You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 505: 505 Conflict

"Is it still uncomfortable?" Huo Liancheng asked.

Jian Yun shook his head, "Thank you!"

Huo Liancheng was dissatisfied, "That's it?"

Jian Yun pursed his lips and smiled, and kissed Huo Liancheng on his tiptoe. Huo Liancheng was satisfied.

"What are you doing while standing stupid? Master wants to take a shower! Come take off his pants!" Seeing Jian Yun tilted his head to look at him, Huo Liancheng squeezed her face.

The words sounded ambiguous, Jian Yun blushed, she glanced at Huo Liancheng's left hand, "Don't you have a hand? Why do you want me to take it off."

"Yeah!" Huo Liancheng played a rogue, he squeezed Jian Yun's face, "What? Do you have an opinion?"

"No!" Jian Yun's small face was pinched by Huo Liancheng, and her mouth became O-shaped. She blinked and stretched out her hand to remove Huo Liancheng's belt.

Jian Yun is so cute like this. Huo Liancheng's eyes were stained with a smile. He suddenly raised his long legs and stepped into the bathtub. At the same time, he pulled Jian Yun and pulled her in, then bowed his head and kissed her again. .

Jian Yun was wet with water and subconsciously wanted to struggle, but Huo Liancheng held her tightly.

"Woo, don't you want to take a shower?" Jian Yun muttered.

"Doing another thing while bathing doesn't affect it." Huo Liancheng smiled evilly.

"But, just behind—" Jian Yun struggled away from Huo Liancheng, while also being careful not to splash the water on his injured hand.

"I still have to eat three times a day!" Huo Liancheng lay in the bathtub, stretched out his hand to embrace Jian Yun and let her lie on him.

"Can this be the same?" Jian Yun glared at him.

"What's the difference?" Huo Liancheng rubbed Jian Yun.

Jian Yun was soaked and uncomfortable with her clothes sticking to her body. She tried her best to prop up her upper body, wiped the water off her face, and gave Huo Liancheng a blank look, "If you don't eat it, you will die!"

Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's nose and said angrily: "If you don't do this, you will die!"

"Nonsense!" Jian Yun grabbed Huo Liancheng's hand, wrinkled his nose, and squinted at him, "Then I don't think you have lived well for so many years!"

"That's because I didn't meet you. Now I can taste the sweetness. If I don't do it, I will really die!" Huo Liancheng hooked Jian Yun's neck and brought her into his arms. The two of them almost touched their faces and breathed. Blending, his breathing suddenly changed rapidly.

"Then did you do the same with Chen Xinran?" Jian Yun blurted out, but she regretted it as soon as she said it, especially when she saw Huo Liancheng's instantly sinking face, she was even more annoyed to bite it off Own tongue.

If you don't ask the past, why can't she control her mouth! And also asked such sensitive topics.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't ask!" Jian Yun quickly apologized, but she found that Huo Liancheng's face was still gloomy.

"I'm sorry, I won't ask you about what happened again!" Jian Yun hugged Huo Liancheng's neck and took the initiative to take off his wet skirt, glaring at him like a silk, and at the same time rubbing him.

Huo Liancheng's eyes changed, he snorted suddenly, pressed Jian Yun abruptly, and kissed her fiercely. There was no annoyance on Jun's face.

Passion is on the verge.

When everything is over, the bathroom has already become a vast ocean, and the water in the bathtub has also become turbid. Jian Yun's face is red, like a gem of pigeon blood, and his black eyes are filled with water vapor, embellished with emotions, and it is charming. .

Huo Liancheng was reluctant to let go of Jian Yun, and kept kissing her. The two of them were entangled together, like the branch that would never separate.

"No one can compare to you!" Huo Liancheng whispered in Jian Yun's ear, "From the past, to the present, and there is a future, I am the only one in my heart!"

Jian Yun's heart was beating wildly, she hooked Huo Liancheng's neck, and only said that in reply to him, "I love you! I love you so much!"

Due to strenuous exercise, the bath was soaked in white, and the two finally opened the shower and took a shower.

Back in the bedroom, Huo Liancheng lay down on the bed contentedly. Jian Yun sat aside, blowing his hair wet with a windpipe. Huo Liancheng lay down like that, propped up his upper body and looked at her. Jian Yun was not seen. I am embarrassed, so I took a look at Huo Liancheng from the corner of my eye, "What am I doing?"

Huo Liancheng tutted twice, "I'm just thinking, with such a beautiful and lovely wife as you, unless I am blind, I will go out to look for those women outside."

Jian Yun was sweet in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. Instead, she put down her hair dryer and pursed her mouth in a disgusting look. "But the old saying goes that home flowers are not as sweet as wild flowers. Men don't want the colorful flags to flutter outside. Will the red flag at home fail?"

"But I think you are the most fragrant!" Huo Liancheng got up, hugged Jian Yun from behind, sniffed and sniffed around her neck, sighing: "It's so fragrant!"

Jian Yun was itchy by the heat that Huo Liancheng exhaled. She hid, hooked Huo Liancheng's neck with her backhand, and smiled at the corners of her mouth, "Itchy."

"Duo Duo, believe me, okay? Don't doubt me, you have to understand that I love you only more than you love me!" Huo Liancheng kept kissing Jian Yun on the neck, getting her from neck to face Red, he loves this color so much.

"Well, I won't listen to other people talking nonsense again!" Jian Yun's breathing changed quickly again, but she did not dare to respond to Huo Liancheng again, for fear that this unsatisfied fellow would have a beastly attack again.

"Tomorrow we will go to Cheng Muze to settle the account!" Huo Liancheng pulled Jian Yun's face and kissed her on the lips.

"Yes, I was just about to say, he is crazy, why should he lie to me!" Jian Yun was angry when he thought of this, if Chen Xinran suddenly appeared, she would not know how long she would be kept in the dark, remembering this time She wanted to find Cheng Muze now to settle her accounts.

"I'll know if I find him tomorrow!" Huo Liancheng didn't understand which nerve was wrong with Cheng Muze, so he wanted to provoke his relationship with Jian Yun?

Does Cheng Muze like Jian Yun?

Huo Liancheng immediately remembered that Jian Yun was almost hit by a car that day. He went to the police station halfway and came back. Outside the office, he heard Cheng Muze telling Jian Yun that Jian Yun should consider his business, and suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

Jian Yun didn't know what Huo Liancheng was thinking, but touched his hand. Only then did he remember that his hand was hurt. He was too intense in the bathtub just now and completely forgot that his hand could not touch the water.

"Your hand!" In shock, Jian Yun quickly turned around and checked Huo Liancheng's hand. Sure enough, he found that the gauze on his hand was soaked.

Jian Yun hurriedly got up and brought over iodophor and clean gauze, carefully removed the soaked gauze, and was immediately shocked by what she saw.

Huo Liancheng's wounds were not deep, mainly the scratches left by hitting the wall. When the water was soaked, they all turned white, and the skin turned out.

"Oh, I'm all to blame!" Jian Yun blamed himself, and carefully and carefully wounded Huo Liancheng.

"Nothing! Don't worry!" Huo Liancheng rubbed Jian Yun's hair, but comforted her.

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