You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 503: 503 Where are you and Chen Xinran's child?

"I thought you would at least describe it, or at least say eight hundred words." Jian Jun's mouth twitched, she should have thought of Huo Liancheng's calmness, he would not say a word of nonsense.

"Also eight hundred characters? Do you think you should write a composition for the college entrance examination?" Huo Liancheng was noncommittal. He sat on the side of the bed, moved towards Jian Yun, reached out to hold her hands, and said carefully, "I said it. I'm so angry!"

Jian Yun frowned in thought, and asked: "You said your personalities don't match, what's the difference?"

"It's been so many years, don't I remember!" Huo Liancheng collapsed.

"Isn't the first love the most impressive? Why don't you remember it?" Jian Yun expressed his disbelief, her eyes rolled, and she hesitated: "Isn't Chen Xinran your first love? You had a woman before?"

Huo Liancheng couldn't help rolling his eyes, and his tone became anxious, "No! No! You don't know my growth experience, how can I have time to do that?!"

"Really?" Jian Yun squinted at Huo Liancheng, still not believing him.

"Duo, you don't need to believe me, but you can't doubt me!" Huo Liancheng said sternly. He is very upset now. He doesn't remember anything about the past so long, and he doesn't understand what Jian Yun is thinking about. what.

"Well, I won't ask you anymore." Jian Yun lowered her eyes, covering her eyes with long eyelashes.

Huo Liancheng sighed, he stretched out his hand to take Jian Yun into his arms, and his tone softened, "Duo Duo, I still said that, but I regret that I didn't meet you at the beginning! So, don't think about the previous things anymore. good or not?"

Jian Yun leaned docilely in Huo Liancheng's arms, and nodded softly for a long while, but the dark color in her moist eyes did not disappear.

Huo Liancheng bowed his head to kiss Jian Yun, but found Jian Yun turned his head, his kiss fell on the corner of her mouth.

Huo Liancheng frowned, his patience was almost exhausted, but for Jian Yun, he still couldn't really get angry with her.

"I'm going to take a bath!" Huo Liancheng suddenly released Jian Yun, got up and sat up on the bed, and walked towards the bathroom, unbuttoning his shirt as he walked.

Jian Yun grasped the sheets tightly, she could feel Huo Liancheng's displeasure, and she also knew that she was a little bit tricky, but what to do? My heart was sour and uncomfortable, I couldn't find a way to vent.

Huo Liancheng knew that Jian Yun had been staring at him, and he wanted to turn around and hug her again, but he was really tired of Jian Yun always staring at his past entanglement, so he ruthlessly ignored Jian Yun.

He has already said everything that should be said, and it is up to Jian Yun to figure out.

Here, Huo Liancheng just walked to the bathroom door, and suddenly heard Jian Yun's faint voice behind him, "I will ask you one last question."

"Yeah." Huo Liancheng didn't look back, just about to unbutton the last shirt.

Jian Yun stared at Huo Liancheng's generous back and was silent before lowering his voice and asking, "Where are you and Chen Xinran's child?"

Suddenly, Huo Liancheng heard the word "children", and he didn't know whether he was frightened or guilty. He was about to enter the bathroom and suddenly "bang" and hit the door. The shirt button he was unbuttoning was also torn off by him.

Upon seeing this, Jian Yun really wanted to laugh and cry.

I wanted to laugh because she had never seen Huo Liancheng have such a funny day, and wanted to cry because she thought Huo Liancheng would have such a reaction, and it must be a guilty conscience.

So, did he really have children with Chen Xinran?

There was a tear in Jian Yun's eyes. Before she could fall down, she saw Huo Liancheng turning and rushing over in a desperate manner. His always calm handsome face was also full of anger.

When Huo Liancheng arrived in front of Jian Yun, he took off his shirt and smashed at Jian Yun in a group, angrily, "You tell me clearly, what child? When did I have a child with Chen Xinran? Where did you hear it? These silly words?"

Jian Yun was so scared that she shrank onto the bed, and subconsciously reached out to catch the shirt that Huo Liancheng had smashed over. She stared at Huo Liancheng, only thinking that his current appearance was so terrible that her tears were forced to go back.

"Say! Where did you hear it?" Huo Liancheng was really angry, he couldn't restrain his temper.

"Cheng, Cheng Muze said..." Jian Yun hadn't seen Huo Liancheng so angry for a long time. She trembled in her heart and moved into the bed tremblingly.

"Cheng Muze, it's Cheng Muze again!" Huo Liancheng walked irritably with his very short hair and naked upper body, and suddenly shouted at Jian Yun: "You would rather trust outsiders than you would. Believe me? I am so untrustworthy?"

Jian Yun grabbed Huo Liancheng's shirt, shrank on the bed, and quickly shook his head into a rattle.

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun's appearance, where the anger in his heart was still coming out. He held his hair in one hand, raised his head and took a few deep breaths, and tried to calm down a bit, before approaching Jian Yun, trying to make his voice sound normal. Some, "Okay, now you come and tell me what did Cheng Muze say?"

How dare Jian Yun conceal any more, she said without thinking: "He said, Chen Xinran is your ex-girlfriend, and then died of dystocia..."

"Pong!" When Huo Liancheng heard the end, he directly punched the wall and then smashed the antique vase on the cabinet.

Jian Yun screamed, and at a glance he saw the blood oozing out of Huo Liancheng's hand, and he jumped off the bed in fright. Regardless of Huo Liancheng, who was in a state of extreme anger, he rushed over and held his hand to check it. .

"You, you, why are you smashing the wall, look at it, you are all hurt and bleeding!" Jian Yun's tears came out, and he hurriedly puffed up Huo Liancheng's injured fist.

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun's distressed appearance, and his anger had long since disappeared.

Seeing Huo Liancheng's brows frowning, Jian Yun seemed to be very painful, so he was anxious. Then she remembered to find the medicine cabinet from the cabinet and want to bandage Huo Liancheng's wounds. He asked, "Does it hurt?" No, let's go to the hospital to take a film and check it."

With that said, Jian Yun was going to get the bag.

Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun, panting, and kissed her unexpectedly.

Jian Yun didn't expect that Huo Liancheng would kiss her at this moment. In shock, his eyes widened and subconsciously wanted to push Huo Liancheng away.

However, Huo Liancheng seemed to have sent a fierce kiss, and the kiss came deep and fierce.

Jian Yun's heartbeat was about to break through her chest, and her face flushed red, but when she saw the intense and hot emotion in Huo Liancheng's deep as ink eyes, she slowly let go of her clenched hand. Turning around his neck, closing his eyes in response to his kiss.

When the kiss was over, the tense atmosphere in the room just disappeared and was replaced by silence.

In silence, Jian Yun's tears pattered down.

Huo Liancheng stretched out his hand to wipe off Jian Yun's tears, and asked softly: "Do you feel bad for me?"

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