You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 510: 510 I'm Sorry

"Pretend garlic?" Jian Yun approached Cheng Muze step by step, his small fist snapped.

Cheng Muze smiled hippiely and looked at Huo Liancheng, "Fourth brother, I don't understand what you are talking about. Is there any misunderstanding this early?"

"It's up to you to misunderstand me!" Huo Liancheng raised his chin to Jian Yun to indicate, "Even I dare to pit it, so I'll fight it first!"

Jian Yun smiled, her big beautiful eyes narrowed.

When Cheng Muze saw a bad situation, he quickly put on a confrontation posture and warned solemnly: "Sister Jane, I never beat a woman. Don't come here. I'm afraid I'll accidentally hurt you!"

"It doesn't matter," Jian Yun said with a smile: "You hurt me, anyway, someone will give me revenge, at least you will be abolished!"

Cheng Muze was frightened, swallowed, and looked at Huo Liancheng, "Fourth brother, it's because of our many years of brotherhood..."

"Then do you know, just because of your words, my wife who almost hurt my wife ran away, and now I am embarrassed to tell me about brotherhood!" Huo Liancheng held his arms, his handsome face suddenly gloomy, and he let out a cold snort. hit!"

Cheng Muze immediately turned his head and ran away. Jian Yun was faster than him. As soon as he reached out and grabbed Cheng Muze's back collar, Cheng Muze turned his head subconsciously, and saw that Jian Yun had arrived in front of him.

"I'm sorry!"

Jian Yun grinned, a beautiful shoulder fell, Cheng Muze felt that the sky was spinning, and he was already paralyzed on the ground in the next second. He didn't know where the glasses had fallen, his eyes were gold stars, dizziness, and his back was numb.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Cheng Muze gasped for a long time, barely propped up his upper body, saw Jian Yun happily ran to Huo Liancheng, jumped up, Huo Liancheng smiled and reached out to catch her. People just kissed like no one.

"Show your affection, die fast!" Cheng Muze angrily.

"Husband, someone cursed us, do you want to make another cut and send him back to his hometown directly!" Jian Yun held Huo Liancheng's arm, shook and shook, looking up at him acting like a baby.

"Good idea!" Huo Liancheng squeezed Jian Yun's face, and she loved her to death. She was so charming when she looked at him, and she was so tough on other men. This is the woman he loves!

"Oh, nonono!" Cheng Muze saw that Huo Liancheng was really gearing up towards him. It was then that he was really panicked, and he was crawling and running.

No matter how ruthless Jian Yun starts, she is also a woman. A woman is naturally weak, but Huo Liancheng is different. Cheng Muze knows very well that Huo Liancheng was trained by a professional field army. If Huo Liancheng really does it, he will not die. Half-life.

"There is a kind of don't run!" Huo Liancheng sneered.

"Fourth brother, dear fourth brother, benevolent fourth brother, I know that I was wrong, so please forgive me!" Cheng Muze ran and begged for mercy, tears streaming down, not to mention being sincere.

Huo Liancheng ignored it and punched it directly.

"Ah!" Cheng Muze suddenly screamed, his eyes turned blue.

Huo Liancheng still had to do it again, Jian Yun held him with a small hand, "Okay, husband, just give him a lesson."

Cheng Muze looked at Jian Yun gratefully, "Sister Jian, you are still beautiful and kind, I—"

Before Cheng Muze finished speaking, Jian Yun squeezed his eyes at him, "If you are disabled, no one will work for you!"

"Puff..." Cheng Muze immediately spouted a mouthful of old blood, and the feeling Jian Yun helped him plead for this reason, "You two are really in one mind!"

"Of course! I love my husband, and my husband loves me too. We don't have one mind, are we one mind with your single dog!" Jian Yun mocked Cheng Muze unceremoniously.

"Showing affection in front of me again!" Cheng Muze covered his eyes and gritted his teeth, but as soon as he came into contact with Huo Liancheng's cold gaze, he immediately persuaded, "Fourth brother, kiss fourth brother, I know I was wrong, and I don't dare anymore. Up!"

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun, Cheng Muze also looked at Jian Yun expectantly, raising his hands and swearing, "I promise, I will work hard and work hard for the fourth brother. I will not rest this month, no, I will not rest next month. !"

"Well, since you requested so, then you go to the Finance Department to apply for the 30% year-end bonus tomorrow." Huo Liancheng nodded, looking very kind and thinking about Cheng Muze, "Of course, don't go wrong. , It's Huo's Finance Department!"

"Ah, no!" Cheng Muze didn't feel much after hearing the first half sentence. Huo Liancheng took over Ming's, and he came with purpose. The salary that Ming promised to him was a lot for ordinary people, but it was compared with Huo Liancheng's net worth. , That is simply a drop in the bucket. Cheng Muze, as the special assistant of the president, also receives a salary from Ming's. Similarly, compared to his salary in Huo's, it is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, Huo Liancheng said that he had deducted his bonus from Huo's, which made Cheng Muze's face changed. At that time, he hugged Huo Liancheng's legs and cried out without regard to the image: "Fourth brother, no!"

Before Huo Liancheng had time to speak, Jian Yun suddenly seemed to be frightened. He stepped back a few steps and stood beside him.

"Why are you!" Jian Yun exclaimed immediately.

Huo Liancheng also looked up. At this look, he couldn't help raising his sword eyebrows, and a touch of interest flashed across his eyes.

"You, you..." Chen Xinran appeared naturally, and she saw her with long hair spread out, wearing only a men's shirt, which was completely covered. On the leg, the shirt was missing, and the two big long legs were completely exposed.

Cheng Muze turned his head to look, and when he saw Chen Xinran's appearance, he was also stunned.

"Wife, it seems that we are not here at the right time!" Huo Liancheng glanced at Chen Xinran, his eyes no longer fell on her, instead he immediately held Jian Yun's hand and hugged her into his arms, saying meaningfully.

Jian Yun looked up at Huo Liancheng. The surprise and the slightest sense of anxiety when she first saw Chen Xinran disappeared because of Huo Liancheng's actions. She smiled, "Yes, then, shall we go now?"

Huo Liancheng made a look of thinking, and immediately nodded, "Okay," he lowered his head to look at Cheng Muze who was dumbfounded, reached out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said thoughtfully: "Have fun!"

"Fourth brother, hey, fourth brother, it's not what you think!" Cheng Muze suddenly reacted, desperately holding Huo Liancheng's legs, and said nothing this time to let him go.

He doesn't want to be misunderstood! Obviously nothing happened with Chen Xinran, and Chen Xinran is not his favorite dish!

"Liancheng, no, we are not what you think!" Chen Xinran was also anxious, and ran over a few steps, with urgency in her eyes. She wanted to explain that she didn't want to be misunderstood by Huo Liancheng and had anything to do with Cheng Muze.

"What do I think?" Huo Liancheng pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger at this time, with an inexplicable look, "What do you think I think? I didn't think about anything!"

Chen Xinran was surprised and stunned, looking at Huo Liancheng, as if he couldn't believe that he would push it so cleanly, "Liancheng, I..."

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