You don't make cards according to the routine at all, do you?

Chapter 305 Purgatory on Earth (please subscribe!)

A long-planned war should not give the enemy a chance to fight back.

The witch-robed man did exactly that.

When Gu Ci, Lu Beibei and the researchers were developing weapons together, bad news came out frequently in the international community.

On April 29, Subayli's super weapon "Svarog" was destroyed, and nearly a thousand soldiers survived.

On April 30th, a violent explosion occurred at the military base of Xiya, 14 big star card masters were sacrificed, and the "Medusa" was seriously damaged.

On May 1st, Lilvia, known as the kingdom of sea food, fell in the tide of beasts in Pisces Palace and became a delicacy for sea animals.

On May 2, 32 cities in the eastern part of Baiying Country were shrouded in unknown black fog and plunged into darkness.

On May 3, the same black fog appeared in Subayli.

This black fog can annihilate sunlight and hinder communication, like another nebula barrier.

On the satellite maps of various countries, these areas shrouded in black fog disappeared directly, completely losing contact with the outside world.

White Eagle Kingdom officials and Subayli officials sent more than a dozen troops to investigate the situation, but none of them returned.

Among them are six ninth-level big star card masters.

On May 4th, the "Freedom Day" decree of the Great Yang Kingdom was reviewed and passed, and it will come into effect immediately.

The insane bill should have been strongly condemned by the international community, but at this time, no one has the heart to take care of the affairs of the Great Yang Kingdom.

The people of the Big Yang Kingdom are very emotional.

Some people were angry and denounced Plot for devoid of humanity and not paying attention to human life.

Some people were ecstatic, shouting the righteousness of Plott’s democracy, that people should be born equal, and no one is more noble than another.

It's time for capitalism that squeezes the people at the bottom to pay the price!

For a time, the people of Dayang Kingdom were divided into two factions.

One group is ready to move, and the other group is in danger.

On May 7, the black fog spread to the territory of the applicant country, spreading to Busan and other areas.

On May 8th, history repeated itself. Valceno was hit by a large-scale beast tide in the Palace of Libra. The International Card Federation united with many countries to go to support.

Encountered a sniper attack on the way, more than half of them were killed or injured, and they failed to arrive at the battlefield in time, causing the line of defense to fall.

Chaos began to appear in the western region, and the situation gradually got out of control.

On May 12, the black mist mutated.

The black mist that hit Subayli turned into ice blue, and the temperature in the surrounding area dropped sharply, reaching minus ninety degrees at the lowest.

The black mist in Shenyi country turned green, and the smell of decay wafted across the country.

The official of the applicant country issued a warning to ask residents to close their doors and windows and minimize going out. If they must go out, they must wear masks.

The fog in the White Eagle Country was still black, but there were piercing screams.

Outside the black mist, bright red blood was thrown out from time to time, splashing on the ground, making the pitch-black mist faintly glow with scarlet light.

May 20.

The first person came out of the foggy area of ​​Subayli.

His skin was a strange ice blue color, his eyes were pitch black, and only the central pupil had a small red dot.

His face was covered with icy slag, and his whole body was covered with cold air, like a frozen corpse.

As soon as he came out, he directly attacked the Subaili soldiers stationed outside.

At the same time, the first case of "zombies" appeared in Busan, the country of World Heritage List.

He was originally one of the soldiers sent by the government to investigate the situation in Busan. After losing contact for many days, he returned to the edge of the foggy area.

The man's body was covered with wounds, dripping with blood, with his head buried, standing motionless outside the mist.

Only the code on his clothes showed he was from the official emergency services.

"He's still alive!"

When the soldiers saw him, they rushed to rescue him.

Unexpectedly, the man raised his head suddenly, revealing a horribly festered face. He reached out and grabbed the shoulder of the soldier closest to him, and bit his neck.

Blood spattered, staining the faces of the soldiers nearby.

The soldier touched the hot blood on his face, startled and angry: "Are you crazy?!"

He kicked the man away.

The bitten soldier fell to the ground, rolled his eyes, clutched his neck and twitched.

"Hurry up and take him back to heal his wounds!"

Each camp stationed in the foggy area is equipped with professional medical personnel.

As long as you don't die immediately, you can usually be saved.

What's more, the bitten soldier himself would not die, he just passed out.

In the early morning of May 21st.

The bitten soldier was lying on the hospital bed and suddenly sat up straight.

An hour later, the No. 3 Defense Battalion in the foggy area of ​​Busan was wiped out.

this afternoon.

A large number of mutated creatures emerged from the foggy area within the White Eagle Kingdom.

Mosquitoes with mouthparts thicker than human arms, spiders with limbs that can easily cut through the skin of a sixth-level Star Card Master... There are also insects that have mutated so much that they cannot be distinguished from each other. Once the moving black carpet climbs onto a person's body, it will burrow into the skin, gnaw at the person's bones and internal organs, leaving only the shriveled human skin that looks like a leak.

May 27.

The Great Yang Kingdom waged war on Silistan.

The reason is that Silistan rejected the invitation of the Great Yang Kingdom to let them join the "Human League".

"Human League" is an international federation established by Plott for the future development of human civilization.

One of the regulations reads: "Every country should set up its own "Freedom Day" to allow citizens to legally vent their negative emotions in order to build a long-term stable harmonious society."

There is also a rule: "The human alliance aims to improve the level of human civilization, and all actions should be based on accelerating the development of human civilization."

The human alliance is for the sake of mankind, and it is right to join the alliance. As a human being, one should contribute to one's own race.

If you refuse to join, it means that you don't recognize yourself as a human being, or you don't want human beings to have a good future, or you only know how to enjoy the resources of this planet and don't know how to be grateful.

Then, as the leader of the Human Alliance, the Great Yang Kingdom has the responsibility and the obligation to remove these moths that are not conducive to the development of civilization on behalf of mankind.

So, on the evening of the 27th, at 20:00.

A brilliant light beam spanned the Great Star Ocean and hit the capital of Silistan.

The beam of light fell into the city, expanding into an intense white light.

Looking down from the sky, the white light is like an upside-down bowl, covering Siristan in it.

Within a few seconds, the white light shrank rapidly again, turning into a small spot of light, which exploded suddenly.

The violent shock produced an irresistible wave of air, mixed with purple lightning, which crushed the capital of Silistan almost instantly.

That night, the leaders of various countries received bad news.

Silistan is destroyed.

The next morning, Plot held a press conference and reported last night's results to the public with a smile.

He specifically emphasized that the use of the God Cannon this time did not break the peace agreement, it was a just sanction, and everything was for the sake of mankind.

"Nice job!"

"Let those ignorant guys die!"

Plott's supporters cheered loudly, their eyes full of fanatical admiration for the new president.

It's been a long time in their Big Yang Kingdom that there has been such a hard-line president who can fight as soon as he says it.

This is the style that a superpower should have!

"Crazy... all crazy..."

Mordwood sat on the couch at home, watching the news on TV in disbelief.

He was making cards by the window last night when he saw the light.

He thought it was a shooting star, so he made a fucking wish, hoping that the world would return to normal as soon as possible.

As a result, Plott told him that it was not a meteor, but a super weapon of their country?

How dare Plott!

Are you not afraid of being attacked by other countries?

Plot is really not afraid.

At one time, several countries possessed superweapons.

Now only the god cannons of their Great Yang Kingdom are left.

What's more, those countries haven't even dealt with their own domestic disasters, so they still have the time to besiege the Big Yang Country?

"Bang bang bang!"

A loud knock on the door woke Mordwood up.


"I, Rhianna."

Modwood opened the door: "Why are you here?"

Rhianna: "Run for your life!"


Mordwood was startled. He didn't see anyone chasing Rhianna in the street, but he closed the door behind him.

Leanna entered the room and explained while panting: "Not now, but the day after tomorrow."

The day after tomorrow is the first free day of the Dayang Kingdom.

Mordwood poured the girl a glass of water and asked, "What's going on?"

Although it's a free day, as long as you don't provoke others, there shouldn't be a big problem.

He knew Rhianna's character, neither arrogant nor mean, but lively and lovely.

Coupled with Lori's appearance, Riana has always been a more attractive girl.

But the problem lies in this liking.

"I went shopping in the supermarket in the morning, and a man stopped me to confess to me, saying that he fell in love with me from the first time he saw me." Leanna said, "I politely said thank you to him, I have I like someone, guess how he will answer me?"

Mordwood: "Huh?"

Rhianna: "He said it's okay. I like you, not you. You can like anyone. You can even call his name when the time comes. I won't mind."

Mordwood: "?"

Rhianna: "I know where you live, wait for me at home in three days, good boy...he told me so."

"Fuck." Mordwood cursed, "What a jerk."

"The most important thing is that he is still a big star card master, I can't beat him." Leanna said, "So I'll hide here for a while."

Mordwood is a pure card maker, and her combat power is not as good as hers, but!

Aunt Susan lives in the villa next door!

With Aunt Susan around, that kind of disgusting stinky hooligan will die as many times as he comes.

"Bang bang bang!"

The two hadn't chatted a few words when someone knocked on the door again.

Open the door, this time it's Zackham.

Mordwood froze for a moment: "Aren't you in Croda State?"

Zackham: "I ran away."

Mordwood: "Are you being targeted too?"

Zackham: "Do you remember that I used to open a question and answer post on the Internet?"

Mordwood: "Wasn't that a few years ago?"

Zackham: "Yes, but a few days ago, someone dug up the post and asked me how to make Master Gu's mecha card. I said I didn't know, and he replied to me, 'Aren't you an old man? I don’t even know you know a hammer! See if I don’t hack you to death in a few days!’”

Mordwood: "..."

Zackham: "I didn't take it seriously at first, but since the last few days, there's a guy in a hoodie who's been hanging around my house, and my gut tells me he's the one, so I'm flying in to find you. "

To be precise, it was Aunt Susan.

Zackham thinks the same as Rhianna.

He had been to the police station before he came, but the police officers told him that they did not work on free days.

Thinking about it, Zakham still finds it a bit ironic.

Freedom Day is an official decree, and he actually wants to find the official to protect him...

All I can say is, this country is amazing.

Freedom Day is approaching.

On the surface, almost every country is experiencing disasters of varying degrees, only the Big Yang Country is not at all.

But in fact, the life of the residents of the Big Yang Kingdom is not easy.

Good people are always the majority, at least they don't really commit crimes just because they are legal.

But such kindness has become their weakness in the current environment of the Big Yang Kingdom.

Just like going to work in a company, the boss should manage the subordinates. If the subordinates do something wrong, they should be punished and their wages should be deducted.

But now many leaders are afraid to do so.

If you deduct other people's wages today, others will deduct your life at the end of the month.

There are also some company leaders who intensify their efforts and make employees work overtime desperately.

It’s okay if you don’t work overtime. I’ll meet with you alone on the free day.

In the current Big Yang Kingdom, it is reasonable for anyone not to order anyone.

This is heaven for the wicked and hell for the good.

Unfortunately, this situation was brought about by them alone.

When Harrison was in office, they felt that the president was incompetent and couldn't handle everything well.

In contrast, Plott does everything by himself and is dedicated to the people, which is many times better than Harrison.

Even when Harrison committed suicide by jumping off a building, many people didn't take it seriously.

How many people died when the island nation sank?

As an indirect or direct culprit, Harrison deserves atonement for what he did.

But after Plott took office, when the "Freedom Day" decree was promulgated, and when Silistan was destroyed by the cannonball of the gods, they could see clearly who was that beast in clothes and who didn't care about human life.

Unfortunately it was too late.

President Harrison used his life to sound the alarm for them, but they were not awakened.

Now that the Big Yang Country has been controlled by Plott, the only thing they can do is to hide on Freedom Day.

If you don't mess with others, others will mess with you.

Never overestimate a person's moral bottom line.

Good looks, exposed money, and an enviable quality of life can all be the reason you get killed.

They have to hide.

But where to hide?

Mordwood, Rhianna, and Zackham have Aunt Susan.

they do not.

The armed crowd broke in, killed the parents and dragged the little girl into the room.

The closed gate of the bank was blown open by explosives, and the security guard on duty was shot several times and fell in a pool of blood.

The beggars begging for food on the roadside slept on the cold street, their throats were slit when they fell asleep, and they could never wake up again.

There are also those who want to drive away from the city, only to find that the brakes of the car have failed and the fuel tank is leaking oil when they step on the gas pedal.

That night, the Dayang Kingdom was filled with screams and wailing.

There are desperate cries everywhere, like purgatory on earth.



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