You For Eternity

Chapter 210: I mean you come

"No..." Qiantao replied cowardly.

"No?" Li Hengzhi didn't believe it, "just say anything."

"No!" She changed her smile and said, "President Li, you see that we have been here for so many days, so sincere, you see...Should you take ten minutes? If this continues, I really can't help it. I told the TV station."

You can wait for one day, two days, three days, or even a week. Seeing Confucius and Mencius has been anxious these days.

"No need to explain."


"Just leave directly."

Qiantao was taken aback for a moment: "How can that——"

"It's okay," he stood up. "The employees of your TV station are bold enough. Even my strong wife dares to move. I didn't ask them to settle the account. I have done my best."

Suddenly, the word "wife" came out of his mouth, making Qiantao stunned for a while, a little bit dazed.

Wife or something...

"After being resigned, I will stay at home and be your wife. Li Hengzhi will not even be able to afford my wife's food and clothing."

Qiantao: "..."

Of course she knew he could afford it!

More than just the degree of affordability for food and clothing? He just raises a football baby team, that's easy, but that's not the point...

Seeing Qiantao's unwillingness, Li Hengzhi was not annoyed either. He knew that she couldn't easily make her a canary who didn't do anything, and didn't rush forward.

"If you feel bored, I can find you a job in the Secretariat for fun," Li Hengzhi walked in the office, speaking casually, "You come to work if you want to work, and sleep at home if you don't want to. No one can control your attendance except me."

Qiantao: "..."

Did you hear that? Find a position to play! also……

This is probably the ultimate dream of many women in this life?

It’s so good to be a carefree and happy Xiaomi bug. The husband is so rich and handsome. He also offers such good terms. He goes to work like soy sauce, gets his salary, and sleeps...

Qiantao felt that if she did not nod, she would be stupid!


Why is she more willing to be a fool?

"Mr. Li..." Qiantao caught up with him and followed behind him, "I don't want to quit my job at the TV station now... Besides, I really won't be a secretary, I'll get into trouble!"

"No matter how you can cause trouble, you can still poke a hole in the sky? Even so, whether you can fill the hole, that is not something you have to worry about, I will find a way." Li Hengzhi said, squinting. She glanced at her and her eyes were full of disdain.

Just a soft and cute peach, even if you add a motor to her, it may not be able to smash the company.

Qiantao囧, it sounds like she really came to stab Lou Zi...

In any case, she didn't want to wander under his nose, it was easy for something to happen!

"Mr. Li--"

"Okay, I mean what happened after you were fired, let's talk about it later," he frowned, raised his wrist, glanced at the expensive watch, and said, "You can't visit yet? I went to the airport without visiting me. ."


airport? Is he going on business again?


The makeup artist was coming to put makeup on Li Hengzhi, but he was blocked by his hand, and solemnly refused: "No need."

"No, no, that's it." Qiantao said the same, and asked the makeup artist to go back.

I wonder where the chief executives still use makeup, people are naturally beautiful and hard to give up!

The long legs of the chief executive overlapped gracefully, his eyes squinted, his slender hand turned, his index finger hooked Qiantao, "I mean, you come."

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