You don't make cards according to the routine at all, do you?

Chapter 306 Light in the Dark Night (please subscribe!)

Fast forward to mid-June.

The world is filled with gunpowder smoke.

The zombies in the applicant country lost control and spread rapidly. Almost all cities have fallen, except the capital.

The officials of the country that applied for the legacy built a ten-meter-high steel wall around the capital to temporarily keep the zombies out.

But only temporarily.

The situation is still developing in an irreversible direction.

The people who built the country in the past have become walking dead, sparing no effort to destroy the last bastion of the applicant country.

There was darkness outside the city wall, and there were countless zombies.

The materials for sustenance of the applicant countries now rely almost entirely on airdrops from other countries in the East.

Are other countries doing well?


It's just that compared with the applicant countries, the situation of other countries is slightly better.

The ghouls that appeared in the Subairi area were also "contagious."

They themselves are unkillable, and unless their bodies are completely torn apart, they can get back up without arms or legs.

As for those who died during the battle, their corpses would be eroded by the strange cold air little by little, turning them into new ghouls.

The number of own people is getting less and less, and the ghouls are getting more and more.

If it weren't for the purchase of the design drawings from Dongfang Kingdom and the expedited production of a batch of mechas, which would have avoided confrontation with ghouls to the greatest extent and reduced the number of casualties among soldiers, Subayili's current situation might be worse than that of Shenyi Kingdom. Not bad.

The domestic situation is also very tense.

The human armies guarding the three star palace battlefields are all at a disadvantage. They abandoned their positions several times and retreated while fighting. As a result, the scope of the war zone was further expanded, and more and more cities became part of the battlefield.

It's not that the monsters in the star palace have suddenly become fierce, but that witch robes have mixed in.

Whenever the association army has the upper hand and is about to push back the monsters, there will be witch-cloaked people.

Not many people, just a few.

But without exception, they are all ninth order.

During the period, Xinghong and Mr. Lu also ambushed a wave of them with several ninth-level card masters, but they couldn't keep them at all.

Instead, they were pinned down and unable to defend in time, causing their respective original lines of defense to be forced back step by step by the army of beast hordes.

It was very frustrating.

Before this, people in the country never thought that the war was so close to them.

They think that volcanoes, tsunamis, and cold snaps are just natural disasters, and that their country is so powerful that they will definitely be able to survive it.

It wasn't until the history hundreds of years ago came out of the Internet that they realized that what they were facing was not a natural disaster, but a huge crisis that could destroy the entire human civilization.

An atmosphere of panic hangs over the East and hangs over the whole world.

Jiang Jianhua had already united with the eastern countries to plan a counterattack against the Great Yang Kingdom.

The first step is to raid Area 51 and destroy the Celestial Cannon.

For this reason, each country has even made preparations to sacrifice several ninth-level combat powers.

But the sudden fog disrupted all their arrangements.

We can only temporarily cancel the operation and go back to save our own country.

The plan to start a full-scale war with the Big Yang Kingdom on June 3 has also been postponed indefinitely.

Disasters within countries are just one of them.

The second is the god cannon.

This battle cannot be fought without first destroying the super weapon of the Big Yang Kingdom.

The mist and beast horde had already put them in a dangerous situation. If the Big Yang Kingdom aimed its weapons at them again at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

And the most depressing thing is that this day will come sooner or later.

The Great Yang Kingdom is now cleaning up those Western countries that do not want to join the Human Alliance in the name of "civilization".

When these countries surrender to the Great Yang Kingdom, or are eliminated, Plott will turn his attention to the East.

No one wants to sit still.

But the current precarious situation in their own country forced them to be patient.

To put it bluntly, they don't even have the ability to die with the enemy now.

The destruction of super weapons has caused the great powers to lose their biggest war cards.

On the other hand, they are both rank nine, and their combat power is no match for the witch-robed people.

Except for the top few, no one is an opponent of the wizard robe.

The opponent can hit several of them.

The situation of big countries is so difficult, let alone those of small countries.

They can't solve the fog alone.

Communications in wartime are not as comprehensive as in peacetime.

Especially when countries are overwhelmed.

But even so, there are still bad news of the country's destruction every day.

There are hundreds of countries in the world, large and small, and I don’t know how many are left.

These are the darkest two months that human civilization has spent after the establishment of order.

Before the war started, Jiang Jianhua tried his best to obtain supplies for the country.

After the war started, these materials were supported by him to other countries.

When the Aries Palace volcano and the Sagittarius Palace cold current erupted, neighboring countries such as Subayli and Shenyi Kingdom all extended a helping hand to Dongfang Kingdom. Now that these countries are facing the danger of extinction, Dongfang Kingdom will naturally not stand by.

What's more, at this time, there is no need to distinguish so clearly.

The war was far more tragic than expected. Everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, with dead lips and teeth, and no one can survive alone.

Therefore, despite the limited resources, Jiang Jianhua is still supporting the applicant countries, hoping that they can persevere.

The amount of materials put in is not too much, the amount of a big city, but it is basically enough for the application country.

I don't know if this is good news or bad news.

But such lingering days did not last long, and the real bad news came.

June 29, morning.

The naval fleet of the Great Yang Kingdom crossed the Great Star Ocean, entered the eastern sea area, and finally stopped near the Oren Triangle.

The twelve planes that Dongfang Guo and Subayli flew to the applicant country for airdrop were all shot down and crashed in the sea. Nearly forty soldiers died.

So far, the mutual support routes of various countries in the eastern region have been completely cut off.

After hearing the news, the people of the applicant country ushered in the most desperate moment in history.

There are endless zombies outside the city.

They beat the city wall, using their bodies to pile up a hill-like human ladder, which could climb in at any time.

They couldn't get out, and they ran out of food, so they could only stay in the city and wait to die.

Also desperate are some residents of the Great Yang Kingdom.

They were lucky enough to escape the first free day, but soon, the second free day is coming.

"Chief, order to burn the city." Pu Guoli gritted his teeth and said.

He took off his suit and put on his military uniform, with a star that should have been shining on his chest.

It's just that his clothes were stained with blood, and he was also unkempt, which made Jiang Xing look dull.

Pu Guoli is not a general.

In most cases, a pure card maker is also unlikely to become a general.

This is the position of a battle card master, and a card maker has another honor.

Only after two months of fleeing and defending to the death, Park Guoli learned to fight.

The number of zombies who died in his hands has exceeded four figures.

Compared with other generals, it is not much, but there is no one in the Shenyi country now.

Therefore, Park Guoyi put on the military uniform of the sacrificed soldiers, inherited the will of the other party, took up arms to defend the capital, and defended the last hope of the country.

To this day, hope is dashed.

Supplies have been cut off, which means they will have no food and no cards to use.

Star card masters without cards are no different from ordinary people. How can they resist the mutated and powerful zombies?

Rather than turning into something that is neither human nor ghost, it is better to die with dignity, at least it can preserve a spark for the Shenyi country.

"Burn it... we have no choice." The elderly chief looked at the crowd of zombies in the surveillance, closed his eyes, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes trembled slightly, and climbed up wet. These people were once also members of their country. Pillars are the cornerstone of society, what happened to make them what they are today?

"You go and arrange..."

"Gather up all the food we have left."

"Those children..."

"Transfer to the shelter before evening."

"Remember, the entrance must be sealed, you go and see for yourself, and don't let anyone else get close."

"Also, distribute the fuel we prepared, spread some everywhere..."

"If you want to burn it, burn it thoroughly, and kill more zombies. We have made a contribution to human civilization, and we have not wasted the supplies that various countries have given us."

"Go... let's do it."

These words are not many, but the chief said it several times.

His voice was trembling, and the sadness welling up in his mind from the bottom of his heart made him unable to finish speaking at once, only intermittently.

The only thing he hopes for now is that there will be a heavy rain after tonight.

Wash off the blood on the ground, wash off the ashes left by the fire.

In this way, when children come out of the underground one day, they can see a relatively clean world.

The city has been closed for more than a month, and the streets are already dirty and chaotic.

The bus is parked on the side of the road.

In the house, the mother was teaching her two five-year-old sons and daughters.

"When you get there, you must be obedient, and you can't compete with others for food, you know?"

"And you, don't bully your sister anymore, let her have something more, manly man, learn to protect your family."

"Mom, won't you and Dad come with us?"

"Let's go, of course we have to go, but it will take a few days. Your father and I still have things to do. We will go to find you when we are done."


The mother patted her younger sister's head, hugged the two children again, held back tears and handed them over to Pu Guoli.

Pu Guoli looked at his father who was pouring oil on the house by the window: "Do you want to give them a hug?"

Father paused for a moment, turned his back and continued the movement of his hands, as if he heard nothing, only two lines of tears ran down his cheeks.

It was getting dark.

People's hearts are also darkened together.

They didn't want to die, but the enemy didn't give them a chance to live.

They could clearly hear the wave of corpses hitting the city wall.

The sharp minions grind on the steel, making a creepy sound.

someone kneeling by the window praying

Someone hid under the bed and shivered.

Even though they know it's no use praying, no use hiding under the bed.

There are only two endings for them.

Either be assimilated by zombies, or be burned by flames.

The impact outside the wall became more and more violent.

The sound of people sobbing wafted over the city.

The old chief tried his best to keep calm and said, "Get ready to light the fire."

Undefended city walls will soon be overturned and pushed down by zombies.

The tide of corpses will pour in from all directions, flooding the last city of Shenyi Kingdom.

At that time, if you light the fire again, you can kill more zombies.

This is the last glory of their desperate country before it is destroyed.



The corpse wave hit the wall with its body without knowing the pain.

They also seemed to feel the desperation of the food, and they were more excited and worked harder than before.

The whites of their eyes are bulging and bloodshot, and their rotten mouths are open, revealing a mouthful of moldy teeth, dripping dark green mucus continuously.


Finally, under the violent impact of the tide of corpses, part of the city wall collapsed, and a huge gap was knocked out.

The entire circular city wall is also crumbling.

The zombies at the front fell to the ground due to inertia and were buried by rubble, but they did not stop the tide of corpses.

They stepped on the bodies of their companions, madly pouring in from the gap, rushing towards the city that was no longer covered.

People screamed uncontrollably.

The old chief closed his eyes again.

Just when he was about to give the order to light the fire.

"Boss, the Eastern Kingdom has come to support us!"

A soldier rushed into the room, excitedly.

"President Jiang told us not to give up!"

"He said they'd be here soon!"

The old chief's voice was bitter: "But we have no time."

At this juncture, there is still hope for the applicant country.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, the old chief is very grateful.

However, the tide of corpses has already broken through their last line of defense, and the Eastern Kingdom is more than 2,000 kilometers away from the Shenyi Kingdom, so it will be too late.

And the truth is—

In time!

Pu Guoyu stood alone on the empty street.

Holding a star card in his hand.

Just waiting for the old chief's order, he will detonate himself.

He wants to use his own body to ignite the fire, and die with the tide of corpses.

But before the old chief could give the order, the air in front of him suddenly twisted.

A figure appeared in front of him out of thin air.

Pu Guoli opened his eyes wide, opened his mouth slightly, and his tongue was a little knotted: "Gu, Gu...Master Gu?"

"En." Gu Ci nodded, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they arrived before the city wall completely collapsed.

Gu Ci held down the headset and said, "According to my coordinates, come here."


As soon as the voice fell, a larger space above the city began to distort.

The surging rule fluctuations set off a gust of wind, which made Pu Guoli take several steps back.

In the next second, a row of mechas appeared in the air.

Park Goo-yeon: "!!!"

What's this? !

Teleportation through time and space? ! !

Pu Guoli couldn't understand, but his face was filled with joy.

Master Gu is here, are they saved?

The number of mechs is still increasing.

Not only over the city, but also mechas outside the city walls were teleported over.

The sun that symbolizes hope has already set.

But the colors of the bodies of these mechas against the moonlight are more dazzling than the real sun.

From a high place, the old chief looked at the mecha troops that appeared one after another in the sky, was silent for two seconds, and then laughed.

Laughed so much that I burst into tears, and laughed so hard that I cried for a few lines.


The old chief wiped his eyes.

In time... really in time!

"It's time to fight back, everyone."

On the street, Gu Ci said softly.


The first round of artillery fire fell on the tide of corpses.

A fiery red light lit up the dark night.



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