You For Eternity

Chapter 209: Baby Vakaisen

After the shower, I changed my clothes and put on a light make-up. I remembered that my shoes were left at the gate last night, so I changed to another pair with a higher heel.

Forget it, the security guard didn't throw her shoes away, right? Just go out and exchange it back later.

Qiantao arrived in the living room, Li Hengzhi had put on his formal clothes and was eating breakfast.

Ji Xuan greeted her, her eyes followed closely with her still red lips, she understood something in her heart, and didn't mention it.

She kept silent during breakfast, and the two of them didn't mention the ambiguous good morning kiss at all, as if they had good table manners, and they couldn't say anything.

forget it?

It seemed that he didn't take it to heart, so she didn't have to think too much.

It's just a kiss, what's so great.

After eating breakfast, Qiantao hurriedly picked up her bag to leave. It takes ten minutes to walk from here to the gate, and another twenty minutes to walk from the gate to a place where you can take a taxi. If she doesn't hurry, she will be late. Up!

Putting on shoes and wanting to run, Li Hengzhi's arm was pulled by Li Hengzhi: "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"It's going to be late—" She looked back at him.

"No, I have plenty of time, obediently waiting here."


She felt wrong as soon as she came down.

Will you really be late if you wait any longer?

But he asked her to wait, she didn't dare to wait...

Qiantao ah Qiantao, look at your courage now!

When she was struggling, a black luxury car stopped in front of her in a short while, she was stunned, and a horn called her **** back, and the window came down: "What are you doing?

"Oh..." After hesitating for a second between the rear seat and the front passenger seat, he opened the front passenger seat and sat in, still thinking, what's going on?

Yesterday, I wanted to take a ride and not let me take the ride. Today, I am ready to run and drive her.

Don't understand, don't understand, the thoughts of the chief executive are really hard to guess!

"If you have time to take the driver's license test," he said.


"Not ready for the exam?"

"Oh... I'm looking for time..."

Why did you suddenly care about her driver's license?


At about the same time as yesterday, they brought the original crew, and Yuan Peipei and others went to Glory International again.

This time, the door guard knew them, and let them in without obstruction. The journey went smoothly. Only when the President had free time to accept the interview, the task was completed.

After waiting in the waiting room for a while, the person who came was still Yan Hai. He glanced at them and smiled at Qian Tao and said, "Miss Qian, please come out, the others will wait."

No one complains, after all, did you accept the red envelope yesterday?

Qiantao closed the door and asked him, "What's wrong?"

"Today the president is still too busy to eat."

"Don't eat? Is the company busy these days?"

"Uh...has been very busy." Yan Hai smiled and replied like this.

"Then what to do?"

"How go again?"


Qiantao also didn't understand. She was obviously here for an interview, and she turned out to be...President Li's personal servant?

The chief executive really enjoys being served by her. In this way, both work and food are not missed.

On the third day and the fourth day, it was still the same. Yuan Peipei and the others took a small red envelope every day. They were happily holding it, and they would complain, but Qiantao thought, they had a red envelope every day, she didn't!

They are willing to come and wait for two hours every day and then take the red envelope. It doesn't matter if they take it for a lifetime, but she has to wait on her all the time! What kind of difference...

Why doesn't she have a red envelope...


This is already the fifth day!

"Why do you look unhappy?" Li Hengzhi glanced at her and found her expression.

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