You For Eternity

Chapter 117: I really have a son

Therefore, Yao Xin's first impression of Qiantao is not bad, positive and obedient, quite pleasing to the eye.

Someone leaned over to Qian Tao and said something to Qian Tao: "Taozi, you can actually handle Sister Xin. It's really amazing... Several new assistants were scolded so badly by her before. Quite a few people have resigned just now."

Qiantao smiled: "Tongtong taught me science, so I have to pay attention to everything I should pay attention to, and I won't make the mistakes they made before."

HC TV station has a long history and belongs to one of the three major TV stations. It has more than a dozen channels under its umbrella, covering many fields.

She is in the editorial team of the news department, and Yao Xin is the leader of the team, who is in charge of this small piece of them. As Yao Xin's assistant, she is just doing chores as mentioned before.

Someone wanted coffee, as a newcomer, she took the initiative to make coffee for everyone, and Yao Xin delivered the first cup.

So the first day passed happily. Everyone had a pretty good impression of her. She felt that she was beautiful, good-natured, and unassuming. She was very easy to get along with.

Gu Tong has been in the second group of editors for more than half a year, and he has become a small editor. Sometimes he will run the news for performance.

Approaching the end of get off work time, someone from the planning department next door came and wandered around the group pretendingly for a while, and finally stopped at Qiantao's desk.

Qiantao, who was helping Yao Xin to sort out the form, raised her head. She was someone she didn't know.

"What's the matter?" On the first day of the newcomer, she didn't want to offend anyone.

"You are welcome to join, we will be colleagues in the future."

"Hello." Qiantao stood up politely and shook his hand.

"Are you still used to the first day? You are not familiar with the TV station and the environment around here on the first day? Why don't you just ask you to have dinner after get off work? There is a restaurant a few minutes away that tastes great, I It’s that VIP, no appointment is needed."

Qiantao smiled calmly: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid it won't work. I have promised my son to take him to dinner."

Hearing the word "son", not only the people were stunned, but even the group of colleagues around Qiantao was stunned.

son? ? She has a son? ?

The stranger glanced at Qiantao with a startled look, and stood in a stalemate for a long time: "Okay...OK..."

You have a son at such a young age?

Qiantao sat down, thought about it, and couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, the best way to drive a man away is a child!

No matter how beautiful women are, those superficial men will be scared away with only two words, whether single is not so important to them.

Yuan Peipei, a female colleague next to her, slid the chair over and whispered, "Taozi, you are a great trick! Making up a son will scare them all."

Qiantao looked at her and smiled: "I really have a son."

The female colleague was dumbfounded, looking at her smiling, but couldn't guess whether it was true or false.

Could it be... really have children? Yuan Peipei was embarrassed, she didn't even have a boyfriend...

Yao Xin has a small office of her own, suddenly opened the door and came out, and hurriedly said a few people's names: "Hurry up, dress neatly, get up quickly! Someone is coming!"

The people who were named stood up one after another and checked their clothes.

At the same time, the leader of the second group also nodded his cronies to join the head, and Gu Tong was also listed.

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