You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 514: 514nevergrowold

Jian Yun also learned the piano from elementary school and high school for a while. He played pretty well, but he hadn't used it for a long time, and was a little unskilled when he first played.

But this little insufficiency was made up by Jian Yun's clear and slightly hoarse singing, "How ridiculous is the red dust, how boring the infatuation is, whether it is arrogant, this life is not over, but the heart is no longer disturbed, I just want to get a half-life happy ..."

Just as Jian Yun sang a few words, she saw Cheng Nuo's promise that her eyes were red.

When a song was finished, the siblings wiped away their tears secretly, tugging at the corners of their lips and gratefully said to Jian Yun: "Sister, you sing as good as your mother."

"Then what else do you want to listen to? I'll sing it for you." Jian Yun smiled and squinted. When she looked up, she realized that there were a lot of people around who didn't know when, and people kept coming to put money in the jar. There are coins and banknotes.

"Thank you soon!" Jian Yun immediately urged both sisters and brothers, who were stunned for a moment before reacting and quickly bowed to the crowd.

"Girl, sing a few more songs. You are so beautiful and you still sing a good song. Why do you perform in this show? You can go to the audition." Someone booed.

Jian Yun smiled and didn't care about it, but Xu promised Cheng Nuo and brothers hurriedly to clarify, "You are mistaken, this sister is here to help us, she is not a performer."

"Yeah, when I just walked over, I saw these two little ghosts playing with the guitar. It turns out that this girl doesn't know you, so you can sing a few more songs for us." It was lively, but there were also people who heard the two siblings talking like Jian Yun, and they couldn't help sympathizing with them, and they wanted to take the opportunity to help.

"Okay, you can order a song." Jian Yun smiled.

At that time, Huo Liancheng was looking for Jian Yun everywhere in the mall, but he found Jian Yun upstairs and downstairs. He didn't even see a personal picture, and no one answered the phone. Huo Liancheng was going crazy.

"Huo Shao, should you go outside and have a look?" Chen Xin was accompanied by the store manager. Chen Xin was okay, but the manager was trembling, sweating profusely.

Huo Liancheng's face was gloomy. He really regretted that he shouldn't be angry with Jian Yun. He also walked a little faster. He thought she would follow, but who knew this girl had slipped away!

"Why are people walking outside?" Chen Xin suddenly pulled a young man beside him and asked them why they were going, in such a hurry.

"My friend just posted a video on WeChat, saying that there is a beautiful woman on the commercial street helping a pair of sisters and brothers to sing, let's go and see the excitement." The young man waved his hand, "Go!"

"Huo Shao, should I go and let the mall broadcast a call?" The manager wiped his sweat, and couldn't mention the interest in the beauty of the young man.

"No!" Huo Liancheng twisted his sword eyebrows, as if thinking about it for a moment, then said: "Let's go and see too."

After all, Huo Liancheng took the lead to go out.

Chen Xin had no objection, and the manager naturally did not dare to object.

The commercial street was less than a hundred meters away from Tianyi Shopping Mall. As soon as Huo Liancheng came out, he saw that the front was full of people. He immediately walked over and heard a familiar voice before he even approached.

Chen Xin was a tall man and separated the crowd. Although the people next to him had opinions, they all silenced when they saw Huo Liancheng. The men were shocked by Huo Liancheng's momentum, and the women were shocked by where this handsome guy came from.

Huo Liancheng naturally completely ignored the gazes of other people. He only focused on the woman who sat on the floor, with a gentle expression and a gentle temperament, but without losing his unrestrained eyes. His eyes could no longer be removed.

"This girl is so beautiful, and she sings well." Someone commented beside her.

"Yes, it is said that she was kind to help this sibling. I know these siblings. His father used to be our colleague, the poor child. My father died in a car accident, and my mother was hospitalized. No one cares about them. He eats buns every day. Today I wanted to come to show art to earn some money to eat, but my younger brother's hand hurt." A slightly older woman sighed.

"So they didn't know each other, hey, this girl is really kind."


Jian Yun is dressed in a simple white T and jeans, with two braids, brows and black eyes, pure and pure like a female college student. Many men look at her intently.

After singing a song, Jian Yun suddenly felt a familiar look. As soon as she raised her head, she crashed into Huo Liancheng's deep black eyes.

Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng's expressionless face and deep eyes. She couldn't figure out what he was thinking for a while, and was afraid that he would be angry. As soon as she turned her eyes, she immediately bent the corner of her eyes and faced Huo Liancheng's direction. Yanran smiled.

"Ahhhhh, the beauty smiled at me!" The men standing next to Huo Liancheng suddenly danced with excitement, their faces flushed.

"Ihadadream, Strangeitmayseems, Itwasmyperfectday..." Jian Yun stared into Huo Liancheng's eyes, sang the guitar with his bare hands and started singing.

Huo Liancheng was also looking at Jian Yun. When he saw the forest-soaked smile under her eyes, a corner of his heart immediately collapsed, and his cold, handsome face softened.

Jian Yun had been paying attention to the changes in Huo Liancheng's face, and she was relieved to see the coldness in his eyes fade.

"Hopeyounevergrowold...Ihopeyou\'llstayyoung,foreveryoung..." Jian Yun sang softly, and the beautiful melody flowed through the hearts of everyone like a gurgling stream, miraculously giving people a kind of peace of mind and stability.

But more people's eyes are still condensed on Jian Yun, because she is really beautiful, especially the pair of eyes, clear and clean like deep pool water, and the smile is so bright.

People kept coming over and put money in the jar. After such a short time, the jar was full of Dangdang money, including some hundred yuan bills.

After singing the song, Jian Yun put down the guitar and turned to the two siblings who were fascinated by them and said: "I'm leaving, you take care of yourself!"

The two siblings were still reluctant to give up Jian Yun, but they also knew that this elder sister was kind to help them, and they could not be too greedy, so the two quickly got up from the ground and bowed deeply to Jian Yun, "Sister, thank you you!"

Jian Yun stood up and waved, "Go home early! I wish your mother a speedy recovery!"

After speaking, Jian Yun turned around, first glanced at Huo Liancheng, then walked over, took his arm up affectionately, raised his head, and barked his teeth and smiled at him, "This gentleman, did you come to me ?"

Everyone's eyes suddenly gathered on the two of them, and someone suddenly exclaimed: "Isn't that Huo Liancheng? Prince Huo!"

"Gosh, it's really him!"

"Wow, so handsome!"

"..." The people around suddenly boiled, as if seeing a big star, they all pointed their phones at Huo Liancheng to take pictures.

"Go back to you to settle the account!" Huo Liancheng held Jian Yun's hand, lowered his voice, and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

Jian Yun pursed her mouth and smiled, "Okay, let's handle it!"

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