. As for Huo Liancheng's ex-girlfriend, she would not be angry even though she would mind.

"We are university alumni, we met in university, we were together for half a year, and we broke up after half a year." Huo Liancheng's words were concise, without a word of redundancy.

Jian Yun blinked and waited for Huo Liancheng to continue talking. Huo Liancheng also looked at her. It took a long time for Jian Yun to react and Huo Liancheng finished speaking.

"That's it?" Jian Yun asked.

"What else?" Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows, looking more surprised than Jian Yun, "Is there any problem?"

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