You, CEO’s Secret Wife

Chapter 516: 516 Surprise Gift

"What else can I do?" Huo Liancheng smiled slightly, the pampering in his eyes was almost overwhelming. He stretched out his hand to support Jian Yun's shoulder, made her look at him with a little force, and said in a deep voice: "Just go. Do what you want, and I will take care of the rest!"

Jian Yun was stunned when she heard the words, and then she was moved and sweet. She knew that Huo Liancheng was a person with introverted personality. She seldom expressed it like this straightforwardly because she knew that Huo Liancheng was a person with introverted personality. Therefore, now that he can say such a thing, it is even more commendable.

It also proved that he really put her at ease.

Jian Yun encircled Huo Liancheng's waist, took the initiative to hug him, cuddled him, and listened to the powerful heartbeat in his chest, which made her feel an unusually at ease.

This is the sense of security.

No matter what you do, there are people who will protect you from the wind and rain and prevent you from being wronged.

"What are you laughing at?" Huo Liancheng heard Jian Yun's chuckle, knocked her head and asked.

"I'm thinking, those netizens said that if I can marry you, I must have saved the entire galaxy in my last life." Jian Yun raised his head and said with a smile.

Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows, "Shouldn't it be the whole universe?"

Jian Yun pouted, pretending to be disdainful, "You are the one who saves the universe, otherwise you can't marry me!"

Huo Liancheng nodded, solemnly, "Makes sense!"

Jian Yun chuckled and laughed, "Thank you!"

Huo Liancheng rubbed Jian Yun's head affectionately, "Do you have to be so polite to me?"

Jian Yun shrugged, and suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Huo Liancheng's lips, "Then I'm welcome!"

"Let's go." Huo Liancheng took Jian Yun's hand and turned and walked out of the terrace.

Jian Yun finally turned his head and glanced. Under the terrace, the police had rushed over. Xu and Cheng Nuo packed up their things and left under the **** of Chen Xin. The gangsters lying on the ground were still wailing.

Jian Yun noticed that Chen Xin answered the phone, and then glanced at the terrace. She heard Huo Liancheng's cold voice in her ears, "Even my women dare to covet them, and teach me these miscellaneous hairs!" "

As if a cold wind swept past, Jian Yun couldn't help but shudder.

"Where are we going now?" Jian Yun asked.

"Don't you take the initiative to visit the mall, not to buy me gifts?" Huo Liancheng squinted.

Jian Yun held back his laugh and shook his head pretentiously, "No, I just talked casually."

Huo Liancheng's eyes narrowed tighter, and he took a step forward, "Really?"

Jian Yun nodded and nodded, "Of course—"

"Huh?" Huo Liancheng threatened.

"Of course not!" Jian Yun hurriedly bent her eyes and said playfully. She will ask to come to the mall today, actually because Huo Liancheng's birthday is approaching, and she wants to choose a gift for him.

"Then what are you going to give me?" Huo Liancheng forced Jian Yun to admit, which was satisfied.

"I can't say this now, otherwise there will be no surprises then!" Jian Yun tilted her head and blinked. She saw that Huo Liancheng's face was still cold, but the smile in her eyes couldn't stop, and she couldn't help but follow. All right.

"Well, I can wait for you to surprise me!" Huo Liancheng pinched Jian Yun's waist.

As soon as the two of them were about to get on the elevator, Jian Yun saw a middle-aged man rushing in. When he saw Huo Liancheng, he was immediately relieved and said respectfully: "Huo Shao."

"Where is Chen Xin?" Huo Liancheng asked.

"Director Chen arranged for someone to send the two children back, saying that they would be back in five minutes." The man replied respectfully. Seeing Jian Yun staring at him, he respectfully smiled and said, "Good Huo, I am Lin Dacong, manager of Tianyi Shopping Mall. ."

"Hello." Jian Yun wondered, Huo Liancheng was visiting a mall, why is the mall manager so trembling?

Could it be--

"Wait for me." Jian Yun took out the phone from her pocket and planned to check it. As soon as she opened it, she saw a dozen missed calls, all of them from Huo Liancheng, and the time was precisely between her and Cheng Nuo. When the two brothers were together, it was estimated that there were too many people at that time, and she didn't even hear the bell ringing.

"No need to check, this mall is owned by Huo's." As if knowing what Jian Yun was going to do, Huo Liancheng suddenly attached to her ear and whispered.

"..." Jian Yun put down the phone, pretending to be a dry cough, "I didn't check it, I just saw who called me."

Huo Liancheng squeezed Jian Yun's face, frowned and asked her: "Duo Duo, you don't know how many assets my family has until now, do you?"

Jian Yun's eyes rolled and she saw that Manager Lin was also looking at her. Her face was a little red. She wanted to quibble, but when she saw Huo Liancheng's narrow eyes, she decided to admit it honestly, "Well, I I really don't know, but it makes no difference to me whether you have money or not!"

This flattery was obviously right, and Huo Liancheng was refreshed.

"Okay, let's go and see what you like." Huo Liancheng smiled.

Manager Lin obviously hadn't seen Huo Liancheng smile, and was actually stunned on the spot. It took a long time to react and saw that Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun had already gone far.

An hour later, Jian Yun and Huo Liancheng left the mall empty-handed, because Jian Yun walked around and found out that the things in the mall were so ordinary that she couldn't look at them, let alone Huo Liancheng.

What's more, Huo Liancheng lacks anything, and Jian Yun is entangled now. However, Huo Liancheng picked up a lot of clothes and shoes for Jian Yun and asked them to wrap them up and send them home.

Chen Xin drove the car over, and after the two got into the car, Chen Xin asked where he was going.

Huo Liancheng looked at Jian Yun, Jian Yun thought for a while, and said, "Go to Xiyuan Community. Something has fallen there. I will get it back."

"Liancheng, if you have something to go back first, I can go alone." After that, Jian Yun remembered that Huo Liancheng's time is precious. The schedule is full every day. I have been with her this morning. It's hard to come by.

"No, I won't work today, stay with you!" Huo Liancheng grabbed Jian Yun's hand, clasped her fingers, and said softly.

Jian Yun couldn't help but smiled and curled her eyes. She leaned her head on Huo Liancheng's shoulder and whispered, "This feeling is so happy!"

Huo Liancheng stretched out his hand and patted Jian Yun's face, his expression was also gentle only when facing her.

After arriving at Xiyuan Community, when getting off the bus, Jian Jun turned around and asked Huo Liancheng: "Are you going to go with me?"

"of course!"

All the way up the elevator, to the apartment where Jian Yun and Luo Yanyan used to rent, Jian Yun opened the door with the key. She saw a few pairs of shoes in the hallway and knew there was someone in the room, so she planned to quietly take things and leave, and turned around Give Luo Yanyan a call.

However, Jian Yun was packing things in her bedroom, and she heard a fierce quarrel suddenly heard from Luo Yanyan's room.

Jian Yun stopped his movements and looked at Huo Liancheng who was standing in front of the window. He was also looking at her. Although Jian Yun knew that listening to other people's conversations was bad, the voice was too loud, even if she opened the bedroom door. When she was locked up, she could still clearly hear the quarrel between Luo Yanyan and her parents and younger brother.

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