You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 509: 509 Can she beat him up?

At this time, in a luxuriously decorated suite in a high-end residential complex in the center of Qinghu City, Cheng Muze, who had worked all night, had just turned off his computer, stretched tiredly, and just wanted to find something to eat to cushion his stomach. Then I went to sleep and suddenly heard the doorbell ring.

Cheng Muze looked at the time, at half past eight, he couldn't help but mumble, "Who, come here so early!"

But complaining, Cheng Muze went to open the door.

The door opened, and when Cheng Muze saw the woman standing in front of him clearly, he was stunned, "You, you--"

The woman is tall, and she and Cheng Muze in high heels are about the same height. They are very thin, with sunken eye sockets and thin cheeks, but they have more three-dimensional facial features. With appropriate makeup, they are also beautiful, especially when she is still wearing Short skirt, two straight and long long legs against the sky super **** sperm.

If in the past, Cheng Muze saw such a distinctive beauty, he would definitely have to look closely at it, but today, he was shocked, with a clear expression of hell.

"What's the matter, how long has it been since then, Kevin, you don't know me anymore?" Chen Xinran was baffled by Cheng Muze's reaction.

"Ah? How come!" Cheng Muze came back to his senses, his mouth twitched, and he quickly moved away, "Annie, when did you come back?"

Chen Xinran shrugged, "Yesterday! I went to Zheng Xiaoxiao's house for a cocktail party."

When Chen Xinran mentioned Zheng Xiaoxiao, her tone became lonely. She changed her shoes and went into the house, trying to make herself behave more naturally. She looked around at Cheng Muze's home furnishings, and then shook her head and sighed: "Kevin, your taste is still It hasn't changed for so many years, it's still so gorgeous!"

However, Cheng Muze did not respond to Chen Xinran. At this time, he was in turmoil, because Chen Xinran mentioned the Zheng Family Cocktail Party. If he remembers correctly, Huo Liancheng has business dealings with the Zheng Family, and Huo Liancheng will certainly do so last night. Go to Zheng's house, then...

Looking at Chen Xinran, Cheng Muze shivered suddenly, and reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his head.

Chen Xinran just turned her head and happened to see Cheng Muze's weird eyes and sweat-wiping movements. She couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "Kevin, are you nervous?"

"Ah? How can it be!" Of course, Cheng Muze didn't admit it. At this time, he was no longer sleepy. He thought to himself that even if Chen Xinran went to the reception, he would not necessarily meet Huo Liancheng. Maybe Jian Yun didn't. Go!

"Do you have any wine in your house?" Chen Xinran saw that Cheng Muze had been distracted since she came in, so she could only ask him.

"Wine?" Cheng Muze glanced at the time, not without surprise: "Drinking this early? Is this your supermodel lifestyle?"

Chen Xinran put down her bag and smiled, "I am in a bad mood and want to find someone to drink with me."

"Why are you in a bad mood?" Cheng Muze asked casually, walking towards the bar.

"I met Liancheng last night," Chen Xinran's tone became even more disappointed, "and his wife."

Cheng Muze shivered suddenly.

"Kevin, Kevin?" Chen Xinran stopped when Cheng Muze took a bottle of wine. She didn't know what he was doing. She couldn't help yelling a few times and walked over.

"Huh?" Cheng Muze turned around and saw Chen Xinran behind him unexpectedly. In shock, the hand that was pouring the wine shook, and the wine in the bottle suddenly spilled out. Chen Xinran stood too close, and the wine immediately It splashed on her, and she was wearing a white T-shirt on her upper body, which was immediately saturated with red wine.

"Ah!" Chen Xinran exclaimed and took a step back abruptly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Cheng Muze put down the bottle and glass quickly, and apologized quickly.

"It's all soaked, Kevin, what are you thinking?" Chen Xinran was a little angry, but immediately restrained the urge to lose his temper.

"Did you bring clothes?" Cheng Muze was very guilty, and naturally he didn't compare Chen Xinran's questioning tone.

"No, it's slimy no matter how you wear it." Chen Xinran was depressed.

"Don't wear my clothes first!" Cheng Muze led Chen Xinran to his bedroom and picked her own shirt for her.

Chen Xinran had no objection, but the alcohol was uncomfortable on her body, so she said to Cheng Muze: "I'll take a shower and borrow your bathroom."

"Okay! There are new towels in the cabinet." Of course, Cheng Muze wouldn't have any comments, because he was thinking about it now, and now that he lied to Jian Yun to happen, will Huo Liancheng come to him to settle the account?

"Kevin, is the doorbell ringing?" Chen Xinran was about to enter the bathroom when she suddenly heard someone knock on the door, but Cheng Muze was in a daze again, she kindly reminded.

"Ah? Oh!" Cheng Muze scratched his head, "Maybe the takeaway I ordered has arrived."

Cheng Muze didn't think much about it. He walked towards the door, he was too absent-minded, that he didn't even look at it, and Cat's Eye opened the door directly.

"Hi!" When the people outside saw Cheng Muze, they smiled sweetly and waved to greet him.

Cheng Muze blinked and blinked again, only then did he recognize that the beautiful girl in white T-shirt, jeans and two braids in front of him was Jian Yun, then the man next to her was—

Cheng Muze felt that his neck had become stiff. He turned his neck mechanically and looked at the man, only to see that Huo Liancheng, who had a face of Wannian ice cube, was also smiling at him.

"Four, fourth brother, you, can you not laugh..." Cheng Muze shivered fiercely at the time, feeling a chill on his back and rushing to the back of his head.

"Don't you ask us to go in?" Jian Yun went to squeeze Cheng Muze, and looked out, there was a lady's bag on the sofa, which belonged to the Ma family. Jian Yun raised an eyebrow immediately, "Are there guests?"

"No, no!" Cheng Muze felt that his tongue was stiff now, and his speech was uncomfortable.

Huo Liancheng squeezed Cheng Muze into the house with Jian Yun, a pair of women's high heels in the hallway was very eye-catching, and after coming in, both of them heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom and someone was taking a shower.

Jian Yun winked her eyes, "It seems that we are not here at the right time!"

"When will it be settled!" Huo Liancheng was very rude, a pair of sharp eyes looked at Cheng Muze, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Surely you should know what I mean?"

Cheng Muze scratched his head awkwardly, pretending to not understand, "Fourth brother, I, how do I know what you mean?"

Jian Yun clenched his fist and approached Cheng Muze step by step, with a gloomy smile on her pretty little face, "Cheng Muze, I still trust you so much because of me, you are so cheating on me! The entanglement that made me feel depressed during this period Yes, you said, how to calculate this account!"

"Ah, what account, I don't understand what you are talking about!" Cheng Muze decided to hold on to the end, anyway, he was sure that Jian Yun had deleted the text message long ago. There is no proof, she can beat him or not?

However, this time, Cheng Muze still miscalculated.

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