You For Eternity

Chapter 116: Has a bully face

"Hey glasses, can't you and Little Pepper still have a conversation? Going to have a conversation? If you are single..."

This remark resonated.

It is well known that the TV station has more wolves and less meat, and is a new punctual beauty. She is pure white and has not been dyed by this flashy world. A walk in their department has already seduced many people's souls.

"If you are single, brothers can catch up! Fair play, if you don't play yin, whoever catches up will count!"

Of course there are women in the Ministry of Personnel, who ridiculed these words: "It seems like you have decided that a group of toads still want to eat swan meat! Have you asked other beautiful women if they would like it? Such a fragrant flower is waiting for you. Come to pick it? Someone who is rich and handsome has already started to be strong!"

"No one is chasing you, so sour, right?"

There was another **** storm inside the personnel department today.


The newcomer is a beautiful woman with a beautiful face. As soon as it’s lunch time, many people ask Qiantao for dinner in the name of taking care of the newcomer. If it weren’t for Gu Tong’s support At this, Qiantao might have been eaten by a group of hungry wolves.

"Okay, you Gu Tong, laughed at me all the way." Qiantao naturally sat with Gu Tong for lunch at lunch.

With a smile on his face, Gu Tong waved his hand, "Okay, I won't laugh at you. Who made our peaches look so delicious? Everyone wants to take a bite."

"It's as if no one is making you think." Qiantao gave her a white look.

"I see who dares!" Gu Tong immediately made a sturdy appearance, and then smiled, "It was before you came, but from now on, the person who needs to be careful is probably you! You are so bullying, who would dare to hit me on Gu Tong's idea? My little pepper's name is not for nothing."

Speaking of beauty, Gu Tong is also a standard beauty, and his figure is equally good, but it is of a different type from Qiantao's beauty.

She has a flamboyant personality, and no one thinks she is an easy host at first glance. So soon after entering the TV station, someone gave her the code name "Little Pepper".

Gu Tong didn't think it was derogatory, so it didn't matter.

"You have a fierce temperament, you have been good in the past five years..." Qiantao looked at her and smiled helplessly, and said with a smile on her face with one hand, "Why do I have a bully face? Up?"

"This's destined, so don't make unnecessary struggles."

Qiantao thought about it herself, and smiled.

Indeed, her appearance is not aggressive, and others will always think she is very talkative.

Yeah, she's so bullying, otherwise... how can those people stabbing her in the heart with knives again and again?

Qiantao’s expression betrayed her. Gu Tong knew that she was thinking of something bad again, so he immediately brought the topic back: "Peach, let me tell you about Yao Xin's hobbies and habits. Please remember it, lest it be because Some small things were tortured by her."

"Okay." Qiantao quickly recovered and smiled.


With the information given by Gu Tong, Qiantao didn't suffer too much from Yao Xin. Yao Xin is indeed someone who is more difficult to serve, but as long as she understands her habits and follows her in everything, she is in a good mood and won't find trouble.

Yao Xin looked pretty good at this newcomer, and looked pretty again, and liked it.

People can't help but want to appreciate the beautiful things, and Qiantao's beauty is gentle, even a woman, and she won't hate her at first sight.

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