You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 515: 515 I'll Do It

"Go!" Huo Liancheng was really angry with Jian Yun. He didn't like being watched by so many people, so he hurriedly took Jian Yun and left.

Jian Yun watched Huo Liancheng drag her into Tianyi Shopping Mall, couldn't help but ask him, without saying a word, just turned her head around.

"What are you looking at?" Huo Liancheng asked.

"Where is Chen Xin? Wasn't he with you just now?" Jian Yun glanced across the crowd, seeing the crowd of onlookers gradually dispersing, but did not see Chen Xin.

"When did your relationship with Chen Xin get so good?" Huo Liancheng was unhappy. He didn't like Jian Yun's attention to men other than him.

"He and my uncle are comrades-in-arms. I have to pay attention to him for the exchange of life." Jian Yun blinked back at Huo Liancheng, "You won't even have to eat his jealousy."

"Eat your jealousy!" Huo Liancheng knocked on Jian Yun's forehead angrily, "I'll let him go and take the siblings home."

"Ah? When were you so kind?" Jian Yun was surprised.

"It's not for you!" Huo Liancheng's face was stinky, a little awkward, but it was more of indulging in Jian Yun, "Have you not found that the money you raised for them has caused some people to jealous?"

Jian Yun was shocked when she heard the words, "How is it possible?"

Huo Liancheng was helpless, this girl was indeed kind to help the siblings, but sometimes it might be bad, "You come with me!"

With that, Huo Liancheng dragged Jian Jun into the second floor of the mall, and walked to a terrace where he could overlook the commercial street. The place where Cheng Nuo had just promised to stay was also within sight.

At this time, the crowd had dispersed a lot. The siblings were staring at a jar full of money in a daze. They promised to hold a jar full of money in their hands. The money spilled on the ground shouldn’t be considered by both of them. To this day there will be such income.

At this time, an element of disharmony appeared. Jian Yun saw only a few young men who were dressed in flowing clothes slowly stepping forward. These few people had been wandering around before, and they should have deliberately waited for someone to leave before acting.

"I said, you two little ghosts, did you know that our elder brother saw this site?" said the first yellow hair suffocatingly with a cigarette in his mouth.

Cheng Nuo immediately hugged the money bank tightly, holding on to the promise, and staring at Huang Mao with a guard, "What do you want to do?"

"What do we want to do? We want to teach you how to do it!" Several people behind Huang Mao roared, "We see this land. If you want to make money here, you have to pay us a protection fee!"

"Nonsense, this street is obviously developed by a shopping mall. We are just on the corner. Why should I give you money!" Although Cheng Nuo was younger than promised, he was more mature and more courageous.

"Boss, talk nonsense with him, unruly kid, you'll know how good you are after hitting him!" A few gangsters spoke harshly, and one of them reached out to grab the money box.

"You dare to hit someone, I called the police!" Cheng Nuo tightly guarded the money bank. In his opinion, the money here was not only raised by the beautiful and kind sister, but also the living expenses of him and promised during this time. Finally, there is no need to eat steamed buns anymore. Maybe it is possible to pay the neighbour's aunt to help her mother buy medicine. The money is too important for them, so he should protect it.

"Oh, dare you to threaten Laozi and call the police? You report! Report! Seeing that the police are coming quickly, or I do it quickly!" Huang Mao spit out his cigarette butt, sneered forward and slapped Cheng Nuo on the head. , And grabbed a handful of money into the money tank while reaching out.

"Give it back to me!" Cheng Nuo suddenly seemed crazy, rushing over and using the yellow hair on his head.

"Cheng Nuo, come back! We'll give you the money, don't hit my brother!" Xu promised to see a few gangsters rushing up to beat Cheng Nuo, and he was shocked, screaming to pull him over.

"Sister, don't come here!" Cheng Nuo didn't forget to protect the promise by this time, and shouted: "Run with the money and go to the crowded place over there! The money can buy medicine for my mother!"

"We don’t want the money, don’t beat him! Come here, please save my brother!" Where did the promise dare to leave Cheng Nuo alone. At that time, he was anxious, and he could make more money if the money was gone. Wherever I am injured, my mother will die of sadness.

At this time, many people were watching, and some were aggrieved, but no one dared to step forward because they saw that the gangsters had knives in their hands.

"We want money, and we want people, kid, who is the beauty of you who sang today? You call her and ask her to accompany your brother, and your brother will let you go. What do you think?" Huang Mao Shaking the knife triumphantly, staring at the people around him, he tilted his head and said to Cheng Nuo.

"I don't know that sister, I don't allow you to insult her!" When Cheng Nuo heard this, he suddenly jumped up and hit the yellow hair.

"Oh, don't be afraid of hitting!" Huang Mao didn't pay attention to the stumbling he was hit, and became angry at the moment, grabbing Cheng Nuo's hair and going to punch him.

At this moment, Huang Mao suddenly realized that he could no longer use his hand. When he looked back, he didn't know where a man emerged from before him. He suddenly calmed his face and said, "Let go of me!"

Chen Xin's hand tightened, and his yellow-haired sore face turned green. Upon seeing this, his younger brothers rushed up and besieged Chen Xin, but Chen Xin resolved it three or two times. They were beaten on the ground and couldn't move.

"Ah, hit someone and killed someone! Report, call the police! Call the police!" Huang Mao only realized that he was afraid at this time.

On the other side, on the balcony of the mall, Jian Yun was watching what happened below. When she saw the gangsters going to grab the money box and hit Cheng Nuo, her brows were already frowned.

"So, did I do something wrong?" Jian Yun was not worried. Since Huo Liancheng said Chen Xin had done it, the two brothers and sisters would definitely not be in danger. What she cares more about at the moment is whether she did something wrong.

"You didn't do anything wrong!" Huo Liancheng had a cold face all the way, only when facing Jian Yun, would he show a gentle expression.

"However, if it weren't for me to help them, they wouldn't have so much money, and those gangsters wouldn't be eyeing them..." Jian Yun fell into self-blame.

"Then you have to see, in the end, which aspect is more beneficial to them, it's just a beating, but if you have money to eat, buying medicine for your mother is definitely more beneficial than living on the street, not even having food!" Huo Liancheng touched Touched Jian Yun's head and said.

"Then, if he is injured, maybe the money is not enough for him to see a doctor." Jian Yun said in a low voice.

"That's why I said you have to consider the consequences of doing things!" Huo Liancheng motioned to Jian Yun to look below, "Look, if Chen Xin did not show up, these people would not only steal the money, but the child would also be injured. This way , The public opinion will point to you, saying that if it weren’t for you to be nosy, the kid would just have no food at best. Now not only the money is gone, but the person is hurt..."

Jian Yun took a deep breath, "Although you are right, if I encounter this situation again, I might still take care of it. What should I do?"

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