You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 513: 513 Infatuation

People come and go on the commercial street. There are many shops on both sides. There is a circular square in the center. The center of the square is a musical fountain. During the day, there is no music. There are some street performers playing violin or singing on the side. Many people sit around. Cool down and eat by the fountain.

What Jian Yun saw was a pair of siblings. They must have been unable to squeeze into the square. They found a place in a corner of the street and spread a piece of plastic on the ground. The two of them sat on the plastic and placed in front of them. I found a tin jar with a few coins in it.

Jian Yun noticed the siblings because the clothes on the two children who looked like they were in their early teens were worn out, but they were washed very clean. The two of them were also neatly packed. They did not look like each other. They are children who have been wandering outside for a long time, but they are very educated, especially the eyes of the two are very clear and bright.

It’s just that these two children look too skinny and look malnourished. They have been playing with a guitar with their heads down. The guitar looks old, but it’s well maintained. Occasionally, it’s played by the kid and the sound is good. .

"Hey, you two beggars, can you play the guitar?" There was a teenage boy standing by the road for a long time, holding ten dollars in his hand, staring at the two of them for a long time. I didn't even play a piece of music, and mocked it disdainfully, "If you can't play, don't think I will give you the money!"

With an angry look on his face, the younger boy puffed his neck and said angrily: "We are not beggars!"

The stylishly dressed boy on the side of the road curled his lips and threw down the ten dollars contemptuously, "Cut, who is fooling, it’s not a beggar, what are you doing here? Humph, a waste of my little master’s time, this ten dollars will reward you. Up!"

The little boy suddenly looked like a rooster that was provoked. He picked up the ten-dollar paper ticket, jumped up and chased the fashionable boy, and slid money into the boy's hand, blushing with a thick neck. Said: "I said we are not beggars, we don't want the money!"

The girl put down the guitar and followed, and hurriedly pulled the little boy, "Cheng Nuo, come back, you forgot how our mother told us?"

"Sister, but he humiliated us!" The little boy's expression on his face did not fade.

Before the little boy spoke, there was an angry shout from there, "You two beggars, what are you doing while holding my son? Let go of your dirty hands! I hurt my son and I will kill you!"

Jian Yun looked over and saw a chubby middle-aged woman who was dressed richly and with gold on her neck, ears and wrists dangled and walked hurriedly, pushing the little boy away, and the little boy was pushed to the ground. The girl hurried to help him.

The middle-aged woman stared at the two children fiercely and spit out a word, "Go!"

Jian Yun couldn't help but wring her brows. This woman is really bad, no wonder her son is so rude.

Looking here again, the girl lifted up the little boy, only to find that the little boy's hands and arms were rubbed against the skin, sand stuck to the wound, red bloodshot eyes leaked out, but the little boy endured silent.

"Cheng Nuo, let's go home." The girl held back her tears and pulled the little boy away.

"Sister, we can't go home. We stole my father's guitar and came out in order to make money by acting. Otherwise, tomorrow when our mother comes back from the hospital, we won't be able to get out." The little boy said anxiously.

"But I won't. Your hand hurts and you can't play it. We are useless here." Although the little girl is an older sister, she doesn't seem to have any opinions. She asks the boy for advice on everything.

The little boy raised his hand and glanced, his expression turned depressed.

"Let's go, if my mother knows that we have stolen things from father, I will definitely be angry." The little girl whispered.

"But, sister, what are we eating today? These few dollars are only enough for us to take the bus..." The little boy picked up the jar and looked at it. The little adult sighed, "Forget it, I can buy some more Mantou, let's go back."

"Go back?" The little girl shook, bit her lip, did not speak, and turned back to pack her things.

At this moment, the two suddenly found someone standing next to them. Thinking they were urging them to leave, they flashed aside and gave way.

"Can you show me this guitar?" Jian Yun asked gently.

The two turned their heads at the same time, originally wanting to refuse, but when they saw that the questioner was a pretty sister, they hesitated.

"Sister, do you know how to play the guitar?" the little girl asked timidly. She felt that the woman in front of her had a fresh breath and her eyes were clear and clean, but she was still defensive.

"Yes!" Jian Yun smiled.

The little girl and the little boy looked at each other. The little boy thought for a while, and carefully handed the guitar to Jian Yun, "Sister, this guitar is my father’s relic, and mom’s treasure is very good. You can take a look, be careful! "

"I know!" Jian Yun took the guitar, touched it, and Daimei couldn't help picking it up. This guitar is a few years old, but it's really well preserved.

"Sister, be careful!" The little boy held both hands, as if he was afraid that Jian Yun would break the guitar, ready to continue.

"Can I play it?" Jian Yun asked again, her squinted eyes bright.

"Yeah." The little boy nodded.

Jian Yun plucked the guitar, tried the tune, and then played a piece of music. The eyes of both siblings and siblings were straight, "Sister, my father has played this piece too.

"Is your father teaching music?" Jian Yun asked casually. She probably also learned some of their situation from the conversation between the siblings and the siblings. The father died, the mother was hospitalized, and the siblings did not even have money to eat. .

"Well, my father used to be a teacher who teaches music at school. He died in a car accident last year. My mother was so sad that she had been hospitalized since she was sick..." the little girl said lonely.

"So you two kids who don't know how to play guitar come out to perform?" Jian Yun raised an eyebrow.

"We can't help it, mom is sick, the family's money has been spent, eating is a problem..." The girl's voice went low.

"Promise, what are you talking about!" The little boy immediately stopped the little girl and stopped her from withdrawing money, and then seriously said to Jian Yun: "I can play the guitar. Dad taught me, but my hand hurt..."

Jian Yun felt that although the little boy was not very old, he was quite spine, and the names of the two siblings were also nice.

"Cheng Nuo, promise, this name is really good." Jian Yun smiled, "You two sit down and I will play a tune for you."

"Sister, can you play Laughing Hongchen?" the little girl asked eagerly, "Mom likes this song the most. When my father was alive, I used to play it to her."

"Yeah." Jian Yun was not too dirty, sitting on the floor, playing the guitar freely in the commercial street where people came and going, and at the same time sang along with him, "How ridiculous is Hong Chen, and the most boring infatuation..."

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