You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 504: 504 I Want Our Child

Jian Yun ignored Huo Liancheng. She grabbed his hand and looked at the **** wound. Her nose was sour, and tears welled up again. She looked up at him, her mouth was swollen and her big eyes were watery, "Go Take a look at the hospital, what if you hurt a bone?"

"Go to the hospital, how can you be so squeamish!" Huo Liancheng stretched out his left hand and gently stroked Jian Yun's face, wiped her tears with his fingers, raised his sword eyebrows, and asked, "Are you not angry?"

Jian Yun shook his head, then covered his face, leaning on Huo Liancheng's shoulder, and sobbing, "I'm sorry!"

Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun into his arms, kissed her on the forehead, and sighed, "You are not to blame for this. If someone tells me that you have a child, I will definitely be more crazy than you."

Huo Liancheng still didn't say a word, this matter, in the final analysis, was caused by Cheng Muze, and he would never let this kid go!

Jian Yun wiped away her tears, then raised her head to look at Huo Liancheng, pursing the corner of her mouth, as if she wanted to ask something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"I have no children! Chen Xinran never conceived my children! Why dying in order to give me a dystocia is farting!" As if seeing what Jian Yun was thinking, Huo Liancheng's forehead bounced with blue veins, and he was once more straightforward. Tao.

Jian Yun blinked, feeling her nose sour again, "I always thought that you don't want children because Chen Xinran..."

"Have a wool relationship with her? She is not qualified to influence me to make any decisions." Huo Liancheng's face became gloomy, "I don't like children, it's that simple!"

"But, I like children and I want our children." Jian Yun raised his misty eyes and looked at Huo Liancheng expectantly.

Huo Liancheng squinted and the corner of his eyes jumped nervously. For a moment, the dark light flashed across his eyes, but then disappeared. He reached out his hand to hold Jian Yun’s face and coaxed her: "Duodu, we will talk about this later. good or not?"

Hearing this, Jian Yun's eyes suddenly flooded with disappointment, why didn't she know that Huo Liancheng was a slow-down strategy.

Huo Liancheng collapsed when Jian Yun's disappointed little face collapsed. He felt a little softhearted, but he didn't change his mind. Instead, he quickly changed the subject, "Duo Duo, my hands hurt."

Sure enough, Huo Liancheng called pain, and immediately diverted Jian Yun's attention. She didn't care to breathe with him, and nervously grabbed his big hand, "Does it hurt? I'll call Chen Xin, let's go to the hospital! "

Having said that, Jian Yun wanted to find a mobile phone to make a call.

"I'm not going to the hospital!" Huo Liancheng breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Jian Yun would be reluctant to entangle the issue of having children.

"It's all hurt like this. What if I don't go to the hospital!" Jian Yun had already dialed Chen Xin's number.

Huo Liancheng grabbed the phone, walked to the door and said to the outside: "It's okay."

Jian Yun heard the footsteps outside the door, she understood that it was probably the sound of Huo Liancheng smashing the antique vase just now that made Chen Xin alert and brought people over.

After hanging up the phone, Huo Liancheng threw the phone away and glanced at Jian Yun. He didn't say anything, but got up and went to the bathroom.

Jian Yun also followed. When she saw Huo Liancheng directly washing her fist with water, she screamed, "Hey, you will get inflammation like this."

"I can't die!" Huo Liancheng looked indifferent, and clenched his fist to show Jian Yun, "This little injury is nothing. I have suffered more severe injuries in field training before, and I haven't seen anything. thing."

Jian Yun stomped angrily, "Is it different?"

Seeing that Huo Liancheng's hands were bleeding again, she ran out anxiously to retrieve the iodophor and gauze from the medicine cabinet, and ran back again, thinking about the knowledge of first aid bandaging she had seen before, and gave Huo Liancheng a simple treatment.

Jian Yun was still uneasy, so he called Huo Liancheng's family doctor, Sister Fang, and learned from Sister Fang that the wound was not big, and disinfection with iodophor was enough, so Jian Yun was relieved.

Seeing Jian Yun hung up the phone, Huo Liancheng stood at the bathroom door and waved to her.

"What are you doing?" Jian Yun asked.

"I want to take a bath!" Huo Liancheng said.

"Let's wash it." Jian Yun replied casually. She glanced at the broken vase on the floor, and was about to go out and find a dustpan to clean it up.

"My hand hurts." Huo Liancheng raised his sword eyebrows, his beautiful black eyes shining brightly.

Jian Yun didn't know how to be violent, turned his head to look at Huo Liancheng, and blinked, "Then just don't wash that hand."

Huo Liancheng was speechless, "Idiot, do you have to understand what I said?"

"You don't know how I know what you want to do?" Jian Yun had guessed Huo Liancheng's purpose, but she pretended not to understand.

This guy is so irritating.

The blue veins on Huo Liancheng's forehead began to jump again. He stretched out his intact hand and hooked towards Jian Yun without turning around, "Come here, wait for the Lord to take a shower!"

After all, he turned around and went into the bathroom.

Jian Yun pursed her mouth, but did not decline. After all, Huo Liancheng's injury has a lot to do with her. She kicked the vase fragments with her foot and decided to let someone clean again tomorrow morning.

"Hurry up, the wound is about to touch water." Seeing Jian Yun didn't follow up, Huo Liancheng called her from inside.

"Come!" Jian Yun replied, and the corner of his eye flashed over the mark that Huo Liancheng's fist had hit the wall just now, feeling a little absurd in his heart.

She didn't expect that the truth about Huo Liancheng and Chen Xinran that had been entangled in her heart turned out to be like this, then her entanglement and depression during this period of time had not become that she was looking for abuse?

"Not coming?" Huo Liancheng became impatient.

"It's coming!" Jian Yun heard Huo Liancheng's tone irritably, and she didn't delay anymore, stepping into the bathroom quickly.

In the bathroom, Huo Liancheng had already put water in the bathtub, and the heat rushed into her face. Jian Yun wiped his eyes and saw Huo Liancheng standing in front of the bathtub with gauze wrapped in his right hand, and his sturdy upper body was naked. His trousers did not take off. , He stared straight at Jian Yun.

"Why so slow!" Huo Liancheng said unhappy.

"Thinking about things." Jian Yun wiped her eyes again, not knowing if she just cried, she always felt a little uncomfortable in her eyes.

"Still thinking about the nonsense that Cheng Muze said?" Huo Liancheng frowned.

"No." Jian Yun looked up at Huo Liancheng and consciously walked over to loosen his belt.

"Are you going to let me take a bath in pants?" Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows.

Jian Yun rubbed his eyes again and pouted: "Don't you usually take a shower? Why do you think of taking a bath today?"

"What's wrong with the eyes?" Huo Liancheng noticed that Jian Yun rubbed his eyes several times. He raised her chin and looked down.

"It's a bit uncomfortable, itchy." Jian Yun said, and wanted to reach out and rub it.

"Don't rub it, let me see." Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's hand, he leaned closer and raised his eyebrows, "There is an eyelash on the eyeball, don't move it, I'll remove it for you."

Huo Liancheng took the towel and wiped it lightly. Jian Yun blinked, feeling more comfortable immediately.

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